Sports Day with a Twist

On Wednesday, the secondary phase sports staff organised a mini sports day in the Hub with a twist. Instead of pupils participating in different events between houses, this time it was class bubbles. The safe events that took place included relay, carrying a Rugby tackle tube across the pitch and a skipping race. All events were keenly fought with pupils from each bubble enthusiastically cheering their team on during a sunny afternoon.

Mr Cook


Year 8 Talk: Life as a Lawyer

Rachel Giles delighted Year 8 pupils interested in careers in Law on Tuesday by delivering a superb talk about careers in law. Rachel firstly explained the fundamental role of law within society and of the vital roles lawyers, barristers, legal executives and paralegals play in upholding these laws. After an explanations of possible routes into law professions including both academic and vocational, Rachel offered extremely valuable advice to pupils about how best to achieve their life goals.  Our sincere thanks to Mrs Giles for giving up her valuable time so generously.

Mrs Doran


Science and Medicine – Meaningful Interactions

Pupils from Y7, Y8 and Y9 have been participating in a superb event this week called I’m a Scientist, Stay at home. This event connects pupils with real scientists in a variety of different scientific fields - last week was environmental scientists, this week it was scientists from medical backgrounds. Amongst the scientists were those specialising in cancer research, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, genetics, statistical analysis, computer modelling experiments and researchers looking into how fungi can be used as medicines, how protein impact upon health and how bubbles can be used to break the blood brain barrier. Each event welcomed 10 scientists who were available for 40 minutes to chat to pupils about their work, careers and their life as a scientists. Each of these events have been incredibly well attended and the pupil feedback following the events has been superb. Anyone interested in this project, open chats are available to all each day at selected times. Please go to for more details.

Mrs Doran


Orthoptics Masterclass

Carly Hegarty zoomed into Liverpool College on Thursday to deliver a video conferenced talk about orthoptics to Year 10 and Year 11 pupils. Carly also explained the various different roles of other Allied Health Care professionals. She explained orthoptics were eye and vision specialists, experts in diagnosing and treating the eye and in the nerves and muscles affecting eye movements, including eye care in neurological conditions. She also explained the ways in which pupils can prevent eye problems from developing including wearing sunglasses to prevent double vision, a healthy diet to prevent glaucoma, reducing alcohol to prevent cataracts and stopping smoking to prevent age related degenerative eye diseases.

All participating pupils were emailed the presentation. Anyone else interested in this field, please email Mrs Doran (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to receive a copy of the PowerPoint.

Mrs Doran


Y10 and Y11 Health Professional Webinar

Allied Health Professionals led an incredibly informative webinar on Thursday for pupils interested in possible careers in the Health sector. The main speaker, Mrs Kim Atkinson, explained how the NHS employs more people in the UK than any other company, employing close to 2 million professionals, comprised of over 350 different roles. Less than half of these jobs are doctors, nurses or midwives. Allied Health Professionals (someone with a specific area of healthcare they specialise in) make up a sizeable proportion of the NHS workforce. Roles discussed included radiographers, dietitians, occupational therapists, podiatrists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, paramedics, osteopaths, physiotherapists and music/drama therapist. If anyone would like more information on any of these roles, please contact to Mrs Doran (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Mrs Drew (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

Mrs Doran


‘I'm a Scientist’ Launch

Y7, Y8 and Y9 pupils have been invited to participate in a new online initiative called ‘I’m A Scientist: At Home’. The virtual activity helps pupils connect with scientists and engineers directly through a secure, monitored online chat forum. This week, pupils spoke to Scientists working in genetics, microbiology, research, medicine, environmental science, computer modelling, bio-economies and chemistry, as well as an environmental councillor, technician and a university professor.

Pupils sometimes struggle to see the applications of science lessons, especially if they don’t currently have science-related aspirations. These meaningful interactions with working scientists are therefore invaluable. It has also helped them discover a vast array of STEM careers available to them – many of which they had never heard of before allowing them to get excited about science and consequently more engaged in lessons. The text-based platform enables all students to have an equal voice, even those too shy to speak up in class, taking direct control of questions they would like answered. A truly inspiring initiative. Liverpool College will continue to utilise this superb programme until July, when prizes will be awarded.

Mrs Doran


Year 7 Wilton Scholar Workshop

North West Gifted and Talented led an excellent virtual workshop on Friday for 30 Year 7 Wilton Scholars (a group of pupils who have demonstrated high levels of academic excellence). Determined that during lockdown our pupils should still be stretched and challenged, the event was a masterclass to encourage lateral thinking and problem solving. Pupils were even given an opportunity to flex their debating muscles as they discussed a series of philosophical questions. Organised and supervised by Mrs Doran, the event lasted over an hour and utilised video conferencing to enable pupils to participate almost as fully as they would in a classroom environment. This event was the first of a series of such events organised for the pupils this term. 
