Liverpool University STEM day

Chapter 9 scholars were invited this week to attend Liverpool University for a celebration of STEM. The event was arranged by the Faculty of Science and Engineering and took place in the superb central teaching libraries within the University campus. Pupils participated in multiple different events including bionic engineering, creating hydrogel sensors in molecular gastronomy and exploring AI technology in computer science. The sessions took place in the teaching laboratories and gave the pupils an opportunity to use university level equipment which they were extremely impressed by! They thoroughly enjoyed this part and were able to take their creations home with them. The day ended with a careers talk from one of the lecturers where pupils were given various STEM jobs and asked to research from the prospectus the route from GCSE to getting that job. The pupils were a credit to the school and it was wonderful to see them realise the wonderful opportunities open to them if they embraced the world of STEM.

Mrs Doran 


Julius Caesar visits Liverpool College

Chapter 5 were surprised this week when Julius Caesar dropped in to take a lesson on The Romans. Julius started by telling the pupils all about his life  and the pupils were able to place him on the hotspot and ask him questions. The fabulous event brought to life the new Chapter 5 History topic and the pupils ended the event by writing notes for a biography about Julius Caesar.

Mrs Doran


Applications for Sixth Form welcome until 1st March 2023

Applications for Sixth Form 2023 can be made until 1st March 2023.

We welcome applications from pupils who would like to consider Liverpool College for Sixth Form. 

You can find out more about the Sixth Form experience at Liverpool College from our website by clicking HERE


Sixth Form Admissions Booklet for 2023 entry

Sixth Form Subject Guide for 2023 entry 


If you have any questions please contact Sally Loveridge by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 0151 724 4000 ext


Chapter 8 - Rugby County Champions!

Our Chapter 8 boys are U13 county champions! From start to finish the team have been incredible, showing the commitment, dedication, and sportsmanlike behaviour we want our pupils to demonstrate. 
Captain and Vice Captain Ethan B and Isaac O led from the front and Sean F was our standout player in the final, scoring 2 tries. What was most pleasing to see, was at the final whistle our boys' intentions were to console the opposition from St Mary's Hall, rather than celebrating their own success. 
Credit must also go to Mr O'Connell for the work he has done with the team. 
Vs Bolton 0-0 (D)
Vs AKS 5-0 (W)
Vs Manchester Grammar 3-0 (W)
Vs Lancaster Grammar 1-0 (W)
Final vs St Mary's Hall 2-0 (W)
Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


Chapter 5 Roman Day

Chapter 5 pupils enjoyed a fabulous Roman day on Monday, when the team from History Alive visited Liverpool College. To start the day, the children were treated to a highly interactive play which introduced The Romans topic, including teaching pupils about Emperors, Boudica and the types of entertainment enjoyed in a Colosseum. A gladiator marched in to talk about warfare techniques and a Roman lady took the children on a guided tour of Roman baths, starting in the tepidarium through to the fridgidarium. Moving back in time, the school was transported to Hadrian's wall and put on sentry duty to look for invading Celts. The fun did not end there - all pupils then took part in two works - one exploring gradients in aqueduct half pipes and another learning Roman dancing. Our thanks to the Wilton Trust for arranging this fabulous event. 

Mrs Doran


Visit from Author Colin Parsons

On Wednesday, author Colin R Parsons visited our school to share his experiences about his journey to becoming an author and provide us with tips about how to write creatively. He entertained us with stories from his books 'The Curious World of Shelley Vendor', 'Wizard's Kingdom' and ‘The Gamer’.  Colin explained how he was a reluctant reader at school, until reading the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe inspired him and opened a whole new world of imagination. This led him to write his own series of fantasy fiction books. At lunchtime, all pupils from Liverpool College were given the opportunity to meet Colin in person at a book signing event. The Welsh author then delivered a series of workshops throughout the day with Ch4, helping them to read with expression and understanding the precise details needed to create vivid mental pictures in the minds of his readers. Our thanks to Colin for his wonderful tips and inspiring personal story.

Mrs Doran


Chapter 7 and 9 Football - End of Term Report

Chapter 7 Football - End of Term Report
Early heavy September rain downpours made trials difficult for chapter 7 football, but this soon shaped itself out to produce a group of fifteen pupils who have the talent to eventually challenge all schools at football in Merseyside. Despite early round eliminations from both the National and Merseyside Cup there have been signs of real progress. The stand-out game was versus Calday in the Merseyside Cup having been knocked out the National Cup two days earlier. The team were two goals behind with twenty minutes remaining, but those remaning minutes was evidence that the football team are heading in the right direction by portraying tremendous effort, togetherness and determination that will be a huge benefit to this team in the second term and heading into chapter 8. There have been wins versus several teams that have included Gateacre, St Hilda's, Academy of St Nicholas and Scarisbrick.
Chapter 9 Football - End of Term Report
This talented group of footballers have eventually found the form of last academic year which keeps them in the hat for round six of the National Cup. Although, there have been the frustrations of losing in round 2 of the National Elite's on penalties and round 1 of the Liverpool Echo Shield it's hoped that this team can produce that type of form that will put them in a position to win the next round of the National Cup with only 32 schools remaining from over 700. Several pupils are also involved in a combined U14s-U15s team that have a tough but winnable away fixture in the Merseyside Cup at Cardinal Heenan in the new year. There have been many wins versus several teams that have included Cardinal Heenan, Neston, St Mary's Leyland and Bishop's Bluecoat Chester.
Mr Cook
Director of Sport
