DofE Training Walk

A group of Sixth Form students took part in a training walk on Friday 8th October in preparation for their Gold Award DofE practice expedition at half-term. The students enjoyed fine weather as they completed a circuit of Helsby Hill and Woodhouse Hillfort and all improved their confidence at navigating using an Ordnance Survey map.

Mr Griffith (Head of Sixth Form)


A boarder's visit to the Rugby League Grand Final in Manchester

On Saturday, Jan IG (Y8) and Ciya K (Y8) had an amazing opportunity to visit the famous ground of Old Trafford home of Manchester United for the Rugby Grand Final between St Helens and Catalan Dragons. The scene was set for this spectacular event as both pupils joined in the singing of songs from the St Helens faithful. The evening ended happily as St Helen's won their third final in succession and both pupils celebrated with a McDonald's on the way home.

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


Weekend Park Visits

Every weekend, the boarders take a stroll in Sefton Park to feed the birds and ducks. This weekend we bought ice creams and played in the park. 

Mrs Latham (Head of Boarding)


Library Visit

On Saturday, the boarders visited Liverpool Central Library and the world museum. They all registered and got their very own library cards and checked out plenty of books! As Albert Einstein once said 'The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library'.
Mrs E Latham (Head of Boarding)


A Morale Boosting Cup Win for the Rugby 1st XV

The senior rugby squad headed over to a blustery Rydal on Wednesday, in the first round of the cup, optimistic about their chances of securing a first win of the season. The College team came out the blocks firing, playing a mix of hard running and free flowing rugby, taking advantage of any overlap opportunities to score some early tries. Year 11 Jan's rampaging runs were an early highlight, as well as the lightning speed and agility of Michael O, Layo F and Harry P in wide positions. The College dominated the first half and led 45-0 at half time, with tries from Harry P, Layo F, Ahmed S x2, Ben W, Malik S, Meshach O and Matthew R. 
The second half saw the very young Rydal team demonstrate admirable resilience and had opportunities to get on the board, but some last-ditch defence, just about held them off. The College's performance wilted in the second half, with unforced errors, lacks in concentration and Rydal's perseverance in counter rucking. This meant is took 20 minutes of the second half, before a Ciaran R try put a halt to the game at 52-0. 
A brilliant first win for the College side, that will hopefully do wonders for confidence and belief going into more difficult fixtures in the future. A personal highlight was seeing smiles and celebrations, between all three year groups, with positive bonds and relationships being developed through rugby. 
Mr S Heeley (1st XV Coach)


Superhuman Effort Ensures Y8 Win Their First Ever Football Match

After an academic year of no fixtures, the Y8 boys played their first ever football match and it was some match. The hosts Kings Leadership Academy were certainly no push over with their fast-moving play giving the College plenty to think about. After 15 minutes the College took the lead with a goal from Mohanned A and soon after Khalil M made it 2-0. The second half was a titanic battle in windy conditions and right at the start of the second half, Kings were given a penalty. Goalkeeper Erdis R made an amazing save to tip it around the post. Five minutes later and Kings were given another penalty and yet again another stunning save ensured the College maintained a two-goal lead. Back came Kings and from a corner the lead was finally narrowed to 2-1 with a fine finish. The College were not to be denied the win and Marco B broke free and fired home to ensure the College were the victors 3-1.

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


Boarders at Liverpool Water Sports Centre

The boarders had a lovely day at Liverpool Water Sports Centre on Saturday, and the weather helped. The views of Liverpool from a kayak were described as 'beautiful' by some. They also played on the aqua park; it was lovely seeing the smiling faces and hearing laughter. Water sports is a great mood booster, wellness regulator and a solid workout. 

Mrs Latham (Head of Boarding)
