Open Evening for Year 7 2025 Admissions

OPEN EVENING - WEDNESDAY 11th SEPTEMBER 2024 from 3.30pm - 5.30pm. Please take this opportunity to visit Liverpool College to hear more about the admissions process and meet staff and pupils. School will be open for tours from 3.30pm to 5.30pm and you will need to arrive by 4.30pm at the latest to have time to look round.  For further details please click HERE


GCSE Results 2024

Congratulations to this year’s GCSE pupils who are celebrating an outstanding set of results, both individually and collectively. The class of 2024 smashed national attainment figures with 35% of their grades awarded 7 and above, double the average for the whole of the North West this year. Our GCSE pupils this year achieved on average a quarter of a grade higher than pupils in other schools nationally.

Particular congratulations go to the individual successes, especially to Katherine R and Charlie L who averaged a grade 9 over their 9 GCSEs.  An impressive total of 19 pupils averaged a grade 8 and above over their 9 or 10 GCSE subjects.

Topping the value added, an indication of those pupils who have made the most progress since joining the secondary phase, were Kevin H, Adam K, Charlie Y, Luke P, Charlie L, Alex Y and Bradley S.  A total of 10 pupils achieved at least two grades higher than their prior attainment would predict.

This is a cohort who missed much of their early years in the secondary phase due to the pandemic with schools closing in their first year of senior school and much lost learning over the following years.  Particular congratulations to them for their resilience and fortitude in achieving these excellent results despite these challenges.

These results mean that many pupils are able to progress into the next phase of their education at an institution of their choice, with over 75% choosing to remain at Liverpool College to join our thriving and expanding Sixth Form cohort for September 2024.  We wish all our GCSE pupils of 2024 well for their future successes.


A Level and BTEC Results 2024

We are delighted with the excellent A-Level results awarded to the class of 2024. Congratulations to the whole cohort for their hard work and resilience in their studies, especially with being the first cohort to sit both their GCSEs and A Level results post pandemic.
Yassin Y and Ruth M led the way with an impressive 4 A* grades each, closely followed by Jude C with 2 A*s and 2 A grades.  Katie P and Isabella T-L both attained 2 A*s and an A grade, with five students attaining 2 As and an A* (Ruby A, Zipho M, Elizabeth H, Oliver H, and Jaeden R.  Particular mention to Dylan D who attained an impressive full marks in his Art and Design A Level.
Congratulations to the students who topped our list of ‘value added’ achievement – Joshua C, Ruth M, Samuel McC, Yassin Y and Annabel A.
Currently 76% of students secured a place at their first choice of university studying a wide range of subjects from Accounting to Zoology. Ruth M, who gained a place at St John's College, Oxford to  study Psychology and Linguistics, featured in an Oxford Univeristy's news article congratulating their new students - click here to read more. 
Most pleasingly, early indications are that our value added at KS5 has improved on the most recent 2019 pre-pandemic figure.  
Subjects that performed particularly well this year are Further Maths, Biology, History, Geography, Mathematics, and Art. Also particularly pleasing were this year’s BTEC grades which have improved significantly on recent years with Sport BTEC performing particularly well. 
Congratulations to all our students for their very well earned A Level and BTEC results.


Pupils ran an art exhibition from start to finish!

Work from the winners of the personal development programme art competition was displayed this week, alongside information on careers within the arts. This gave pupils an insight on how their creative skills can lead them into further education and careers.

We included details of art exhibitions running through the summer for things to do and even information on clubs they could join in September! Notably our Eco committee has been involved in some key events this year, including gift swaps and big clean ups. Their mission to promote sustainably and minimise waste was key. Selected members of the committee also went on an incredibly enriching trip too this week, the mock COP at the town hall led by the organisation Liverpool World Centre. Pupils have also taken part in a citizens assembly. The aim of the study was to evaluate teachers' and young people’s engagement with climate change education and research. This study links to important work being completed by Liverpool John Moores.

Pupils from chapters 7 and 8 were invited to view the exhibition as part of their end of term celebration.

In a mock election voting activity- pupils were encouraged to vote for their favourite artwork-a stand out piece!

There was a real buzz within the year group who marvelled on seeing their own work alongside that of their talented teachers! We had some wonderful entries from a variety of themes including, Earth day, Hidden wonders of the Deep, World book day and Black history month. We even had a 3D representation of the solar system!

The results of the mock election/ overall winner will be announced in September, watch this space!

Ms Watson


Charity Action Group and Eco Committee join forces!

The Charity Action Group and Eco Committee joined forces on Sports Day to create the Snack Shack.

The menu featured delicious Fruit Smoothies (tropical and apple & berries), Lemon Ice Tea and a wonderful selection of home-made cakes (a special mention must go to Noah’s fabulous flapjacks), all for the bargain price of either 50p or £1.

The Charity Action Group showed great entrepreneurial skills and worked hard in setting up their pop-up stall to create and sell the items . Members of the Eco Committee helped ensure the event was as environmentally friendly as possible by collecting and recycling the rubbish.

It was a fabulous day and the team worked hard to keep the athletes fuelled and refreshed throughout the day. The profits were in aid of the Rob Burrow Centre for Motor Neurone Disease. Rob was a professional Rugby player before being diagnosed with MND. Despite facing his own challenges, he was devoted to raising awareness and funds to help people living with MND and their loved ones, until the end. Rob’s dream was to have a specialist centre for people living with MND and their families giving people living with MND the best possible care and support. 

Thanks to the hard work of the team, they were able to raise an impressive £366.07!

A big thank you to everyone who supported the Snack Shack, to all who donated items, all the “customers” and the students and staff (notably the LSAs) who worked together across the day to ensure the Shack was a success!

Miss Green and Ms Watson


Mock UN COP Climate Conference

Eight members of the LC Eco-Committee attended the Mock UN Conference on Climate Change on Wednesday 10 July at the Liverpool Town Hall. 

At the conference, the Chapter 7 pupils presented opening statements that they had prepared on behalf of their designated countries (these were the EU and Azerbaijan). They listened to those of other countries and raised thoughtful questions. The conference was led by a panel of experts and leaders in the field of sustainability. Our representatives listened thoughtfully, and they contributed to the break-out group tasks with enthusiasm. 

In addition to this, selected pupils from Chapter 8 recently took part in an important climate change research study. The aim of the study was to evaluate teachers' and young people’s engagement with climate change education and research. As part of this, students took part in a various climate education workshops. The pupils immersed themselves fully in this Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority (MWRA) project and they have been a credit to themselves and to the school. 
We are very proud of these students and we're looking forward to taking this important work further in the next academic year! 

Ms Whittell and Ms Watson


Liverpool College pupils rocket into success

Liverpool College Ch7 pupils rocketed to success this week when they achieved the coveted award for ‘The Most Innovative Design’ in the Race to the Line North West finals. The Race to the Line competition requires pupils to design and make the fastest rocket powered car, which they then race against other schools.  Every team's car uses the same methods of propulsion and compete over the same track distance. The winning teams on race days are the cars that have the most efficient aerodynamics, have lower mass, have safe, well designed wheels that reduce friction and can survive the forces of a high-speed run. Pupils can modify the wheels, axles and bearings to reduce other points of friction in their design, and can shape or adapt the car body into the most aerodynamic and lightweight shape possible. This was the first time that Liverpool College had ever entered into this competition. Thanks to sponsorship arranged by Mrs Doran, every Ch7 student participated in the challenge. In teams, every Ch7 pupil made their car in DT lessons. Four students were then selected by DT teachers to attend the Regional finals, where they had to design a new car, from scratch, within a strict time limit. Four pupils, Elodie J, Noah J, Carter C and Julia V did an outstanding job and were thrilled to receive the most Innovative Design award during the award ceremony.

Well done to all involved.

