Huge Participation in Saturday Sport

There have been a few changes to Saturday Sport since the start of the new academic year.

Staggered start times and socially distanced training sessions have been popular with many of our keen pupils eager to return to Sporting fixtures and House Competitions. These changes have enabled more pupils to become involved participating in Saturday Sport. Whilst the whole of Y7 and Y8 engage in Ready4Rugby, Hockey and Girls Football training the Y9 and Y10 Rugby teams have been put to the test with several grilling drills from the Rugby coaches at Liverpool College.

Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


Covid-19 Guidance and Resources for Parents

Liverpool College Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment (2 March 2022)


Letter from Liverpool City Council (April 2022)

Please click here to access a letter to parents from Liverpool's Director of Public Health and Director of Children's Services about changes to covid guidance.

Public Health Measures and Guidance
Information is available at

The safety of pupils and staff is always our top priority and the school also plays an important part in protecting the health of the wider community.

Remote Learning Policy
Liverpool College Remote Learning Policy 

Safeguarding and Wellbeing Resources

We have a special page of safeguarding and wellbeing resources to support pupils and parents. Please click here to access the page. 

Information and Letters to Parents

Letter from Mrs Cassidy to Secondary Phase Parents regarding start of Lent Term and On-site Testing (17 December 2021)

Letter from Mrs Cassidy to Y7-10 parents regarding on-site testing (23 June 2021)

Information for Parents whose Children are Self-isolating

Additional Study Programme - Easter Holidays 2021 (Y11 and Y13)

Letter from Mrs Cassidy (Vice Principal) to Secondary Phase Parents regarding Home Testing (19.3.21)

Letter from Mrs Haynes (Vice Principal) to Secondary Phase Parents (3 March 2021)

Secondary Phase Update on Remote Learning (22 January 2021) 

Secondary Phase Remote Learning and Exams Update (7 January 2021)

UPDATED Letter from Vice Principal (31 December 2020)

Letter from Vice Principal (18 December 2020)

Letters to Parents from Liverpool's Director of Public Health and Director of Children's Services

Letter from Liverpool DPH and DCS (December 2021)

Letter from Liverpool DPH and DCS (August 2021)

Letter from Liverpool DPH and DCS (18 June 2021)

Letter from Liverpool DPH and DCS (25 May 2021)

Letter from Liverpool DPH and DCS (25 March 2021) 

Letter from Director of Public Health and Director of Children's Services (4 March 2021)
Letter from Liverpool DPH and DCS (11 February 2021)

Letter from Liverpool DCS and DPH (29 January 2021)

Letter from Liverpool DCS and DPH (10 January 2021)

Letter from Liverpool’s Director of Public Health and Director of Children’s Services (16 December 2020)

Letter from Liverpool DCS and DPH (6 October 2020)

Informing School of a Pupil’s Positive Covid Test Result

It is important that we are notified by parents of a pupil’s positive result - please report your child's absence in the usual way stating that they are Covid-19 positive.

COVID-19 Absence Advice for Parents

Letter from Public Health England (PHE) to Parents (23 September 2020) - advice on when a person requires a coronavirus test and what the symptoms of coronavirus are

NHS Guidance for Parents - Is my child too ill for school?

We recommend that parents access the quick guide for parents below as it sets out clearly the actions you must take in a variety of situations and also when a child is able to come back to school.

Guide for Parents on COVID-19 absences
In or Out of School - Colds and Covid - Flow Chart Guide

Essential Use of Face Coverings
It is now essential that parents and carers in Liverpool wear face coverings when collecting and dropping off their children at school. Those who cannot wear face coverings should maintain social distancing of at least 2m from children and other parents/ carers.

When you are collecting and dropping off your child, please ensure you follow this directive to help ensure the safety of our school and the wider community.

How to stop COVID-19 spreading
There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19

  • wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • wash your hands as soon as you get home
  • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
  • put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards

Symptoms of COVID 19
The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:

  • new continuous cough and/or
  • high temperature and/or
  • a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.

If your child does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from NHS 111 at  by phoning 119.


Return to School - September 2020

Information for Parents

Please click on the links below to access the school re-opening plans - these documents set out changes to our routines, school times, and curricular plans in order to safely reopen school and accelerate pupil learning:

Return to School - September 2020

Risk Assessment

Year 7 Start of Term and Induction Information

First Day Arrangements - Years 7-9

First Day Arrangements - Years 10-11 and 13

Public Health Measures – Reminder

The safety of pupils and staff is always our top priority and the school also plays an important part in protecting the health of the wider community.

Pupils must not attend school if:

  • they or someone in their household has coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms (new and persistent cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)).
  • they are observing a 14-day quarantine, as they have returned from a country that is not in the travel corridor and subject to quarantine rules. (the list of countries requiring isolation for 14 days is constantly changing so please regularly check the latest version here.)

These are vitally important measure to help control and contain COVID-19.


Joint Letter from Mayor of Liverpool, Director of Children's Services and Director of Public Health 

HM Government - Returning to Secondary School leaflet

HM Government - Returning to Primary School leaflet


A Level Results

We congratulate all our Year 13 students who received their grades this week. The average grade awarded of B was higher than in previous years, with many appeals still to to come because of the flaws in the algorithm which assigned the grades and last minute changes introduced by the Secretary of State.

The pattern of university admission is also similar to previous years with about 50% of students matriculating at Russell Group universities and substantial Oxbridge and medical school success. It is perhaps an indication of the chaotic nature of the process of A level grade awards this year that it will take a little longer for an accurate picture of all student destinations and results to emerge. In due course, when the combined storms of algorithms and coronavirus have subsided we will be able to gather together to properly applaud our wonderful students and their teachers.


Launching LC Press

The College has launched a publishing platform called LC Press. You can link to the site here. The site is a collective effort of staff and pupils borne of reflections and inspiration in lockdown.

We aim to publish a weekly podcast Imagination in Education available on the site, on Spotify, Google Podcast and soon on Apple iTunes.

The Principal, Hans Broekman, has written a book: Confessions of a Headteacher, a series of reflections about his work in education which is being published by LC Press as part of the launch. It is available at cost here.


“All things considered” Performing Arts Talk

Creativity, theatre and politics are not normally words that are placed together within the same profession. However, for Emma Bramley, these define her life. Emma is managing director of a Theatre company called ‘All things considered’, which use applied theatre to try to raise awareness of key issues in society and use this as a medium for challenging the norm and bringing about political and social change.

Talking to a group of Year 9 pupils, Emma spoke about the development of her career and the qualifications she has attained within her chosen field. It was fascinating to listen to the projects she has been involved in over the past few years and why she has found it such a valuable and rewarding career choice. Our thanks to Emma Bramley for such an inspirational talk.

Mrs Doran


Life Insurance and Coronavirus

Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 students were invited to attend a fascinating talk this week led by Grace Harrison. Grace is an insurance actuary for Royal London Life Insurance. Her job is to analyse statistical models to calculate projected risk for individuals, including assessing mortality, morbidity and longevity. In the light of COVID, Grace firstly explained the vocabulary surrounded the pandemic, including phrases such as excess deaths and the 'r rate,' then looked at the factors informing the computer modelling currently being used to assess the risk of the pandemic in the UK. She relayed how very small changes in data assumption can have dramatic implications in outcomes for modelling the impact of the coronavirus. The limitations and usefulness of such models were also discussed. As a life insurance actuary, Grace has an interesting perspective and presented some very interesting graphs tracing mortality rates in the UK over the past 40 years.

Mrs Doran
