Big Bang Digital Event

Pupils from KS2 and KS3 took part in a superb event this week – the Digital Big Bang. For the past 5 years, the Big Bang Show has been a huge event which takes place in the Liverpool Exhibition centre. In current circumstances, the Big Bang Team were determined the show must go on – so they launched Big Bang Digital. This event involved 54 talks and digital workshops broadcast live over a 3-day period. Between Wednesday and Friday, ever hour both live events and on-demand content was broadcast. All events were designed to enable pupils to discover exciting possibilities and connect to inspiring role models in STEM. The events included young inventors and experimenters, future game-changers and lifesavers, politicians, activists, robotic engineers, chemists, environmentalists, meteorologists, engineers, programmers and scientists.

Videos of these talks will become available for on-demand access in the coming weeks for anyone who missed it! Details of this will be shared as soon as they are available.

Mrs Doran 


Young Leader Competition 2020-2021 - Results Are In!

Liverpool College has Finalists in every category!

We have just learnt six Liverpool College pupils were selected as winners for the Merseyside and Cheshire region in the Young Leaders Competition. As well as receiving a DISTINCTION shortlisted certificate, the pupils will also shortly have their work showcased in a Gallery. Their creativity and problem-solving skills will be exhibited in the Merseyside and Cheshire Gallery for all to see.

The Leaders Award competition posed the question "If you were an engineer, what would you do?" You can see previous entries at Every child in KS2 and Y7 was given an opportunity to participate this year, with KS3 Wilton Scholars and those attending Enterprise activities in the Upper School also asked to submit an entry. To participate, pupils had to identify a problem they had observed in real life, invent a solution to that problem, illustrate and annotate their creation, promote their product through a descriptive ‘Pitch Letter’ and meet a real engineer.

We have winners in every year group from Y4-Y7, which is a superb achievement and speaks to the high calibre of entries submitted by our pupils.

The Finalists were:

  • Year 8 - Niamh K and Jude S F
  • Year 7 - Jeffrey L and Nicholas D, Daisy L
  • Year 6 -Aisha A, Aryan G, Sam W
  • Year 5 - Cori D, Poppy L
  • Year 4 - Carter C, Refeef Lily Al-N

The following pupils were awarded Distinctions or Merits for the high quality of their designs and the creativity of their inventions. Well done to all our winners and to all those who entered. The standard from Liverpool College was described as superb! All are to be congratulated. Distinction

Distinctions - Mary M, Christinas P, Kara B

Merits - Thomas P, Isaac F, Harich A-B, Haseeb H, Oliver J, Arben L, Sascha PW, Sienna S, Stanley C, Aliyah K, Amelia T H, Anya W, Uzair A, Emily B, Phoebe H, Luc H, Katherine H, Roisin H, Zak H, Neha J, Poppy M, Isaac O’B, Alisha S, Ava S, Katy W, Katie A, Scarlet K, Dylan L, Drew McC, Sienna M O’K, Jack P, Ed R, Matilde A, Sadie B, Freddie B, Rozelin K, Lorik L, Grace M, Luca N, Chrysa S

Mrs Doran


Liverpool College G7 Event

Liverpool College conducted its own G7 summit this half term. The event involved pupils  across 3 key stages and every Prep School form had their own Youth 7 summit (known as Y7).

Pupils were able to discuss what they believed were priority areas for development and to decide upon recommendations that they would make, if they were Youth 7 delegates in G7. Mrs Doran launched the event with a presentation about G7, its history, its members and its fundamental aims. Pupils then worked in groups to brainstorm key ideas and selected their class delegates to present their ideas to the form. Working democratically, students then voted which of all the ideas they heard they felt were the most important.

Year group Youth 7 delegates will write a final communique and present their findings to a whole school Liverpool College G7 summit later in the year. Final recommendations will be presented to local politicians and eventually, emailed to our prime minister, Boris Johnson.

A superb event which introduced students to world politics. 


Y7 Art Gallery Now Live!

Our first Y7 virtual exhibition is now live! 

Explore a multi-sensory experience of fauvist inspired landscape painting and poetry readings from Year 7. Click here to access the gallery.

This is a binaural recording using a specific type of microphone. This technique enables you to capture a 3D sound, creating the illusion of being in the room with the performer or on location. So, for the best experience of the Y7 landscape exhibition, the audience is invited to wear headphones/earplugs when navigating the gallery space.

Thank you to Y7 Selwyn’s for the poetry reading.

Mrs Hardisty


Y7 Inter House Rugby Tournament

Last Saturday, all the Y7 boys were invited into school to participate in a Y7 Inter House Rugby Tournament. The pupils arrived on time, dressed in full sports kit and blazer ready to play rugby. The pupils in their House eagerly listened to the instructions before playing 5 competitive rounds of rugby. The excited pupils ran onto the pitch, displaying passion and enthusiasm to succeed throughout. Eventually, the tournament was won by School House, but all the pupils were winners and were awarded houses points for standards of dress, effort, and attendance. An excellent morning of House rugby.
Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


Y9 Magistrates Mock Trial

We would like to congratulate all Year 9 pupils who represented Liverpool College this week in the Young Citizens Magistrates Mock Trial Competition.  All Year 9 pupils were offered the opportunity to participate in this event, which helps young people gain an insight into the legal justice system. The event was launched by professional defence lawyer Sinead Fearson, from RMNJ Solicitors, in March. The participating students have been working for the past month on the project, including working with another lawyer, Mrs Parry, who kindly arranged one to one Teams meetings this week with pupils to help them prepare. During the event, pupils litigated a specially written criminal case on money laundering, assuming the roles of defence lawyers, magistrates, prosecution lawyers, a legal advisor, the defendant, the usher, witnesses and even a court reporter. The final mock trial, on Wednesday, was conducted virtually, presided over by experienced Magistrate Jane Bonner JP. The judges were extremely impressed with our team’s performance. Mrs Bonner commented on the ‘superb preparation, superb court manner, confident delivery of speeches and appropriate use of court language that made her feel as if she was in a real courtroom’. The pupils were described as ‘perceptive’ and as ‘extremely impressive’.

The Y9 Liverpool College Law team will now go on to the finals, competing directly against Eden Boys school from Birmingham on 30 June. Congratulations to all the pupils involved (Hannah, Giselle, Khan, Amy, Solomon, Friedeika, Ruby-Jo, Omar, Olivia, Patrick, Siya, Shamita, Sasha, Nia, Ella, Francesca, Christina, Oliva).  

Mrs Doran


Football Stadium Tours

Once sunny afternoon in Liverpool, our boarders took a trip around the city, visiting Anfield and Goodison ... how could we let our international students leave Liverpool without having visited two of the biggest football grounds in the country (if not world!).

Mrs Latham (Head of Boarding)
