Welcome from the Head

All pupils in the Prep School automatically have a place reserved for them in the Middle School.  In due course they will progress to the Upper School, where, I expect, the vast majority will continue onto GCSE and A Level courses and then onto the university of their choice.

We do not attempt to 'cram' the children for examinations, although our pupils are certainly well prepared. Our SATS results in recent years have been consistently well above both the local and national averages. One of the reasons for this is ongoing tracking of pupil progress from Year 1 up to Year 6 to ensure that our pupils are on course and meeting their individual targets. We share these targets with both parents and pupils and, in partnership, we ensure that pupils at least meet expectations and often surpass them.

Our educational philosophy acknowledges the best of recent developments in primary school teaching, whilst still placing emphasis on the traditional academic skills and attitudes. Literacy and numeracy are of fundamental importance. However, this is supplemented by our broad and balanced curriculum and extensive activity and extra-curricular programme. This means that visitors to the school find the classrooms and playing fields buzzing with happy children engaged in purposeful activities.

The Prep School enjoys the advantage of sharing many of the impressive facilities of the Middle and Upper School, including the Chapel, Sports Complex and Dining Hall, whilst retaining the distinctive character and identity of its own site within the College campus. Contact with staff from other areas of the College greatly enhances the quality of experience here and adds to the sense of continuity, which we believe to be so important.

It is my intention that Liverpool College Preparatory School should build upon the excellent foundations laid in the Pre Prep. I want all of our boys and girls to develop lively, independent and enquiring minds, to know that they attend a school that cares about them as individuals and that their home and school are working closely together to give them a first class start in life.

Mrs Anne Pease
Head of the Preparatory School


Learning with Character

In 1840, Liverpool College was founded on a commitment to educate the whole person. Although we made this pledge over 170 years ago, it has never been more relevant than now.


LCA Love the journey

Our Curriculum – LCA+

We pursue our mission of Learning with Character through the LCA+ curriculum. LCA+ is a challenging, broad and engaging curriculum consisting of seven academic and subject strands and seven strands of personal and social education and development.




We educate children from 4 – 18 years old and welcome applications from parents both within and outside the Liverpool area. 




Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance is a vital part of the education of our pupils here at Liverpool College.