Careers’ Fair

This week, Chapter 9, Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 participated in a Careers’ Fair which enabled pupils and students to gather information about a vast array of possible career opportunities. Represented at the fair were the NHS, police, armed forces, optometry, civil service, programming, fire service, construction, architecture, law, dentistry, finance, child care, environmental sciences, accountancy, teaching, game development, engineers, politicans and musicians. Multiple Educational Providers were also welcomed to the event, allowing pupils and students to learn about the immense range of courses and opportunities on offer. Represented at the event were National Apprenticeships, LIPA, UTC, The Studio, Hope University, Rocket Training, Myerscough College, St Helens College, City Of Liverpool, Hugh Baird and Liverpool University. Organised by Mrs Doran and Mrs Drew, the event was organised as a round robin, with groups being given an opportunity to talk with each represented profession. Students’ reviews of the event indicated they were able to gain a better understanding of what each profession entails and the qualifications required.

Our sincere thanks to all volunteers who braved the snow to give up their valuable time to attend the event. 


DT Dutch Exchange

On Monday to Wednesday this week, the DT Dept were hosting students and staff from a Dutch school in Rotterdam.  This has been part of a joint venture that has been running for the last 12 months. We have been working collaboratively in cross country teams to develop a product for a global client, Arcadis.  It has been, and continues to be, a fantastic opportunity for our Chapter 12 students, and there will be a reciprocal visit in May to the Netherlands.  
It has been an extremely successful trip and we have all benefitted from it. There have been so many highlights, but in addition to the visits made and joint design challenge, it has been particularly encouraging to witness a number of our quieter, less confident students, developing and engaging in feedback, conversations and during the meal in the city centre on Tuesday.  A HUGE congratulations to all of the Ch12 DT students for their participation, willingness to 'get stuck in', friendliness, time and genuine care for our visitors.  They were a real credit to our school. Congratulations!
Mr Cartwright (Head of TES Faculty)


Macbeth Comes to Liverpool College

All Chapter 11 pupils were treated to a masterclass in Shakespearean acting when a Splats Entertainment visited the school to perform the full play of the tragedy of Macbeth. The pupils were so enthralled, you could hear a pin drop. Macbeth is one of the great terrifying morality, mystery plays with its witches, warriors and ghosts. Part of the GCSE English curriculum, watching the play was invaluable to enhance the engagement and understanding of all Ch11 pupils. The pupils followed the tragic fall of the Macbeths, who could defeat anything but their own gullible greed. A superb event enjoyed by all. Our thanks to the Wilton Trustees for financing the event.

Mrs Doran


Liverpool College hosts Aim Higher Writing Workshop

Liverpool College was delighted to welcome award winning author Jason Beresford, who delivered a superb Aim Higher event targeted at More Able pupils in Year 5 and Year 6. Pupils from schools across Liverpool were invited to the event, where Jason developed their report writing skills, encouraging students to interview a wide variety of characters and write a time pressured report, which was then delivered live down a camera to a watching audience. It was a superb event. Jason is an experienced reporter and spent many years as a news reporter both in the UK and in Japan. He is also a TV producer and has directed both Emmerdale and Coronation Street. He is also a children's novelist, best known for his novel “The Fabulous Four Fish Fingers”. The event was absolutely superb and the pupils delighted in his expert tutelage.
Mrs Doran


Literacy Through Videography - Ancient Greek Workshop

All Chapter 5 pupils had a superb day on Monday when they learnt about the Ancient Greeks through videography. Watching a series of carefully selected video clips, the pupils were able to explore multiple aspects of the Ancient Greeks, focusing upon Homer's Odyssey. The pupils used the clips to stimulate some wonderful writing, then created a fabulous video to retell the story, with every pupil taking an important role. The final film will hopefully be ready to view by the pupils next week.

Mrs Doran 


Applications now open for Sixth Form 2023

Applications for Sixth Form 2023 are now open.

We welcome applications from pupils who would like to consider Liverpool College for Sixth Form. 

You can find out more about the Sixth Form experience at Liverpool College from our website by clicking HERE


Sixth Form Admissions Booklet for 2023 entry

Sixth Form Subject Guide for 2023 entry 


If you have any questions please contact Sally Loveridge by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 0151 724 4000 ext 3228.  


The Science of Success

Chapter 9 Wilton Scholars spent time, this week, exploring the psychology behind positive thinking and exploring the ‘Science behind Success’. Pupils were challenged to think about the huge difference between ‘being alive’ and ‘living’. They explored how to change their mindset to become more positive learners - to change their lives for the better, both now and in the future. Pupils were asked to think about how to consciously change their mindset to create ambitious goals through positive thinking. They also discussed the value of failure in building resilience.

Mrs Doran
