Extended Project Qualification

The EPQ allows students to explore their academic interest further, whilst at the same time developing character traits and transferable skills that are useful in every aspect of future life.  It is a core part of our Sixth Form experience and one that all students complete.

  • It allows you to explore a topic you are genuinely interested in - either beyond the scope of your A-Levels, or something else entirely.
  • It can demonstrate to Universities that you’re enthusiastic about the subject you’re applying to study especially Medicine, Engineering.
  • Universities value the EPQ, and many make lower offers based upon completion of it.
  • The EPQ is worth half an A-Level in terms of UCAS points - more than an AS qualification.


Examples of titles that our students submitted in 2022 included:

  • How has the evolution of feminism has changed fashion over the past century? 
  • How can we encourage people to become organ donors?
  • What is High Functioning Anxiety, and are competitive environments the cause of its occurrence among students?
  • Exploring the link between ageing physically and the attributes used to decelerate it.
  • What evidence is there to support the theory of black holes?
  • Can CRISPR Gene Editing Technology Cure Cancer?
  • Was Anne Boleyn the First Feminist?
  • Who has made the most significant contribution to the genre of Avant Garde music?



16-19 Bursary

The 16-19 Bursary is designed to help support those people who face the greatest barriers to continuing in education and training post-16. 

A bursary is money that you and your school can use to pay for things like:

  • clothing, books and other equipment for your course
  • transport and lunch on days you study or train

Applications can be made throughout the academic year as students’ financial or home situations change.  

The 16-19 Bursary Form contains all the details of the eligibility criteria plus evidence required.




Liverpool College Sixth Form is a happy and caring environment. The Sixth Form should be a fruitful time in the personal and intellectual development of every student. Our aim is to provide our students with a purposeful and challenging experience which strengthens their capacities and interests, develops their character, and gives them the confidence to take the next step on their academic and life journey.

Through the curriculum, our Sixth Formers engage in rigorous academic study, whilst developing key character traits and skills of independence, resilience, leadership and responsibility.

As well as A Level and BTEC studies, all students undertake an Extended Project Qualification which can lead to lower university entry requirements.

There are around 130 - 140 students in each year group and we typically welcome between 40 and 50 students from other schools.

The average class size is 16 and students are taught by experienced subject leaders. Our programme of Sixth Form House Mentors provide strong pastoral support and create a community with purpose and ambition for each student.

The Sixth Form is housed in a dedicated Sixth Form building called Godwyn House which is a refurbished Victorian villa on our campus. The Sixth Form is further strengthened by our boarding programme which brings a diverse and highly motivated group of young people to the Sixth Form.

In November 2019 our Sixth Form was rated as Outstanding by OFSTED. Sixth Form specific sections are highlighted below:

"The curriculum offer for sixth-form students is ambitious for all, and students' achievement is excellent. Students' character development continues to be a major focus at key stage 5. Teachers provide students with a wealth of diverse and enjoyable opportunities to support their personal and social development. These include: preparing food for university; driving test theory classes; and opportunities to be ambassadors for younger pupils.  Students are extremely positive about their education and they say that they are very well supported in sixth form. Pupils receive very high quality careers advice and guidance. They are very well prepared for their next steps in education, employment or training. The overwhelming majority go on to study at highly respected universities."

If you would like to apply to join us in September 2023 then please visit the Admissions page of our Sixth Form section of the website.



























Learning with Character

In 1840, Liverpool College was founded on a commitment to educate the whole person. Although we made this pledge over 170 years ago, it has never been more relevant than now.


LCA Love the journey

Our Curriculum – LCA+

We pursue our mission of Learning with Character through the LCA+ curriculum. LCA+ is a challenging, broad and engaging curriculum consisting of seven academic and subject strands and seven strands of personal and social education and development.




We educate children from 4 – 18 years old and welcome applications from parents both within and outside the Liverpool area. 




Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance is a vital part of the education of our pupils here at Liverpool College.