From Personal Development to LC+ Curriculum
The College’s motto Non solum ingenii verum etiam virtutis - not only the intellect, also character, reflects its long-standing commitment to the holistic education of the human person in all aspects: intellectual, moral, physical, emotional, spiritual and creative. We are determined to make the College a school which transforms the lives of its pupils by providing all pupils with an educational experience which prepares them for a happy, fulfilled and joyful life.
The College wishes to pursue the development of a curriculum which will challenge and enable all pupils to pursue their growth in character and well-being. In 2021-22, we piloted a broad, unique and clearly articulated personal development programme in Chapters 1, 4, 7 and 8. This programme focused on relationships, service, activity, music, games and fitness and premised on the strengthening of the quality of the relationships between pupils and between pupils and staff, something which we felt very much committed to as a school particularly in the aftermath of Covid 19. This curriculum was developed in partnership with the Youth Sport Trust. The original programme and all the activities that make it up are underpinned by the values of:
- healthy minds, healthy bodies
- aspiration
- resilience
- competition
- inclusive of all abilities
- challenging for all abilities
- recognised success for all
After a year’s pilot this programme was expanded into every chapter, each having its own sequenced, age appropriate curriculum. Pupil and staff voice was sought to evaluate the pilot programme and adjustments were made as a result. For example, the PSHE element was broken into smaller but more frequent sessions to assist with retention and recall of these important topics. The strands were also relaunched as the seven LC+ strands, part of the LCA+ Liverpool College Curriculum.