LCX Lunchtime Club

Puzzles, predicaments and perplexing problems was on the programme this week for members of Liverpool College’s LCX Lunchtime Club! The ‘Liverpool College Xtra’ Club was designed to stimulate pupils’ intellect and boost their brains beyond the curriculum, encouraging lateral thinking, teamwork and creativity.

Mrs Doran 


Pupils to meet with Supreme Court Justice

Liverpool College has an exciting event planned after half term. Lord Burrows, a Supreme Court Justice for the United Kingdom, has kindly agreed to meet with Liverpool College pupils to answer their questions about the British legal system. All pupils from Ch9 to Ch13 were given an opportunity to indicate if they have an interest in Law as a possible future profession – it was these pupils and students who subsequently were selected to present their questions to Lord Burrows. The Supreme Court is the final court of appeal in the UK both for civil cases and criminal cases. They only hear cases of the greatest public or constitutional importance affecting the whole population. This is indeed a superb opportunity. To help the students make the most of this opportunity, Liverpool Judge, Mr Richard Baker, volunteered to come into the school to lead a session about the UK legal structure, its history and the role of the Supreme Court. His talk ensured the pupils were well informed and well prepared for their upcoming audience with the Justice of the Supreme Court, ensuring they are able to ask relevant and meaningful questions. Our thanks to Mr Baker for his valuable time in helping to prepare our students. This is an event they will never forget.  

Mrs Doran  


Ch12 Oxbridge Talk

Aspire to be all you can be! – that was the theme of a talk for Chapter 12 students this week. Led by Oxford University Outreach co-ordinator Miss McMurtrie, students were encouraged to think about the advantages and logistics of attending the most prestigious Universities in the UK, Oxford, Cambridge and top Russell Group Universities. Topics such as writing personal statements, bursaries, interview techniques and student finance were all explored. Additionally, students were given guidance about work experience and ideas for super-curricular activities that foster a love of subjects and showcase a student’s passions for their subject. Feedback from students after the event indicated they found the session to be both informative and inspirational.  

Mrs Doran 


Ch7 Merseyside Hockey League Champions

Congratulations and well done to the Ch7 hockey team who became Merseyside league champions today after winning every match at their tournament at St Edward's - Rajna R, Olivia C, Poppy L, Grace W, Francesca M, Emily L, India R and Eva B. 
The pupils in the team have shown great commitment to training, willingness to learn and enthusiasm from the beginning. They should be very proud not just of their achievement but also their huge progress.
Miss Evans


Eco Ambassadors at Mock UN Climate Conference

We would like to congratulate the pupils who took part in the 2023 Mock UN Climate Conference (COP27) last week. They were fantastic ambassadors for the school and for the Liverpool College Eco Committee. 

The Climate Conference was run as though pupils were taking part in global negotiations at COP27. Liverpool College sent 6 delegates in total. Students were divided into two teams, each representing a particular country. Zoe C-S (Ch10), Nick D (Ch9) and Ed R (Ch9) represented USA and Heidi B (Ch8), Ava B (Ch8) and James K (Ch7) spoke on behalf of Egypt. 

The pupils spoke superbly well. They had prepared persuasive and informative opening statements, and they raised thoughtful questions. They displayed exemplary behaviour throughout, and were a credit to the school.

During the conference, pupils represented their country’s views and addressed the following key questions: 

  • Is sufficient progress being made on all country emission targets? 
  • Is your country willing to do more, even beyond your current targets? 
  • How far can cooperation on Cities, Energy, Forests & food and Oceans help to raise global ambition? 

Each team came to the conference prepared to share progress on one or more of the following four themes in order to develop joint proposals, and importantly to agree on how to fund them:

  • Cities: Many major cities are at the forefront of new approaches to infrastructure, cutting pollution, and smart energy use. Much more can be done to develop low-carbon, liveable cities. 
  • Energy: Fossil fuels (coal, gas and oil) still make up over 80% of the world’s energy supply and demand increases each year. Use and storage of renewable energy must drastically speed up. 
  • Forests and food: Deforestation is causing as much as 15% of global GHG emissions. More joint work is needed globally to reverse the process and invest in better agricultural practices. 
  • Oceans: A global CALL TO ACTION has been issued in recognition of our oceans’ vital part in absorbing atmospheric gases, and the impact of plastics on the oceans and our food-chains. 

We are incredibly proud of our ambassadors and grateful to Liverpool World Centre (LWC) and Faiths4Change for organising the event. We would also like to thank Merseyside Waste and Recycling Authority (MWRA) for hosting the event at their Authority Chamber on Albert Docks. Thanks also to Oxfam and the Natural Capital Hub Project for sending delegates to share valuable information, insights and inspiration from their respective organisations. 

The event was fantastic, well organised and gave pupils a real sense of what it would be like to take part in a UN conference. The pupils have lots of ideas to take back to school, to drive forward our mission to create a more sustainable environment for all. 

Miss Whittell, Mrs Watson & The Eco Committee 


Boarders celebrate Chinese New Year

The boarders celebrated Chinese New Year this year. We decorated the house, exchanged Lai See, ate Chinese food and one of the parents made us a delicious Nian Gao. 

It was very nice to see all of the children come together to engage in the traditions of another culture, whilst learning each family celebrates in a different way.

To top it all off we lit Chinese lanterns and let go of the past negativity and started this new year with positivity. 
Mrs Latham (Head of Boarding)


Helicopter Landing

Here at Liverpool College, we approach careers education with gusto. Why talk to someone about careers in the RAF – when you can show them and quite literally blow them away!  

This week, the Defence College of Air & Space Operations from the RAF delighted pupils from KS1 all the way to KS5 when it landed a helicopter in the middle of the school field and invited pupils to explore inside. The careers event with a difference included a guided tour around the helicopter and a glimpse into the unique engineering that created the impressive aviation creation. Arranged by Mrs Doran, four pilots landed with the helicopter and throughout the day, pupils across every key stage were invited to attend. The captain of the helicopter, Flt Lt Connor Frampton helicopter, was on hand to give cockpit talks and wow the students with inside information about how to fly it. The entire of Ch9 were scheduled workshops to talk to the pilots and take phots inside the craft, with the day especially designed to help them make informed decisions in the coming months when they need to decide upon a CCF section to specialise in. The wonderful event ended with pupils watching the helicopter depart. I have no doubt the day elevated the children’s spirits also, raised their expectations and lifted their understanding of careers opportunities within the RAF to new heights.  

Mrs Doran
