Recycling Projects Update

Bottle Tops

After only two weeks of 7 Selwyn’s and the Eco Committee promoting the Liverpool College Recycling Project, our Bottle Top collection has reached over 1700 already. The target is easily going to be surpassed at this rate and it is hoped that this can be achieved by half term. The project is going to be run until Easter so it gives everyone an opportunity to continue collecting them. A target of 5000 is what we would ideally like to aim for.

The bottle tops will be recycled by melting and shredding them down to form new plastic materials that pupils can use when manufacturing their design work. Plastic bottle tops from milk bottles, pop bottles and juice bottles can all be donated.

Please ask your child to drop them in the recycling boxes in the reception area of Pre Prep and Prep School and also in MV13 and C5 where they will be collated. There will also be a collection point in Godwyn House for the 6th Form.


Eco Bottles

Eco Bottles should be filled at home before being brought into the school drop off points. These take a while to fill, and pieces of plastic wrapping must be cut into small pieces before being put in the 2 litre bottles. In a small space of time we have reached double figures but we will need a lot more if our Forest School is going to make use of them. Please remember that plastic wrapping should be clean.

Eco bottles are a way of collecting plastic which cannot be recycled (sweet wrappers, crisp packets, clean food packaging etc.).

Mrs Webb (7 Selwyn’s House Mentor)
