Hockey v St Bede's College

On Saturday, four Liverpool College Hockey teams boarded an early morning bus to travel to Manchester for a fixture versus St Bede's College. The schools have built a strong sporting relationship in girls sport during the past two academic years and have produced some thrilling matches. This academic year was no different and all the matches were evenly matched.

The scores were as follows:

St Bede's College U16 2 Liverpool College U16 3
St Bede's College U14 0 Liverpool College U14 0
St Bede's College U13 0 Liverpool College U13s 4
St Bede's College U12s 1 Liverpool College U12s 0

Mr Cook
Sports Coordinator


Record Audition Process

Our production of Popstars, the 90s musical, performed by Prep and Middle School pupils finally has a cast list. It took 450 minutes or 7.5 hours to audition the 173 pupils who hoped to be part of the production. That process is now done, an achievement in itself and a certain sign that the arts are thriving at the College.

We look forward to seeing the cast in action in March, live in the MV Theatre.


Wilton Scholars visit to NHS Transplant Centre

Year 11 pupils took part in a Liverpool College first on Tuesday when they were invited to attend a STEM focused event at the NHS Blood and Transplant centre in Speke.

As well as a guided tour of the facilities, pupils also participated in a range of hands-on, science focused events ranging from learning how to put on gloves without compromising sterility, to identifying tissue samples, to completing the Maths test presented to potential job applicants at the centre, to discussing the various careers within the Transplant field.

This is a truly fascinating area of medical science and one that pupils very rarely get to experience. Our thanks to Jo Galloway for arranging the event.

Mrs Doran


Cross Country Update

This academic year, the sports department have taken on a greater involvement with cross country and recently a number of pupils have been involved in two races which have taken place at Calderstones Park. The races have been very competitive, and it has been positive to see pupils from Liverpool College finish alongside some of the fastest runners in the race.

The College will be involved in another race at Camp Hill, Woolton later in the month, but before that, there will be a number of charity house runs taking place next week during games lessons to raise money for a charity located in Sefton Park.


Mr Cook
Sports Coordinator


House Poetry Competition Result

Congratulations to Leigh Y (Y7 Howard's) who was the overall winner of the poetry house competition and also to runner up Summer F (Y8 Howson's). Their poems are published below. The Poetry House competition was organised to coincide with National Poetry Day (October 3) which explored the theme of 'Truth'.


Truth is something you have to give
To at least one person in your life.
Sometimes truth hurts and
That is alright.
When you find out the truth,
And not lies, there are
Many reactions like sad, shocked
Or surprised.
Truth can be good, bad or neither,
But don’t worry, it won’t cause a fever.
If you tell the truth, the rumours
Will not begin to flow.
Tell the truth
And tension will no longer grow.

Leigh Y (Y7 Howard’s)


What does it mean?
Is truth when you tell a friend your secret?
Is it when you never tell a lie?
Is it when you own up to something?
Or is it when you confess that you did something wrong?

Is it when trees blow in the wind,
Whispering in the breeze?
Is it when one person tells another person
What someone did?

What does it mean?
Go find out for yourself.
But remember, you can tell no lies
When you are searching for the truth.

Summer F (Y8 Howson’s)

The overall results for the Houses were:

1. Howard's
2. Howson's
3. Brook's



National Poetry Day - House Competition

This year's National Poetry Day, October 3, will be exploring the theme of 'Truth'. Therefore, with immediate effect, Liverpool College will be conducting, over the next week, a Poetry House Competition for pupils from Years 7-13. Pupils are encouraged to write an original piece of poetry on the theme of 'Truth'.

Poems are to be submitted to Mr Farnan-Stone by October 3 at the latest. Currently, prizes for the winner and the runner up are being discussed. The pieces of writing will be judged by relevant staff. Winners will be announced on October 4.

Thank you and get writing!
Mr Farnan-Stone


Eco-Committee Launch

The Liverpool College Eco-Committee (LCEC) is being established this term. The Eco-Committee will be formed of pupils from Years 7 to 13, and will provide a forum in which our keen Eco-Warriors can discuss the ways in which we as a school, and a community, can act to reduce our carbon footprint. The Eco-Committee will report to the Parliament of Houses at regular intervals throughout the year.

The LCEC will be posting regular updates on the school website as we work towards achieving "Eco-Schools Green Flag" status - watch this space!
