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secondary phase - homework

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Secondary Phase – Reporting

How do I receive my child’s report?
In academic year 2019-20, we will be giving each child a paper report to take home and a copy will be placed onto SIMs Parent App. From September 2020, we will only be sending reports out via SIMs Parent App. It is important that you log on to SIMS to receive reports. SIMS is a school database.

How many reports a year will I receive for my child?

  • Four written reports and one parents evening.
  • You will receive three end of term reports (Christmas, Easter and Summer). For year groups that are sitting external examinations in the summer, they will not receive a summer report as this is replaced by external results.
  • You will have the opportunity to meet subject teachers once a year.
  • All pupils will also receive one “Progress report”. This report will evaluate how your son/daughter is performing in all aspects of the Liverpool College Curriculum. It will also give each pupil a maximum of two targets to help them make more progress.

How do you decide what a pupil's target grade is in each subject?
Initially in year 7 we use Key Stage 2 raw scores to baseline pupils. This is an internal estimated target. We review this in February when the targets are set from Fisher Family Trust (FFT) see below.

FFT give each pupil with KS2 data an expected grade for each subject that they are most likely to achieve in their GCSE examinations. The terminology you see in KS3 reports links to the GCSE grades below:

   GCSE Grade   Old GCSE Grades 
 Exceeding, Exceeding + 8, 9   A* 
 Secure + 7+   A/A* 
 Secure  A 
 Expected + 6  B
 Expected 5   C+ 
 Developing + 4   C- 
 Developing 3 D
 Emerging 2,1  E and below 

How often are targets reviewed?
Targets are reviewed at each progress point in the academic year. This is at the end of every term.

What are progress points?
Progress points take place at the end of each term. This is where pupils will be assessed on all the work covered to date and then a report is sent home on progress and their behaviour towards learning. This should give all parents insight into how their child is progressing in school.

What information do FFT use to predict a childs expected GCSE grade?
FFT calculates an estimate from the Value-Added score of pupils in the previous year's results datasets. Each student has a unique set of estimates which are calculated from the results and Value-Added scores of students similar to them.

What is Value-Added?
Value added is a calculation based upon how much value has been added to your child’s progress from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4.

What is Fisher Family Trust (FFT)?
FFT is a non-profit organisation established in 2001 as part of the Fischer Family Trust. They are focussed on providing accurate and insightful information to schools which enables pupils to achieve their full potential and schools to improve.

My child is in year 8 and is Expected in most subjects. What does that mean?
This means that they are working towards a GCSE grade 5 in this subject. A grade 5 is a “good” GCSE pass.

I have just received my childs Progress report. What can I do to help them make more progress?
Your child will have a maximum of two targets to help them make improvements. If you look on the parents area and in the report tab on SIMs Parent App there will be a folder which contains all possible targets per subject and links to resources to help your son/daughter to achieve the targets set. You can then encourage your child to take action.

What are the barriers to learning in the progress report?
The barriers to learning link directly to The Lerpoolian standards, this is what our behaviour system is centred around. If your child is repeatedly rude during lessons the class teacher will indicate this with a x in the column heading 1. These standards are that a Lerpoolian:

  1. is respectful, polite and courteous at all times and in all places
  2. is on task, engaged and making progress
  3. arrives on time, is prepared, dressed and equipped for every lesson and activity
  4. does not talk when a teacher is talking;
  5.  always hands work in on time

How do I read the report?
Look at your child's Lerpoolian standard first - this is a measure of your child's attitude to learning in class, we want all pupils to be aiming to be at least good. Is your child giving their best in all subjects? If not ask them why.

If your child is currently working at (CWA) a grade below their target aspirational grade (TAG) discuss how they think they can improve. Get them to speak to their class teacher to get some guidance. 

What discussions should I have with my child about their report?
Ask them some of the following questions:

  • Why is your attitude to learning (ATL) better in X than Y?
  • What are you getting achievement points for?
  • What are you getting behaviour points for?
  • Why are you doing better in X than Y?
  • How are you going to improve/maintain this ATL or grade?
  • What feedback have you had from your teacher?
  • What subjects do you like? Why?
  • What subjects don’t you like? Why?

What happens after we receive the report?
Pupils complete a reflection form with their house mentor to evaluate their learning this far and progress is monitored by the class teacher. The house mentor will return to the reflection form after 2 to 4 weeks to see what action has been taken by the pupil. Interventions will be put in place both academically and from a pastoral point of view.


Secondary Phase - Examination Preparation

How much revision should my child actually be doing?

Approximately 2 hours of revision/homework per night – 4 school days a week. Approximately 5-6 hours revision/homework over the weekend. Marathon studying sessions are certainly NOT recommended. Fundamental principle to revising is to do it regularly and constantly, little chunks at a time.

When should they start to revise?

Now! If homework and revision are left to the last minute, this will limit your child’s chance of doing their best. For GCSE’s and A’level’s it is best to start their revision in March.

How can I help my child organise their revision before the exams?

Encourage your child to produce a revision timetable and to factor in short breaks.

How can I help create the right environment for my child to revise?

Give them space to revise. Somewhere quiet with a chair and a desk with as few distractions as possible.

What are the common problems pupils face?

Putting off revision, finding excuses to do other things or leaving all the work until the last minute. The biggest problem surrounding revision and exams is stress. It can make even the most ardent reviser think they can’t remember anything, and even lead to panic attacks.

How can I help my child deal with exam stress?

  • Encourage them not to be frightened of exam stress, but to see it as a positive thing – after all, it keeps them on their toes mentally, and can help them focus on the task in hand.
  • Learn to recognise when they are stressing out and understand its causes. Often a break or a chat with someone who knows the pressure they are under will get things into perspective.
  • Make sure they get a good night sleep before each exam.
  • Encourage them to eat healthy during their revision and exams – lots of fruit, vegetables and water.

What else can I do?

  • Ensure your child attends school regularly and is punctual.
  • Be realistic – not only in your expectations of your child, but also in the fact that exams are important and still life goes on.
  • It’s important that you encourage without too much pressure.
  • Be interested in your child’s progress and praise success!
  • DON’T PANIC! You are not alone. If you or your child has any concerns please contact your child’s House Administrator.
  • Encourage the rest of the family to be considerate.
