Saturday Sport Jamboree

On Saturday, over 400 pupils took part in a jamboree of school sports. The blustery but sunny day involved pupils participating in Rugby, Football, Hockey and Netball with many pupils displaying excellent individual talent and teamwork.  It was fantastic to see so many happy pupils, turning up on time, dressed immaculately in full LC Sports Kit and leaving having tried their hardest for their House.

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


‘Magic’ End to School Lockdown

After weeks working virtually at home, what better way to end virtual learning than with a virtual Magic and Grand Illusion show! Modern magic duo Jay & Joss entertained the primary pupils (and their families) with an interactive experience they’ll remember forever – hopefully adding a little joy to the memories of learning at home through lockdown. The live magic show made all the children feel like they were on the front row of the theatre – right up-close to the magic, and some even became part of the show. As well as having fun – the kids are learning too. Magic is a superb way to practice lateral thinking, problem solving and creative thinking. Magic sets are a superb gift for children to challenge their intellect. Presenting education in fun and dynamic ways is a specialism of the Liverpool College enrichment programme -whether virtual learning or face to face.

Mrs Doran


Bringing Roman History to Life

To fit in with their history topic, The Romans, Year 3 enjoyed an incredible live history show this week which taught them all about different aspects of life during the Roman period. Through the magic of technology, they travel to Ancient Rome to learn about the origins of the Roman empire and visited famous buildings such as the Colosseum and Circus Maximus. They even visited a Roman latrine. A highlight of the show was meeting a Roman Centurion, who explained about weapons/tactics/armour and the invasion of Roman Britain. To illustrate the importance of women in Roman times, they also met Boudica – an incredibly influential Roman figure who began the uprising against the Roman occupation. After the incredibly fun and informative show, the students were then given an opportunity to ask questions directly to the historical figures in a ‘History Hot Seat’.

Mrs Doran


Paper Engineering Workshop

Pop up books are always a favourite with young children – but how are they made? Pupils were able to explore the wonderfully creative world of paper engineering this term, benefiting from a series of fabulous workshops. Led by a professional artist Mr Pickford, the pupils had expert step by step instructions about a range of useful techniques. Pupils learnt a range of techniques including V-folds vertical risers, platforms and box layers. Once they've returned to school, Y3 pupils will learn opposite action techniques and box mechanisms. This half term, pupils will then use all of these techniques to create their own pop up book.

Mrs Doran


Greek Show Bringing History to Life

Prep pupils used their time travelling skills to be transported back 2500 years this week – back to Ancient Greece, for a superb Greek Live Show! Using live actors, the show met 8 different characters from Ancient Greece. Using green screen backgrounds, props, music, lights and video backgrounds, the actors put on a virtual show like none we have seen before – including teaching history through music and song.  On a quest to find the meaning of life, the pupils met, among others, a Spartan who loved war, an actor working in a Greek Amphitheatre, an Olympian, the famous Greek philosopher Socrates and an Athenian who taught the students all about democracy. The pupils loved the high energy, musical and highly entertaining, educational show. It certainly did bring History Alive!

Mrs Doran


Y4s meet Julius Caesar – LIVE!

Saluto! On Tuesday, as part of the term’s history topic, Julius Caesar joined Y4 - live! In full Roman dress, straight from Caesar’s Palace in Rome (the beating heart of the Roman Empire) Julius joined the pupils to share with them some stories from his past and how his childhood experiences shaped him into a powerful leader. He talked about Roman culture and the things we still have to thank him for today such as the road systems, toilet plumbing, aqueducts, our calendar, currency, language and even fast food! As ruler of Rome, Julius Caesar won many battles and helped his huge Empire grow. After being given time to research all about Julius Caesar, the pupils were also given an opportunity to ask the Emperor questions about his life and about life in Roman times. Even through lockdown, history can still be brought to life!

Mrs Doran


Virtual Plus Festival

Over the past two week, More Able pupils from KS1, 2 and 3 have been invited to participate in an Educational Festival designed especially to stretch and challenge More Able pupils. This has involved a series of talks, lectures and interactive workshops, with opportunities for pupils to meet like-minded peers to learn about a wide variety of subjects. As well as the educational benefits, it has also helped to create a sense of belonging, reduce feelings of isolation and help maintain positive mental health. Additionally, there have also been opportunities for parents to meet with other parents to discuss any ideas or concerns.

The event was organised through Potential Plus, specialists in More Able provision. Over 50 different workshops were organised throughout the festival, including making Zines; Design a Themed Playground; Eating Insects; The Titanic; Science Experiments; Music; Drawing Sounds; Writing Poetry; Stop Frame Animation; Being Peter Pan; Monster Design; Art and Science; Mathematics of Black Holes; Political Theory in Action; Alan Turing; Critical Thinking; Einstein’s Theory of Relativity; Quantum Computing; Philosophical questions; Maths; Canadian history; Building Bridges… As the school's co-ordinator for More Able provision, I have personally participated in over 30 of these events this fortnight and the standard has been exceptional. Well done to all involved. I hope you were able to make the most of these superb opportunities. 

Mrs Doran 

Report from Hanaa C who attended the V Plus Festival

During half term I was involved in something called Virtual Plus. It is for students to enter every day and learn some cool new things. I loved it. I had to go on the 8-11 year olds since I am 9. On my first day, we were going to design a playground. When we joined the zoom session, there were two people called Rowena and Mark and they told us to be adventurous, explore and to use things around us. They inspired us.

I listened to them and when I finished I felt very excited about my drawing. I had designed my own special playground. It was a sea creature theme inspired by my brother's fish tank! It had monkey bars where you climbed the octopus's  legs, it had a pole to slide down that was an electric eel, it had a climbing frame with fish on the ropes. When I was done I felt really good about signing up.

The next day it got even better, this session was called The magic of music (according to science). The lady who did this was called Emer Maguire. She was a songwriter and she helped us understand if music was science or art. At the end, she sang us one of her extraordinary songs called 'Lockdown' and it was about Coronavirus and how it was effecting all of our lives.

All of the others were awesome and I really enjoyed them but my favourite was called Dream Big! It was about drama and the lady who was running the session was called Mary Benzies. She had acting experience and she told  us about a theatre show. She was talking about some fairies and elves. There was King Oberon, Queen Titania, Puck and Bottom. They all had a catchphrase/line they always said. She told us to get one prop per character. Whenever she King Oberon, we would hold our prop and say "Bow down to me,". Whenever she said Queen Titania, we would hold our other prop and say "No bow down to me," Puck and Bottom also had lines. My prop for King Oberon was a big stick, for queen Titania I had a mirror, for Puck I had a teddy bear as he was playful and for bBttom I had a crown because he thought he was the best.

I really enjoyed these sessions and I hope all the other children did too.
