Y9 Hispanic Cooking Challenge

As part of our topic on food, Year 9 pupils have been encouraged to cook some Hispanic dishes from around the world. We have been delighted to see the delicious food that our Year 9 cooks have prepared. We have received lots of entries and we are proud to share this succulent menu with you. ¡Buen provecho!

Please click here to see more of our cooking efforts!


Music Masters Concert

On Thursday, pupils from Years 7-9 entertained their friends and family at the 'Music Masters' Concert.  Performances ranged from solos to ensemble items, including many pieces the pupils had composed themselves.  It was great to see the Year 7 and 8 music scholars taking a leading role, performing with confidence and great musicianship.  We look forward to seeing these young musicians develop further!

Mr Bishop


Medical Careers Day

Pupils from Y10 travelled to Hugh Baird College to take part in a medical careers day on Wednesday. The pupils were greeted by the two current medical students who talked to them about how to apply for medicine, how to prepare personal statements and what to expect from university. The students were at different stages in their careers and at different universities. The pupils were then placed into teams of four with pupils from other schools across Merseyside and took part in four different sessions; medical ethics, anatomy, diagnostics and emergency medicine. These sessions were also run by current medical students. The final part of the day was a question and answer session where pupils could ask any question of the medical students and also two doctors at different stages of their career.

Miss Shaw


Author Virginia Clay visits Liverpool College

Y7 and Y8 Wilton Scholars were given a masterclass in Creative Writing on Tuesday with accomplished author Virginia Clay. Virgina, author of ‘Warrior Boy’, specialises in writing stories from other cultures. In 2010, Virgina moved from the Lake District to Kenya. Although trained as an actor and singer, she retrained to become a teacher in 2012 and began teaching in Nairobi. It was using her experience of life in Kenya that formed the basis of her first book. Warrior Boy is a children’s novel about London schoolboy Ben, who travels to Kenya to meet his Maasai family for the first time but discovers more about himself than he ever imagined possible.

Using extracts of her book, Virginia asked pupils to focus upon the inner conflicts within their characters, establishing the goals and the individual flaws that define people as individuals. The students were taught how to create, develop and exploit these internal conflicts to enhance their own future story writing.

Mrs Doran


HMS Prince of Wales Visit

Year 9 pupils were treated to a once in a lifetime opportunity on Monday when they were invited to participate in a STEM and Engineering event on board the HMS Prince of Wales: Britain's biggest war ship. After a tour of the ship, the pupils took part in a careers carousel exploring the vast array of roles available on board. Pupils also participated in a wide range of engaging practicals ranging from a flight simulator, virtual reality training, Sonar engineering, ship design using Lego, a course in weaponry (including drones and missile launchers) and exploring a variety of real RAF helicopters from Chinook to the Apache. The pupils were flabbergasted about the wide range of possible career options available within STEM and enjoyed taking a glimpse into the future of cutting edge maritime technology

Mrs Doran


Y6 Spanish Language Leaders

Well done to the pupils who began the Spanish Language Leaders' course this week. Fourteen pupils in Year 6 have taken up the challenge of training to be mini Spanish teachers in just four weeks. Ms Dawn Reardon from the MFL team at Liverpool School Improvement will train the children to devise and deliver a Spanish lesson to our Year 1 pupils. She was very impressed with the pupils in their first session.

Mrs Jones


Sixth Form Seville Trip

On Friday morning, we headed out early to ‘El Tore Del Oro’ (The Tower Of Gold), an military watchtower from the 13th century which had amazing views overlooking the River Guadalquivir. We took time to look around its Naval Museum at the top of the tower before then heading to another very famous landmark, El Alcazar. We spent hours exploring the huge fortress which was home to a variety of wildlife and it was very fascinating to be able to experience all of the Arabic-inspired architectural features which we had recently been learning about in school. Lastly, we ended the day by visiting Seville’s cathedral – the largest in Spain. We had to climb 35 flights of stairs to reach the top but when we finally got there, the view was very impressive to say the least, providing a suitable ending to a great first day.

Dominic R (Y12 Howson’s)
