Chapter 5 Role Model Day

What do you get when you cross a biomedical scientist, a Doctor, a technology developer, an auditor and a global event manager? The answer – inspirational and fascinating ‘Role Model day!’

Chapter 5 students were delighted to welcome a wide variety of role models from the world of work into school on Friday. These fabulous role models spoke to the children about their experiences in each career and shared advice about the subjects and skills they would need to develop for anyone wishing to follow in their footsteps.

Among the speaker was Ms Sholicar, a technology developer who was instrumental in rolling out 40,000 ipads in the banking industry. Mrs Mannion spoke about her role in accountancy and auditing, sharing some of the incredible companies she worked with – including Chester Zoo! Dr She also shared her experiences of apprenticeships. Dr Brophy gave a fascinating, jaw-dropping talk about her role as a neonatologist, taking care of new born babies in Liverpool Women’s hospital. Mrs Gray spoke about she travelled the world as an events manager, setting up conferences, concerts, festivals, fashion shows, Olympic events and exhibitions. Finally, Dr Awais spoke about his role as an academic -working on the pursuit of knowledge and on new scientific discoveries. Dr Awais spoke about his role in the Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine as he travels the world presenting the technology he invented, to visualize interaction between proteins in live cells.

The children gained a great from the experience. Our thanks to Mrs Doran for organising the event, to all the volunteers gave up their time to make it so enriching for the students, and not forgetting the fabulous Chapter 5 students who managed to convinced their family members to attend.

If you would like to take part in a Prep School Role model day, the next one will be for Ch3 students on Friday 15th March. If interested, please email Mrs Doran for more details, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Forensic Science Day (Ch5-Ch8)

In preparation for Science week, pupils ranging from Ch5 to Ch8 had the opportunity to take part in a superb Forensic Science challenge day. Pupils were taught about finger print identification, footprint impression analysis and DNA technology, as well as learning about the careful collection and analysis of other forms of evidence, including fibres and hair.

The pupils were presented with a crime science (where an unknown individual had broken into a school safe). The children were then tasked to work collaboratively to investigate to try to crack the case. Finally, they had to present their conclusions, backed up with evidence, in a court of Law, presided over by a judge. It was a superb event, linking beautiful to an understanding of careers in STEM, the police and Forensic Science. Our thanks to Mrs Doran for organising the event, and to the Wilton Trust.


Eco Committee Gift Swaps

The Eco Committee are delighted to share news of their first ever Christmas Gift Swap! The event was organised in partnership with Liverpool World Centre and the Liverpool College PTA, and on the back of its huge success, we're already putting plans in motion to host a Ramadan Gift Swap later in the term. 
The Christmas Gift Swap was inspired by the Eco Committee's drive to embed sustainability and inclusivity throughout all aspects of school life. Festive celebrations can often bring with them financial pressures and unnecessary waste. The purpose of the Gift Swap was to reduce the need for students and their families to buy new and to give preloved and homemade items a new home. 
Students and staff who attended the Gift Swap commented on the commitment shown by our pupil volunteers and the generosity of our donors. Gift Swappers went away with gifts ranging from novelty gifts to books and games to tricycles and Christmas trees! 
What's more, our raffle raised £50 for Whitechapel to help the homeless and £50 for Bridge2 to help asylum seekers and refugees. Everton football club generously donated two stadium tour passes to help generate interest and raise money for our raffle. Thank you to Everton for supporting our cause. Thanks too to the following independent businesses for donating prizes, supporting our raffle and helping people in need at Christmas: Tara's Tulips, Anna Gaston Art, Art by Mel Scholer Whitty, For Me and You, Just Bee Gorgeous, Livlamode Crafts, Michaela aromatherapy and Belle Vale shoes. Thanks also to members of the local community who donated prizes and supported our school's cause. 
The event created a real buzz around sustainable gifting. The Eco Committee are looking forward to our upcoming Ramadan Gift Swap, which is due to take place on Friday 22nd March. So, if you're looking for an excuse for a Spring clear-out, we would welcome your preloved gifts/homemade items! 
To keep up to date with all things LC Eco, please follow us on Insta @livcolleco. 
Miss Whittell, Mrs Watson & The Eco Committee 


Year 6 Able Writer’s Workshop: Damian Harvey

Liverpool College was delighted to host a fabulous event open to schools across Liverpool on Wednesday, which was aimed at developing creative writing skills. Leading the event was award winning author Damian Harvey, author of an incredible 176 children’s books, including titles in the popular Project X, Oxford Reading Tree, Reading Planet, and Big Cats series. Throughout the day, the Year 6 students developed their characterisation skills, creating unique characters to be used in their own story writing. It was absolutely wonderful to see the children so enthused and engaged in the creative process of writing -  great progress was made by all. Our thanks to the following Liverpool College students: Sylvie P, Jack L, Eva L, Zainab K, Arthur W, Lorcan S, Layla S, Eva H, Will G, Emmie T, Mya T, Leon W, Bobby L, Pearl J, Isabella J, Ava D, Victor B. These fabulous pupilsnot only proved they are terrific writers but who were also wonderful hosts in welcoming and supporting the visiting schools.

Mrs Doran


AI specialists educate Liverpool College

Is AI something to be celebrated or feared? Will AI make human jobs obsolete? Exactly what will AI technology be able to achieve in the future? These were among the questions raised by pupils from C8, C9, C10 and C11 who were given an opportunity to talk to an incredible range of specialists in the field of AI technology this week. Organised by Mrs Doran, students were able to directly talk to AI experts on a one-to-one basis. The AI specialist involved were:

  • Arunav – a specialist is Conversational AI in business contexts, including Alexa, Siri, Google Home and ChatGPT.
  • Kaushik – a specialist working at Sony AI working on AI for games.
  • Carl– A scientist working on application of AI within science innovations in an emerging technologies lab.
  • Mackenzie – a specialist trying to help identify and alleviate discrimination from AI systems
  • Sheridan– a retired rocket Scientist with the Ministry of Defence who now works at Bletchley Park.
  • Alexander - a specialist researching the use of artificial intelligence to detect the recurrences of cancer from data stored in patients’ health records.
  • Vernan– a computer programmer who teach computers to process language using deep neural networks, which are AI algorithms, to make the computer mimic human language.
  • Fraser – A computer specialist who uses brain scanners and AI to find out how our brain work.
  • Gerard – a research working on how to se AI to help people who cannot live independent lives including helping to feed and dress people unable to perform these activities on their own.  
  • Bea – a researcher in the field on AI applied to biosciences and in particular, developing computer vision.
  • Mohan – a researcher studying ways to enable robots to reason, learn and act more like human and understand the nuisances within human decision making to enable robots to replicate this process.

The future development of AI, and its potential to encompass all facets of human life, is absolutely fascinating and the pupils approached the event with exceptional interest. It as a delight to the pupils to  embrace the opportunity to ask a vast array of intelligent questions to deepen their interest and understanding in this vitally important area. Our sincere thanks to all the volunteers involved this week.


Register your interest in Sixth Form here...

We were delighted to welcome over 200 visitors to our Sixth Form Open Evening on 8th November.  If you were unable to attend there will be more opportunities to visit after your GCSE exams but in the meantime please look at the information on our website HERE. The information includes a copy of the Head of Sixth Form's presentation and a link to register your interest in our Sixth Form. 
