Mock UN COP Climate Conference

Eight members of the LC Eco-Committee attended the Mock UN Conference on Climate Change on Wednesday 10 July at the Liverpool Town Hall. 

At the conference, the Chapter 7 pupils presented opening statements that they had prepared on behalf of their designated countries (these were the EU and Azerbaijan). They listened to those of other countries and raised thoughtful questions. The conference was led by a panel of experts and leaders in the field of sustainability. Our representatives listened thoughtfully, and they contributed to the break-out group tasks with enthusiasm. 

In addition to this, selected pupils from Chapter 8 recently took part in an important climate change research study. The aim of the study was to evaluate teachers' and young people’s engagement with climate change education and research. As part of this, students took part in a various climate education workshops. The pupils immersed themselves fully in this Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority (MWRA) project and they have been a credit to themselves and to the school. 
We are very proud of these students and we're looking forward to taking this important work further in the next academic year! 

Ms Whittell and Ms Watson
