KS3 Masterclass - Using Critical Thinking as Your Superpower?

Fake news – can you recognise it? Over half term, KS3 More Able pupils were invited to an interactive masterclass offering an introduction into critical and creative thinking and how to applies to everyday situations. The workshop was led by Alex Elliott and Tom Ziessen, the Managing Directors of Oxford Catalyst, they specialise in how to teach young people to think critically and creatively, to analyse important issues and think for themselves. During the session, pupils learnt how and when they would need to apply critical thinking skills in the real world, from establishing what is and isn’t fake news, knowing whether to sign an internet petition, to deciding which points should be included in an essay or knowing how best to see things from different perspectives and win an argument. An incredibly important message with real-life applications – the pupils who participated gained a great deal from the experience.

Mrs Doran


Introduction to Quantum Computing - KS3 Masterclass

Jessica Pointing, selected for Forbes 30 under 30 in Science, led a fascinating masterclass in quantum computing this week. Targeted at More Able students in Key Stage 3, Jessica explained the science behind quantum computing and the implications of the technology for the future. Applications in fields such as machine learning, medicine, and energy systems were discussed. The pupils enjoyed crash course in computing and excelled with their superb questions.

Mrs Doran


Art through Lockdown: Professional Artist Lessons

Year 3 are currently studying L. S. Lowry in Art this term, so who better to teach how to draw in his style but professional artist from The Lowry Centre – Paul Pickford. Each week, pupils have been receiving a live workshop by this amazing artist, who delighted pupils with both his knowledge about Lowry and his exceptional artist talent.  Year 3 pupils have been able to follow his step by step live demonstrations to create unbelievable art work. Initially, they explored ‘perspectives landscapes’ and looked at how Lowry used line and shape and shading to add depth of perspective to a street scene. Then they focussed on ‘The Portrait of Ann’ and learnt how to measure the proportions of a face and add emotion and context. Finally, they used the picture "A Fight" to see how Lowry left visual clues so that his pictures told stories to create a narrative through art. All the pupils have benefited from his exceptional expertise. A sincere thank you to Paul for sharing his talent with us and to the Wilton Trust for supporting the school and making the event possible.  

Mrs Doran


Y13 Apprenticeship Talk

Amazing Apprenticeships delivered a superb talk for Y13 students interested in apprenticeships this week. Mrs Jan Aggar, a representative of the Greater Merseyside Learning Providers’ Federation, gave students an informative and realistic guide to apprenticeships in the Northwest.  She discussed the breadth of apprenticeships currently available and guided students through the best ways to secure the most suitable apprenticeship for them, including a guide to degree apprenticeships and the companies that utilise them. What was unique about this talk was Jan offered bespoke support for students interested in pursuing this career route and shared information about business currently advertising for apprenticeships through the National Apprenticeship service.

Any Y11 or Y13 students interested in a bespoke careers sessions with Mrs Aggar, please email Mrs Doran.  

Mrs Doran


KS3 Elite Medics Workshops

This week, KS3 Wilton Scholars were given the opportunity to particpate in two full day Biology and Chemistry workshops. The events were organised by Elite Medics, one of the UK’s fastest growing tuition academies for Science. Led by medics, the courses are year group specific and incorporate how assessment of this knowledge might present in different ways through examination questions.  

Although this event was free, if interested in tutition for Science at either KS3 or KS4, more details can be found by emailing Mrs Doran This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by visiting the Elite Medics website  https://elitemedics.co.uk/online-digital-class/ 

Mrs Doran 


Computer Modelling Workshop and Competition

Following on from a webinar led by professional computer modellers, Mrs Doran has been running a series of drop in workshops for pupils interested in computer modelling. Using the software packages, ZBrushCore Mini, Mrs Doran has been able to teach students how to manipulate virtual clay with 3D modelling tools within the package to digitally sculpt, stretch, skew, polish, stretch and manipulate virtual polygons.

Pupils from KS2 and KS3 were invited to enter a computer modelling national competition, judged by Oscar winner Andrew Whitehurst – a VFX supervisor for Industrial Light and Magic. Using the skills taught in the workshop, or learnt by exploring the craft independently, pupils were invited to create their own 3D designs and enter their favourite designs into the competition. Andrew Whitehurst is incredibly impressed by the standard of designs (which had to be a predatory water alien) already entered by Liverpool College. Winners will be announced after half term. Mrs Doran will also be awarding prizes to Liverpool College pupils for their superb Computer Modelled designs.

Mrs Doran



Oxbridge Workshop

Y12 students contemplating an application to Oxford or Cambridge University next year had the opportunity to take part in a superb talk on Tuesday where future, current and former Oxbridge students were on hand to talk about their experiences - to give potential applicants the benefit of their experiences. 

Mr Hammersley talked about Cambridge University, the importance of visiting the location, the superb social opportunities and the academic benefits. A Liverpool College Y13 student (and Wilton Scholar) Yasmin H, spoke about the importance of researching the courses to make sure you find one that is right one for you. Her advice - 'If you have the grades and the passion, you have every right to apply' really resonated with many of the students. Yasmin received an offer this year for Oxford University to study Geography. Nathaniel D, a Y12 student from Hope Academy, has also been offered a place at Oxford University next year. He spoke about the application process, his personal statement and his interview. Finally, Rhianna W, a second year student at Oxford University, spoke about what life is really like, both as a residential student living at St John College and also as a virtual student as Oxford moved online throughout 2020-2021. She spoke with great passion and enthusiasm for her course, the level of academic challenge, the social life and what it feels like to be taught by world-renowned experts in their academic feild. All students who attended the talk found the talk extremely informative and beneficial. 

Mrs Doran
