Farewell to the Y13 Boarders

Well, the time has come, we must say goodbye to our Y13 boarders. They have had a challenging year and their boarding experience has been hugely dictated by COVID-19 but they have survived it and achieved. 

From myself and the rest of the Boarding Team, we wish you lots of joy and happiness as you begin a new chapter in your life. 

Goodbye and good luck 'the boarders of 2019-20'.

Mrs Latham (Head of Boarding)


Y7 rugby enrichment day with Sale Sharks

On Monday, the Y7s had the opportunity to engage in a fun inclusive rugby enrichment day with two coaches from premiership team Sale Sharks. The pupils were keen to impress and quickly got into their stride to impress the onlooking coaches. There were lots of fun filled rugby games which were of an interest to all the pupils as throws were completed and tackles were made. The coaches commented on the positive attitude, behaviour and effort of the pupils who were a credit to their Houses.
Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


Inter-House Netball Competition brings success to Howard’s

Last Saturday, all Y7 girls and a small number of boys from each house took part in an inter-house netball competition. Netball has been a huge miss this academic year due to the lockdown periods and the opportunity to participate in a tournament brought huge excitement and joy amongst the Y7 pupils. Eager to impress, the pupils didn't let down, portraying an array of netball skills and talents that impressed the onlooking coaches. Another impressive feature was the inclusion of boys, and they didn't let their House down, battling for each ball with determination and vigour. The tournament ended with Howard’s as winners and Esme W and Orla C being the star performers in a dedicated team. Other star performers were Summer B from Howson’s and Saria T from Selwyn's.

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


Continuous lockdown rugby training means the Y9 rugby team are in top form

On Monday, the Y9 rugby team travelled the short distance to St Margaret's Academy on a sunny but breezy afternoon. The match for both sides started slowly with few set plays. As the match progressed the College started to get into their rhythm with some quick movement and reliable passing. As the game progressed the College suddenly clicked into gear and tries started to flow in quick succession. Marcus F led some great rucks and there were some great chip plays by Jacob W. The College eventually won the match 40-5.
Marcus F and Jacob W - Joint Y9 Rugby Captains 


Passion, desire and spirit enabled the 1st XV Rugby team to beat St Edwards

After an unusual year of life to say the least, the day had finally arrived for Liverpool College to play their first fixture of rugby. The game was played on Saturday May 15, in a derby at St Edwards school. With last year’s close final still in the minds of many of Liverpool College’s players, it was clear from the starting “squeeze” that the boys wanted it more than St Edwards did.

The game started fast-paced and full of intensity, with the two sides battling it out in all areas of the pitch. Despite it being close, Liverpool College proved to be more dominant in the forward areas, and were more physical across the park. The game remained close for the majority of the first half, until Liverpool College were able to break down the St Edwards defence with many “rabbit balls” followed by a kick over the top by Ciaran R, which was chased down and scored by Kieran S in the corner, to make the score 5-0. Scoring first allowed Liverpool College to gain momentum, and the boys dominated the remainder of the first half, with good attacking play, and a strong defensive line that couldn’t be broken by the St Edwards attack. Overall, a great first half of rugby played by both teams; clear passion was on display, and the game was close.

HT score: 5-0.

The second half began, and there was no drop in intensity nor quality of play from either side. St Edwards started the half well, with some solid line running from their centres; however the boys displayed a defensively sound performance, putting in some big hits, and turning the ball over at the rucks.

Not only were the boys outstanding in defence, but the attacking play was a clear threat to the St Edwards defensive line, with hard running, and nice hands. It was this quality in attack that allowed Jacob C to score in the corner following smooth handling from the backs and thus securing Liverpool College’s second try of the match, making it 10-0.

This 10-0 lead didn’t last for long, as the second try filled St Edwards’ desire to get a score back. The kick-off at the restart put them in a good position within the Liverpool College 22m. They were able to capitalise on this great move in the back line, allowing them to secure their first try of the game under the posts. The try was topped off with a nice conversion, to make the score 10-7.

With 10 minutes to go, the game was as close as it could be, with both sides battling it out with sheer lust for victory. The 10 minutes of gameplay was full of entertainment, with the boys crashing it in, and St Edwards holding their own in defence; however following a mistake on St Edwards’ part, Liverpool College were gifted a penalty in the middle of the pitch. Ciaran R showed great initiative and felt kicking for 3 points was the best option. A nice kick over the posts allowed Liverpool College to extend their lead to 13-7. However despite there being little time left to play, St Edwards did not back down, nor accept defeat. They spent the remainder of the game up in the Liverpool College half, attacking them with everything they had. Thankfully, the boys displayed a fantastic defensive performance, and the opposition were unable to break the line, in hope for a second try of their own. The score finished 13-7 to Liverpool College.

The game was brilliant overall and the two sides showcased passionate performances and a clear desire to come out on top. It was an outstanding reintroduction to first XV rugby, following a year of uncertainty and lack of playing.

A huge well done to many of the year 12’s, many of whom played their first ever game of senior rugby for the school. Every player performed well and It is clear the team will be a strong one next year.

MOTM: A difficult choice to make, due to every player performing fantastically. However the award goes to Kieran S, due to his try in the first half, and sheer physicality throughout the game.

Sebastian C (1st XV Captain)


A Week of Y7-Y8 House Football and Hockey Matches

Despite the change in weather providing showers and shooting hailstones onto the Astro Turf, the Y7-Y8 Houses have been able to produce some fascinating House football and hockey matches. There is a buzz around the classrooms during morning registration as forms discuss starting line ups and potential winning tactical formulas to try and beat their fellow Houses. This week saw Y7 Howard’s beat Y7 Brook’s at football, Y8 Howson’s beat Y8 Butler’s at hockey, Y7 School beat Y7 Selwyn’s at hockey and debatably the match of the academic year so far as Y7 Brook’s fought back from 3-1 down to beat Y7 Selwyn’s 5-3 at football. Y7 Brook’s Football Captain Ben M was in scintillating form leading from the front to drag Brook’s back into the game. A special mention must go to Y7 House Mentor Mrs Webb a tactical football genius whose advice to her Y7 Selwyn’s form enabled them to roll back the years and produce a first half performance that had many purring at her gegenpressing Y7 Selwyn’s side.

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


A Week of OL Football Matches

This week saw the return of many former pupils to the College, participating in two thrilling football matches versus the current Y12. The first match which took place on a sunny Tuesday evening involving former OL's Anthony Lyons, Matt Jackson, Michael Lawless, Danny Smith, Nathan Pickering, Dylan Luck, Adam Stringer, and many more ending a see-saw match with Anthony Lyons firing home a last-minute penalty to give the OLs a 4-3 win. On the Wednesday, saw the return of Steven Rawlings, Luc Haralambous and taking time off from his scholarship at Blackpool, Jak Wood. This match also provided many goals and this time it was the current Y12s who ended up the victors 6-5. It was a fantastic double event of sport with many asking for similar matches to be played on a more regular basis after such an enjoyable double evening. 

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)
