Curriculum Links

At Liverpool College we recognise that for many years, schools delivering any kind of LGBT+ awareness work, have been doing so as part of their PSHE or RSE programmes. Far too often, this has been the single one hour of education on this topic that the students receive. This kind of LGBTQ+ specific education is important, but what is equally important, is LGBTQ+ inclusive lessons, a sprinkling of LGBTQ+ people and lives through all curriculum areas.  Please follow the link for some examples of lessons used across the key stages:




Support for LGBTQ+ Pupils and Students

We understand that every pupil or student’s journey is unique, and we want to provide the help and support you needs as an LGBTQ+ student or someone questioning their identity. Our school is here to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.

You are not alone
Always remember that you’re not alone in your journey. There are people in our school and community who care about you and want to support you, including friends, family, and school staff.

Understanding LGBTQ+ terms
It’s essential to know and understand different LGBTQ+ terms like gender identity, sexual orientation, and gender expression. This knowledge can help you better understand yourself and others, and create an inclusive environment.

  • Gender Identity is how we feel inside about being a boy, a girl, both, or neither. Some people might be transgender, which means their gender identity doesn’t match the body they were born in. Other people might be non-binary, which means they don’t feel like just a boy or a girl.
  • Sexual Orientation is who we are attracted to or who we have romantic feelings for. People might be straight, gay, lesbian, or bisexual, depending on whether they are attracted to people of the opposite gender, the same gender, or both.
  • Gender Expression is how we show our gender to the world. This might be through the clothes we wear, the way we style our hair, or how we act. Everyone’s gender expression is different, and it’s important to respect and celebrate each other’s unique styles.
  • Queer is a word that some people in the LGBTQ+ community use to describe themselves. It can be a way of saying that they don’t fit into traditional ideas about gender and sexuality.
  • Pronouns are the words we use to refer to someone when we don’t use their name. Common pronouns are he/him, she/her, and they/them. Some people might use different pronouns that match their gender identity. It’s important to respect and use the pronouns that people tell us they prefer, as this shows kindness and understanding.

Safe Space and Inclusivity
We strive to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students. This includes respecting pronouns, avoiding stereotypes, and challenging discrimination. We want everyone to feel comfortable and supported at school.

Bullying is not Ok
Bullying and harassment have no place in our school. If you experience or witness bullying, please report it to a trusted adult. We will work together to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

Wellbeing and Support
Taking care of your mental health and wellbeing is important. Don’t hesitate to talk to someone you trust, practice self-care, and seek support when you need it. We’re here to help you through your journey.

Coming Out
If you decide to come out to others about your LGBTQ+ identity, remember to choose the right time and place, be honest and clear, and be prepared for different reactions. Our school community is here to support you in this brave step.

Together, we can create a school community where everyone feels safe, supported, and valued. Our school is committed to providing pastoral support for all students, including LGBTQ+ students and those questioning their identity. Remember, you’re never alone, and we’re here to help.

Support in Primary Phase                                                                                               Support in Secondary Phase



  • Switchboard LGBT+ helpline provide an information, support and referral service for lesbians, gay men and bisexual and trans people – and anyone considering issues around their sexuality and/or gender identity. 
  • Stonewall have information, resources and campaigns for the LGBT community and beyond.
  • Mind Out is run by mind, it is an online one on one support for LGBTQI+ people who are experiencing mental health difficulties.
  • Student Pride run annual, national events for LGBTQ+ students across the country with fantastic guest speakers and panel discussions.
  • The Proud Trust provide support to young people aged 14-25 who are LGBT across the North West through youth groups and 1-2-1 support, and have a number of free online guides, as well as research.
  • GYRO are award winning LGBTQ+ youth groups for children & young people aged 11-25 years, who may be exploring sexuality and/or gender identity. GYRO has existed in some form since 1976 making it one of the oldest LGBTQ+ youth provisions in the country (as far as we can see)!


The Rainbow Flag Award

The Rainbow Flag Award is a national quality assurance framework for all schools and youth-centred organisations. The award focuses on positive LGBT+, (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities), inclusion and visibility.

The Rainbow Flag Award encourages a whole School approach to LGBT+ inclusion, as well as developing strategies to effectively challenge and combat LGBTphobic bullying.

Committing Liverpool College to the Rainbow Flag Award is a commitment to improve the lives of all the young people that we work with, as well as the LGBT+ young people in our care, those from LGBT+ families, and LGBT+ staff members.

Through a year-long process of self-assessment, ongoing monitoring and feedback, we at Liverpool College have access to a variety of resources and interventions, helping us meet the standards in each of the Rainbow Flag Award areas:

Click here to find out more about The Rainbow Flag Award

Support for our LGBTQ+ Pupils and Students

We understand that every pupil or student’s journey is unique, and we want to provide the help and support you needs as an LGBTQ+ student or someone questioning their identity. Our school is here to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and valued. Click here to find more information about support in school as well as further resources from other organisations.

Curriculum Links

Click here to read more about LGBTQ+ curriculum at Liverpool College.


From Personal Development to LC+ Curriculum

The College’s motto Non solum ingenii verum etiam virtutis - not only the intellect, also character, reflects its long-standing commitment to the holistic education of the human person in all aspects: intellectual, moral, physical, emotional, spiritual and creative. We are determined to make the College a school which transforms the lives of its pupils by providing all pupils with an educational experience which prepares them for a happy, fulfilled and joyful life.

The College wishes to pursue the development of a curriculum which will challenge and enable all pupils to pursue their growth in character and well-being. In 2021-22, we piloted a broad, unique and clearly articulated personal development programme in Chapters 1, 4, 7 and 8. This programme focused on relationships, service, activity, music, games and fitness and premised on the strengthening of the quality of the relationships between pupils and between pupils and staff, something which we felt very much committed to as a school particularly in the aftermath of Covid 19.  This curriculum was developed in partnership with the Youth Sport Trust. The original programme and all the activities that make it up are underpinned by the values of:

  • healthy minds, healthy bodies
  • aspiration
  • resilience
  • competition
  • inclusive of all abilities
  • challenging for all abilities
  • recognised success for all

After a year’s pilot this programme was expanded into every chapter, each having its own sequenced, age appropriate curriculum. Pupil and staff voice was sought to evaluate the pilot programme and adjustments were made as a result. For example, the PSHE element was broken into smaller but more frequent sessions to assist with retention and recall of these important topics. The strands were also relaunched as the seven LC+ strands, part of the LCA+ Liverpool College Curriculum.


Our Commitment to Inclusion and Equity

Liverpool College is a diverse, multi-faith, inclusive school which draws pupils and staff from every community in the Merseyside region and we are determined to become a beacon of excellence in educational practices of inclusion, anti-racism, and equity.

We value and celebrate the diversity of all our school community. We seek to eliminate any form of inequality, bullying, unfair and unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation. We are committed to advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations between pupils, staff, parents and within different groups within the school and within our local community and country. We will do all we can to treat individuals with consideration and fairness to secure the best possible educational experience for all.

We aspire to be a school of character where all are included, valued, treated fairly and equally, and empowered to be their best.


Our equality objectives, as agreed with the Governing Body are:

 1.     To ensure that all governors and staff understand and comply with current legislation surrounding equality and diversity, and understand their individual and collective responsibilities, and review relevant school policies and publications to ensure they clearly reflect the aim of inclusivity.
 2.  To promote cultural understanding and awareness, valuing and celebrating various cultures and religious beliefs amongst different ethnic groups within our school community.
 3.  To promote mental health awareness and develop appropriate support strategies.
 4.  To commit to improving accessibility across the College for pupils, staff, and visitors with disabilities.
 5.  Closely monitor and record incidents involving the use of homophobic, sexist, and/or racist language by pupils and ensure consistent action by staff in response.
 6.  To provide role-models for all pupils, ensuring diversity in the staff and governing body, visiting speakers and in leadership roles (including pupil and student leadership roles). 
 7.  To provide appropriate and early pastoral interventions for pupils to promote positive behaviour and inclusion, especially for those groups over-represented in behaviour data (including boys and pupils high on the LC Vulnerability Index).
 8.  To ensure we are actively closing gaps in attainment and achievement between pupils and groups of pupils; in particular boys and girls, SEN pupils and non-SEN pupils and pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium and non-eligible pupils.  
 9. To achieve the Rainbow Flag Award to further promote LGBT+ inclusion and visibility.
10. To regularly review the curriculum, library and reading materials so that they support our drive to support equality and diversity and ensure the positive representation of the diversity of our school.


Frequently Asked Questions


State boarding schools welcome children from all backgrounds. We can admit UK pupils, children from outside the UK need to have right to residence in the UK before they can be accepted as boarders. 


Boarding fees are low because whilst they cover the cost of providing the boarding place, the school, like every state school in England does not charge for education.  


This varies from full time and weekly boarding, and will change yearly.  

2023/24 Fees 


£               11,843 


£               14,006 


For September admissions, you are best to start applying from the previous September. We advise you come and visit the school, there is an initial discussion for the parents with the Principal followed by the child’s suitability assessment with the Head of Boarding and Dean of their year group.  


No, for boarders there is no catchment area.  


No, we provide weekly boarders, with boarders going home for weekends if that is what families prefer, in addition to the half terms and holidays.  


  • A citizen of the UK 
  • A British passport holder who may live abroad 
  • A student with a ‘Right of Residence’ in Britain e.g. if they have a parent with right of residence here work purposes. 


UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Award

Our UNICEF Journey thus far!

UNICEF Right Respecting School Programme has successfully brought pupils, parents and staff together. Our collective work has been recognised by the awarding of Bronze and Silver accreditation.

As we now ‘Go for Gold’ our journey continues. It is an important outcome that we strive to achieve through our work and the Right Respecting Schools framework.

UNICEF supports the inclusivity of our school and its effectiveness in educating our pupils, staff and families to become proactive in the promotion of defending, recognising and exercising human rights.

Please see links for more information.



Learning with Character

In 1840, Liverpool College was founded on a commitment to educate the whole person. Although we made this pledge over 170 years ago, it has never been more relevant than now.


LCA Love the journey

Our Curriculum – LCA+

We pursue our mission of Learning with Character through the LCA+ curriculum. LCA+ is a challenging, broad and engaging curriculum consisting of seven academic and subject strands and seven strands of personal and social education and development.




We educate children from 4 – 18 years old and welcome applications from parents both within and outside the Liverpool area. 




Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance is a vital part of the education of our pupils here at Liverpool College.