Careers - Useful Links

Article Index

Other Useful Websites


Post 16 options

Local council support for students with SEND

Halton Local Offer

Knowsley Local Offer

Liverpool Local Offer

Sefton Local Offer

St Helens Local Offer

Wirral Local Offer


Apprenticeships; what parents need to know

Rate My Apprenticeship Parents Hub

Apprenticeships: support for parents and guardians 

A guide to Apprenticeships


Be More apprenticeships

Amazing Apprenticeships

Apprenticeship Assessment Centres

Apprenticeship Interview Questions


What are T-Levels?

T-Levels website


An internship is a period of work experience, offered by an organisation, lasting for a fixed period of time anywhere between a week and 12 months. They are typically undertaken by students and graduates looking to gain relevant skills.Employers use periods of work experience to assess a student or graduate's capability and often recruit employees from their interns, rather than advertise their vacancies externally.

For more information click here 

For more information on supported internships for students with SEND and an EHCP click here


The UniTaster Days website is a very useful wesbite for all students, parents and guardians. Here you will find subject guides, information on university events, advice and podcasts UniTasterDays


Parents Guide To University 2024-2025

Parental Guidance

Clearing for the Confused Parents start here

Degree Courses: Academic v. Vocational
How to Write an Effective UCAS Personal Statement

Russell Group Universities

University and Your Future: Career Planning and Making the Most of Your Degree


What is a degree apprenticeship?

Degree apprenticeship information and vacancies

Degree apprenticeship vacancies


Job Centre

Target Careers

Career Connect

I Could

Student resource: Spring into success careers roadmap

Talking Futures- advice for Parents


Protection against extremism

Department for Education Website

Compare Schools Performance Tables

Local Authority Website

Liverpool Directgov



The City of Liverpool College

Hugh Baird College

Carmel College

Cronton College 


Liverpool University

Liverpool John Moores University

Liverpool Hope

Edge Hill

Not going to Uni


Liverpool Enterprise Partnership

LCR Creating Careers

Adzuna (Job Search)

Parental Guidance

Parental Guidance is another useful website written by members of the Careers Writers Association. The Association consists of highly experienced careers writers of articles, books and web-based materials for the 14-25 age group. Many are also experienced and qualified careers advisers who have worked in schools, colleges and universities in the UK as well as overseas.  Do visit the Find a careers writer pages for more details including special writing interests, and the wide range organisations who have commissioned our work.

General Advice

The most important thing you can offer is the knowledge of where to find the right information, so you can do the research into their options together.

  • To begin with, it’s important your child knows what are their strengths, their skills and abilities. You will undoubtedly know what they are good at but it’s difficult to recognise your own skills and strengths. You can use the Skills Health Check test on the National Careers website to help your child become more aware of their strengths, weakness and career sectors they may be suited to.

  • The Skills Health Check is a great starting point and can help your child with researching specific career sectors and understanding more about themselves as an individual. It’s important to remember that any careers related test you take is purely meant as a guide.

  • The career choices which the test may offer up can be researched further on the ‘Job Profile’ pages. The National Careers Service have over 800 different types of career options, from gardener to graphic designer and everything in between! Each one explains which skills and qualifications you need to get into that job. You can also read about what the work would be like, the average salary you could expect and what the career prospects might be.

One of the most popular search methods for the Job profiles is through the ‘Job Families’ list. This groups similar jobs into one area so you can browse all the different jobs within this field. For example, if your child knows they want to work with animals but isn’t sure what jobs are available, you can look through the profiles for a vet, a kennel worker, a Police dog handler, a farm worker or even a beekeeper!

Benefits of Parental Involvement

Children have better self-esteem, are more self-disciplined, and show higher aspirations and motivation toward school. Children tend to achieve more, regardless of ethnic or racial background, socioeconomic status, or parents' education level. Children generally achieve better grades, test scores, and have better attendance. Research indicates that when students feel supported and loved by their parents, they have more confidence in their own ability to research careers and to choose a career that would be interesting and exciting.

Choices after GCSEs

The choices, which your child makes after completing their GCSEs, are dependent on a number of different factors including their own ambitions, the opportunities offered locally (see Local Labour Market Information link below) and the grades they have achieved.

These choices will really allow your child to tailor their own education and study towards subjects they feel passionate about and allow them to gain the knowledge and experience needed to progress onto their desired career path.

When thinking about steps after compulsory education, it’s important to keep in mind that there is no one size fits all style of education and that everyone learns in different ways. There is no right or wrong or better or worse but with the raising of the participation age coming into effect, this now means your child needs to stay in some form of education or training until their 18th birthday.

Education until their 18th birthday isn’t quite what it sounds; in-fact school leavers have a range of choices:

  1. 1. To stay in full time education working towards, A-levels, BTEC, NVQ or an alternative level 1/2/3 qualification at a local college or sixth form.

  2. 2. An apprenticeship.

  3. 3. A traineeship with the idea of progressing onto an apprenticeship or education.

  4. 4. Employment or Volunteering of 20 hours a week whilst working towards an accredited qualification part time with the study hours adding up to 280 guided learning hours over the course of a year.


Apprenticeships - a parents' guide

NCS Parents Guide - Apprenticeships

NCS Parents Guide - University and Finances

Labour Market Information - Liverpool, Cumbria and Lancashire.pdf

This information was reviewed in September 2024. Next date for review is September 2025
