Prep Christingle Service

Prep School pupils, staff, parents and grandparents enjoyed a wonderful celebration of Advent and Christmas at Mossley Hill Church at their Christingle Service. The service brought together two important strands of our LCA+ curriculum – spiritual formation and charity and service.

There were many compliments about the service and particularly the quality of the pupils’ performances. One grandparent reported that they were “blown away by the musical talents of the Prep School children particularly the diction and clarity of the singing”. Is there any primary school in the area which would do its nativity in Spanish? We are not sure, but we were all extremely proud of the music, the readings, the performances, and the excellent parental support for this event in a new venue.

A special word of thanks to our music team of Miss Clark and Mr Bishop, to our Chaplain, Mr Hammersley, and also to the PTA for providing the refreshments before the service. There was also some Senior School support at the event with Mr Hammersley’s Year 9 helpers volunteering as part of their Archbishop of York Youth Trust Young Leaders Award.
