
The Governors of Liverpool College Independent School Trust act as the trustees for the charitable activities of the Academy and are also the directors of the Charitable Company for the purposes of company law. The details of the governors who served throughout the year are incorporated into the document below (College Governor List). The governors are appointed by the following :

Parent governors (2) are elected by parents of the pupils of the Academy

Staff governor (1) is elected by staff of the Academy

Foundation governors (13) appointed by the Trustees of Liverpool College

University governor (1) appointed by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Liverpool

The Governing Body is responsible for setting general policies, adopting a college development plan and budget, monitoring the Academy's performance, making major policy decisions, appointing senior staff, and through it's various committees, overseeing the general strategic operation of the Academy.  Certain elements of these responsibilities are delegated to the following 5 sub-committees who make recommendations to the full Governing Body: Operations, Finance Risk & Audit, Student Performance, Student Experience and Strategy.

Chair of Governing Body: Professor T J Nichol 

Vice Chair of Governing Body: Ms A Case

Should you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, Professor Nichol, please write c/o Mrs S Loveridge (Clerk to the Governors) at the College address: Liverpool College, Queens Drive Liverpool L18 8BG.

Governor List 2024-25

To download a copy of the College Governor list, please click here

This list includes the name and date of appointment for each Governor and their Committee membership. 

Each year we review the Declarations of Interests of the Governors . To view the Declaration of Interests please click here

To view attendance at Governor Meetings for the academic year 2023-24, pleaseclick here.

Academy Trust Information

Memorandum and Articles of Association of Liverpool College Independent School Trust

Funding Agreement 

