Y8 Q&A Session with Champions League Winner Florent Sinama Pongolle

This week, a group of Y8s were treated to an hour of questions and answers with former Liverpool Champions League winner Florent Sinama Pongolle. The excited pupils asked many questions related to Mr Pongolle's footballing career in which he has played for clubs including Atletico Madrid, Blackburn, Chigago Fire and Zaragoza. The pupils impressed our guest with their sporting knowledge whilst talking positively about school sport.

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


Wins for the Y7 and Y8 Rugby Teams

There was huge excitement last Saturday as the return of fixtures saw both the Y7 and Y8 rugby teams put on fantastic team performances to beat Bolton School. Many pupils playing a rugby match for the first time were spurred on by LC families at both the home playing fields and some Y7 families travelled to Bolton. Special mention to Y8 pupil Erdis R (Howson's), playing his first ever rugby match, who produced a brilliant passionate display and was rewarded with his first ever try. All the pupils represented the College brilliantly in full school uniform and portraying excellent manners. 

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


Record Numbers Attend a Morning of Saturday Sport

The first week of the academic year saw a record number of over 400 pupils enter the sports fields to participate in several sporting activities.  The first house competition took place as all Y8 boys participated in a Rugby House Competition. The battle of the House giants saw Brook's come out as triumphant winners. Whilst the competition was taking place, all Y7 boys and girls engaged in hockey and rugby trials support by number of Y10 pupils. Halfway through the morning the Y8 girls entered the fields before all pupils in Y7 and Y8 took the short trip to Sefton Park for the eagerly awaited 2021-22 House Run. The winners were Y7 girls - Lexi W (Butler's), Y7 boys - Ethan B (Howson's), Y8 girls - Eve R (Butler's) and Y8 boys - Hugo M (Howard's) and Ben M (Brook's) joint first. The final part of the morning saw the 1st XV rugby team take to the field and eventually narrowly lost by a try to Austin Friars. An excellent morning of sport supported brilliantly by all families. 

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


2020-21 Sports Awards

The first week of the academic year ended with the rescheduled 2020-21 Sports Awards. A packed MV Hall saw over 250 families, pupils, staff, and guest speakers celebrate a sporting academic year with a difference. The prevention of sporting fixtures enabled the College to have many inter house competitions ranging from hockey, rugby, football, netball and handball. The audience listened to passionate speeches from LC parent Mr Harrison, guest speaker and LC parent Mrs Lund Ansnes, LC parent and PTA representative Mrs Young and former OLs and current teachers at the College Miss Evans and Miss Pye. Y8 and Y9 pupils Kyrah W and Leo WP wowed the audience with their musical talents. Many pupils, dressed immaculately in school uniform, received awards for their sporting talents in numerous sporting disciplines. A superb evening for all involved.
Mr Cook (Director of Sport)



Liverpool College pupils are celebrating a set of excellent results, achieved under the most unusual of circumstances.

Our A level candidates were rewarded for their efforts with strong results, excellent university places, with well over 50% of students obtaining a place at a Russell Group University, including 5 students who gained places  at Oxbridge. 5 candidates obtained places to study medicine.

Our GCSE candidates all achieved what they need for their next steps. For a majority this will be studying in our Sixth Form along with more than 50 externally recruited qualified candidates from all over the country, and through boarding, the world. Others will be taking up apprenticeships and other college courses in areas a varied as digital media and applied sciences.

Congratulations to all our pupils and a great thank you to our wonderful staff who have inspired them persevered with them in these difficult times.


House Sports Cup Winner 2020-21 - Selwyn's

There has been a massive amount of house sports competitions this academic year with rugby, hockey, football and netball being the main sports. Alongside competitions, pupils have been awarded house sports points for effort, punctuality and appearance through games and attendance for Saturday sport. The competition element has helped to create an inclusive sport culture where every pupil has had the opportunity to engage in the ethos of house competitions.

The winner of this year's House Sports Cup is Selwyn's. Many congratulations to all in that house.

The pupil whose accumulated the most House Sports points is Marcus F in Y9 Brook's whose been a consistent performer in games, Saturday sport and fixtures. 

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)



Sporting Achievement 2020-21

The following pupils have been nominated by the PE staff and sports coaches for their outstanding achievement within sport this academic year. This has been recognised through games periods, after school sports, Saturday sport, house competitions and fixtures. We hope to celebrate sport at the school and individual achievements at a sports awards evening in September.

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)
School House
Tom C - Y7
Summer T - Y7
Jamie W - Y8
Elinor G - Y8
Harry Q - Y7
Junior S - Y7
Patrick Q - Y10
Charles M - Y10
Sam B - Y11
Sadie T - Y11
Ciaran R - Y12
Jacob C - Y12
Lena A - Y8
Annabel A - Y10

Sam R - Y7
Summer B - Y7
Oscar F - Y8
Holly W - Y7
Libby H - Y11
Erdis R - Y7
Jude F - Y7
Sebastian C - Y13
Roberto M - Y8
Harry N - Y12

Freya FJ - Y7
Ben M - Y7
Thomas P - Y8
Mary M - Y8
Jan M - Y10
Anna R - Y10
Jude R - Y10

Esme W - Y7
Hassan S - Y7
Maisie MH - Y8
Freddie B - Y8
Charlie H - Y11
Orla C - Y7
Leila S - Y7
Amelia B - Y8
Beth B - Y8

James PF - Y7
Eve R - Y7
Thomas H - Y8
Imogen R - Y8
Jamie M - Y9
Hannah S - Y9
Isla L - Y7
Seth S - Y7
Dennis P - Y8
Charlie Y - Y8
Olivia C - Y8
Dylan D - Y10
Ben W - Y11
Aydin H - Y10

Marco B - Y7
Elsa M - Y7
Anthony L - Y8
Tahlia R - Y10
Rowan T - Y8
Archie M - Y7
Jacob W - Y9
Madeleine E - Y10
Harry D - Y10
Mia P - Y10
Lili L - Y10
