Y13 Talk – Women in Leadership; Prison Life

Y13 students were treated to a Liverpool College first on Monday when they were given the opportunity to hear a talk from prison governor Jacqueline Gourley. Giving the students the benefit of her 28 years’ experience in the prison service, Jackie gave the students a ‘warts and all’ picture of life in a modern Jail. Describing the prison as a ‘small town’, Jackie explained the different classifications of prisoners and how the prisoner facilities and infrastructure has changed over the years. She also described the impact of Covid on prison life and the steps she, as the Prisoner Governor, has taken to address the issues of extended periods within cells during this national pandemic, including the introduction of encrypted technological devices to extend communication opportunities between prisoners and their families. It was quite eye opening for the students to hear a frank portrayal of prison life and to recognise the role of a woman in such a powerful leadership role in such a traditionally, male dominated environment.

Mrs Doran


Year 7 Law Talk

Year 7 pupils from Brook’s and Butler’s enjoyed a valuable talk about Law this week. Beth Wheatley, a lawyer for Bentley Motors, defined the principal job roles of a lawyer and addressed the misconceptions derived about the profession. She explained the multiple types of law practitioner, both established and up-and-coming (following the rise of the digital age). Beth went on to explain to the pupils her specific role as a lawyer in commercial litigation and the essential skills and attributes required to be successful in the profession such as attention to detail, resilience, the ability to articulate yourself clearly, determination and problem solving. This group of Y7 pupils will be invited to participate in a Law event next term where they will be able to develop their public speaking skills by taking the roles of judges, lawyers and witnesses as they try real cases in a ‘mock’ trial. Details to follow!

Mrs Doran


Boarders Hockey Session

The boarders recently engaged in an on-site hockey session with our coach Miss Arnold. First, they engaged in several strength related hockey skills and it was the girls that outshone the boys with their power and strength. After mastering several drills, the students then went on to play a mixed match. This provided much entertainment and plenty of goals. Eventually, the match ended 3-2.

Mrs Latham (Head of Boarding) and  Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


Letters to Local Care Home from Y7 Brook’s

We are all facing a challenging time with COVID19 and for many of us the announcement of a second national lockdown is unsettling. For many people it will also be a very lonely time, especially for our elders.

Y7 Brook’s and I put our minds to work and came up with a great idea to try and put a smile on our elders faces by writing letters to a local care home. During the first half of the Michaelmas term the pupils worked on creating positive and inspiring letters writing about themselves, settling in to Liverpool College secondary school and a meaningful message to put a smile on the reader’s face. The care home chosen is very close to my heart as my grandad spent the last year of his battle with Alzheimer’s at Moss View care home in Huyton from June 2017 to August 2018. When I contacted the care home they were ecstatic and said anything to help their residents during this difficult time is more than welcome and they are really grateful for our help. Delivering the letters and some chocolates off at the care home, I could see the joy and appreciation on the nurse’s face and she shared how much this means to both the staff and the residents. That was very heart warming.

What I have learnt from this experience, in particular from the pupils, is the saying ‘in a world where you can be anything, be kind’ is more important now than ever before. The pupils showed true kindness in their letters and have made this difficult time easier for the residents at Moss View care home. Thank you Y7 Brook’s!

Miss Pye (Y7 Brook’s House Mentor)


Boarders’ Circuit Class

Mrs Latham (Head of Boarding) and Mr Cook (Director of Sport) organised a fitness related circuit class on Wednesday night to help our boarders beat some of the lockdown boredom. Students focused on their strength training and cardiovascular health. This is the first of many activities planned to beat any lockdown boredom!


‘If You Were An Engineer' 2019-20 results are in!

We have just learnt that we have seven Liverpool College pupils who were selected as winners for the Merseyside and Cheshire region in the 'If you were an Engineer' Competition.

The competition was organised through Engineering Leaders and every child in KS1, KS2 and KS3 was given an opportunity to participate, with Wilton Scholars and those attending Enterprise activities in KS4 also asked to submit an entry. To participate, pupils had to identify a problem they had observed in real life, invent a solution to that problem, illustrate and annotate their creation, promote their product through a descriptive ‘Pitch Letter’ and meet a real engineer. 

We have winners in every category, from every part of the school. This is a phenomenal achievement! 

As their entries were submitted last academic year, the key stage awards are as follows: 

  • Pre Prep - Jacob T, Rowan C
  • Prep - Lucas D, Miranda H
  • KS3 - Alicia E 
  • KS4 - Emily T and George H

As well as receiving medals and prizes, their work will be displayed through the Merseyside and Cheshire Gallery, which will be going live on Tuesday 27 October. Details to follow.

Well done to all our winners and to all those who entered. The standard from Liverpool College was described as superb! 

Mrs Doran


NASA Live Broadcast

Prep pupils tuned into a live broadcast with NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center this week, listening to experts from the Space Camp. Space Camp is an educational camp in Alabama, on the grounds of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center museum which provides educational programs for children and adults on themes such as space exploration, aviation and robotics.

In the broadcast, pupils explored astronaut training, careers in space and how the organisation has helped past students to become astronauts. Hosted by Liverpool’s own astronaut trainee Dr Jacyln Bell, the show featured NASA’s Planetarium Director and Space Camp’s senior director of communications.

Mrs Doran
