Liverpool College pupils achieve Engineering Excellence – Award Ceremony Success!

If you were an Engineer, what would you do? This was the question posed to 700 pupils ranging from Year 2 to Year 10 as part of a national Engineering competition this year, a project designed to find the next promising UK inventor. Beating over 70,000 students nationwide, Liverpool College students celebrated massive success on Wednesday, culminating in an award ceremony at Liverpool Edge Hill University.

The designs of winning young engineers, and those highly commended, were displayed in a wonderful gallery on campus, followed by a superb award ceremony at the University. Budding STEM stars were presented with trophies, badges and certificates by industry experts in Engineering fields. As part of the award ceremony, every students’ work was also individually displayed, discussed and celebrated on the big screen – watched on by invited family and friends.  

This year Liverpool College had ten year-group category winners and a further ten runner-up highly commended entries - the highest number from any one school in the entire North West!

The Winning Young Engineers were: Alexander D (Ch3), Julia V D H and Sienna S (Ch7), Orla D and Tanvir H (Ch8), Aiden H and Bailie H (Ch9) and Jeffrey L and Orla C (Ch10)

Receiving Runner Up ‘Highly Commended’ awards were: Jack G (Ch2), Noah M (Ch4), Mia F and Noah J (Ch7), Dareen M and Arad E (Ch8), Lois H and Amy G (Ch9) and Jack T and Charlie P (Ch10).

To participate in the competition, pupils had to identify a problem they had observed in real life, invent a solution to that problem, illustrate and annotate their creation, promote their product through a descriptive ‘Pitch Letter’ and meet a real engineer. We had over 750 students participating in this incredible creative thinking design engineering competition, co-ordinated across the whole school by Mrs Doran. Well done to all who entered this year - the standard from Liverpool College was described as absolutely phenomenal by the judges!
