Police Photofit workshop – Liverpool College are Regional Winners!

Have you ever wondered what sort of witness you might make if you were to observe a crime? Could you recall facial details and distinguishing features? This week, Chapter 9 pupils were given the incredibly unique opportunity of exploring forensic facial composite software, effectively used in real police investigations, to construct facial composites of offenders as observed by witnesses and victims of crime. After lessons in the features of computer software, the pupils were then surprised with news of a theft within the classroom by a recent female visitor, and then asked to use the software to create a photofit of the perpetrator. Competing against others schools in a North West heat, the winners of the closest photofit competition were two of our very own students – Tom C and Luca H, who both were awarded trophies to recognise their high level of technical skills.

Mrs Doran


Game changing!

Chapter 10 and Chapter 12 students interested in careers in gaming and programming attended in a superb event this week. Hosted by Liverpool Hope University, the event included some of the biggest names in the gaming industry. Organized by Liverpool City Region Careers Hub  and All About STEM, the event included representatives from playstation, NextGen, DrawtoCode, Lucid Games and Ripstone. The students learnt that Liverpool City Region (LCR) is home to some of the biggest Games Developers and publishers in the world. The students also learnt about concept design, marketing, testing, intellectual property, how characters are developed from the conceptual to the 3D models and even the role human psychology plays in the field. The students took part in a round robin of five, fabulous, bespoke events,  each designed to explore a different career option available in the Digital and Creative Sector. It was a superb event, and for those interested in a possible career in this field, it really was a game changing experience!

Mrs Doran


Chapter 6 STEM events at University of Liverpool

On Wednesday a group of Ch6 pupils had a wonderful opportunity to attend Liverpool University to work on developing their STEM skills and higher-level investigative skills. The pupils took part in a number of engaging, interactive activities over the course of the day, especially designed to develop their passion for STEM subject and gain insight into the facilities and opportunities universities have to offer . Sessions included working with polymers to create realistic eyeballs and wiggle worms, exploring space through a planetarium and a series of real-life mathematical challenges. Well done to all who attended.
Mrs Doran 



The Open Events for families considering Liverpool College as an option for September 2025 are as follows:


Wednesday 11th September 2024 - 3.30pm – 5.30pm


Wednesday 2nd October 2024 – 5.00pm – 7.00pm

Wednesday 20th November 2024 – 4.00pm – 6.00pm

For further details please click HERE


National Crimebeat Awards Win

Such a surreal day.

In March UrbanScape became an award-winning community garden, winning first place at the National Crimebeat Awards. I have worked on the project since establishing Mulgrave Street Action Group CIC August 2021. Still, I was dumbfounded to win not just the 1st place at the awards on behalf of UrbanScape, but also take home the award for the best presentation! I was ready to go home with nothing as being a finalist in an honour enough.

I have taken this back home from London on behalf of not just myself but all of MSAG’s volunteers, the Liverpool 8 community, and all our supporters.

Much appreciation to the High Sherrif of Merseyside and Sergent Moorecroft of the local policing department for their support of the project generally and getting my NCb application in. Liverpool College is also due thanks for being so supportive of my Social Entrepreneurship ever since I began.
Khan O (Ch12)


Virtual Reality Science Day

Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 8 pupils had an out of this world Science experience this week! Through the wonders of Virtual Reality Technology and CGI, pupils used VR headsets to become astronauts, exploring our solar system in wondrous detail. The whole class simultaneously blasted off into space, to pilot their own vessel to learn about planets, moons, stars and satellites.  This incredible immersive experience truly boosted learning and fact retention. Our thanks to Mrs Doran for organising the event and the Wilton Trust for supporting their adventure.


Scientists for the Day

Following the superb Role Model Day, Chapter 5 students were given a taste of what being a real Scientist entailed. Dr Muhammad Awais kindly brought into the school a full class set of white lab coats for the students to try on for the day. He also kindly brought in origami paper and instructions for children to make paper lab coats, practicing the importance of following instructions with precision - -a skill vital for all real scientists. The children thoroughly enjoyed this unique experience. Our sincere thanks to Mr Awais for his generosity. 

Mrs Doran
