Literacy through History Videography Days

Every pupil in the Prep School was given the opportunity to participate in a Literacy through History workshop. Led by professional videographer Adam Pepper, pupils were shown clips depicting significant historical events. Mr Pepper than created bespoke literacy activities, based on the topics they are studying in English this half term. 

The workshop for Year 3 focused on Roman Gladiators. They explored the life of famous gladiator Virus, they learnt about gladiator training techniques and explored the history of the Colosseum – including a tour of what it is like today.  The session concluded with a letter writing task with pupils assuming the character of Virus and writing home to his family.  

Year 6 learnt about Mayan history, writing a travel blog about Chichen Itza in Mexico and an adventure story about king Ballam and his life in a Mayan fishing village. 

Year 5 are studying Ancient Greece so after taking a tour of Crete, they wrote a postcode explaining the history of several key historical buildings.  They then watched film clips about Theseus and wrote a non-chronological report about his life. Finally, they wrote a newspaper report explaining what happened in the labyrinth, a link into the journalism English topic in the Y5 English curriculum.  

Finally, Year 4 spent a day watching clips to enhance their understanding of Myths. They used the day to explore what is meant by myths and were inspired by the story of gladiator Virus to write their own myths, portraying their gladiators as mythical superheroes.  

All the pupils found the event extremely engaging, challenging and inspiring. Our thanks the Wilton Trust for their financial help that made the event possible.   

Mrs Doran


Zoom Call with Spain

Well done to Year 5 who had a zoom call with our partner school in Spain this week. The pupils enjoyed meeting some Spanish children online and talking about their current topic, Hobbies. We also found out how things are going in Spain at the moment. Schools are open but pupils and staff have to wear masks in school. We hope to talk again soon.

Mrs Pease


Creating Jurassic Park Dinosaurs and other Creative Creatures

Prep pupils were given a superb opportunity on Thursday to participate in an exclusive talk led by Industrial Light and Magic -the visual effects company set up by George Lucas. Liverpool College was only one of 4 schools invited to this exclusive webinar - so this really was an exceptional opportunity for our pupils to be able to have their questions answered by world experts in art, animatronics, modelling and CGI. Two ILM experts showcased their superb skills -Sian Warren and Andrea Chiampo. Sian is a Creature Modeler and joined Industrial Light and Magic through the Jedi Academy Graduate Scheme in 2019, after graduating in Computer Animation. She gave a demonstration of how she uses the software ZBrush to create computer models. Pupils watched live as Sian turned a basic outline shape of a dinosaur into something that could have been used in Jurassic Park – how to model, adjust, reform and digitally paint the computerised animals in extraordinary detail.

Andrea Chiampo also showcased his work as a concept artist for ILM. Andrea gave the students a rare glimpse of the concept boards, the sketches, the warm up doodles and the final creative designs of a professional concept artist. Specialising in creature design for movies, Andrea demonstrated how he uses real creatures from the environment as his inspiration. For the next generation of concepts artists and designers, he suggested using the free software Pixologic Sculptris.

Congratulations to Jason S, Anya A, Michael R and Leilani B who were all able to ask questions during the talk. ILM have now launched a superb competition where pupils are encouraged to design their own creative predatory creatures that could live in an underwater world. The designs will be judged by artists, designers and modelling experts at Industrial Light and Magic. Specific details of this competition will be shared as soon as digital copies are received by the school.

Mrs Doran


Happy Christmas from the Prep School!

It’s only been a short week but what a week in the Prep School!

We have had Christingle, a reindeer run, visits to Santa in the grotto, Christmas lunch, and a party to finish! You can see some more photos from the events here and read more about our Forest School Grotto below.

Mrs Pease (Head of Prep)

Forest School Grotto

I cannot tell you how much fun we have had this week. Father Christmas (as we know) is a legend! His elves are phenomenal and FC says that the teachers in Liverpool College are superb!! See for yourself!!

The delivery of our Grotto needs a special thank you; to Mrs Young for her vehement support, not just financially from the PTA, but in her presence....even though her feet were freezing!! And a special thank you to Mr "elf" Harvey, photographer extraordinaire!!

And of course, the one and only, Father Christmas who has chatted to, listened to and encouraged ALL of our Pre Prep and Prep children.

In a year of pressing, trying and difficult circumstances, it has been my pleasure to see wonder, excitement and fun on the faces of all of our children, from Reception to Y6. 

I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New year. I anticipate MUCH mud in January...and beyond!!!!

Mrs Shackell (Forest School Lead)


Science Diversity Project Winners

We had over 120 fantastic entries for the KS3 Science Diversity Project, all of which will receive a PPC point. The best projects will also be displayed in Science after Christmas. 

The Science Department wanted to highlight and celebrate diversity and achievements from all different ethnic backgrounds in science. Pupils in Years 7-9 were invited to research a pioneering BAME scientist or engineer, and produce a piece of display work based on their research.

It was a very difficult decision for our team of 6th form judges but the final prizewinners were:

  • 1st - Poppy W (7 Howard’s)
  • 2nd - Nella A (9 Brook’s)
  • 3rd - Olivia C (9 Butler’s)

Poppy received a £25 Amazon voucher for her project about Maggie Aderin-Pocock.  Nella and Olivia received a £15 voucher each.  

Also highly commended for their original poems - Anouksha S (7 Selwyn’s), and Ahmad K (7 Brook’s).  Anouksha's poem is copied below:
Bame Scientists

There are many Bame scientists up to date,

Who have discovered things that are great

Like the mathematician Gladys Mae West,

Her work on the shape of the earth was best.

Then George Washington Carver was clever head to foot,

He found 100 uses of a sweet peanut.

Another fine scientist was Ernest Everest Just,

His research on cells was a must.

Then there’s wonderful Patricia Bath,

Our laser eye surgery she led the path.

Marie Maynard Daly was very good,

She worked on cholesterol in your blood.

Mae Jemison was proud of her race,

She was the first black female to go to space.

Percy Lavon Julian had great belief,

He made drugs out of a green leaf.

So, a Bame scientist to the world brings,

Many innovative wonderful things.

By Anouksha S (7 Selwyn’s)

Mrs Diamond


Extra-Curricular Sports Awards at the Boarding House

Last week saw several Christmas celebrations take place within the Boarding House and on Thursday Y13 boarders Silvana D and Helena N received half term awards for their outstanding contribution to boarding extra-curricular sport throughout the Michaelmas term. Students have been awarded certificates and treats for their efforts.

Mr Cook (Director of Sport) and Mrs Latham (Head of Boarding)


House Sports Points - Michaelmas Term Leaderboard

The Michaelmas term House Sports Leaderboard saw School House see off a late challenge from Selwyn's to finish top of the leaderboard by twelve points. Despite Selwyn's topping the leaderboard during the first couple of weeks, School House eventually took over top spot and haven't looked back since. We look forward to all Houses resuming their battle next term.

  • 1st - School House - 1040 points
  • 2nd - Selwyns - 1028 - points
  • 3rd - Butlers - 935 - points
  • 4th - Howsons - 903 - points
  • 5th - Howards - 715 - points
  • 6th - Brooks - 678 - points

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)
