Y5 Tudor Experience

All Year 5 pupils enjoyed an incredible history day last week when the wonderful people from History Alive came into the school to deliver Tudor workshops. Starting the day with an interactive show called ‘A Tudor Tale’, the pupils were transported back in time to meet Edward the crazy Jester and Henry VIII. The pupils then embarked on a day of hands on Tudor workshops including Health and Hygiene, Tudor sports and Edward’s Crime and punishment. All pupils also participated in a Grand Tudor dance - all in authentic Tudor clothes. Our thanks to the Wilton Trust for financing the event. The pupils all learnt an incredible amount about life as a Terrific Tudor.

Mrs Doran


GCSE English Masterclass with Jon Mayhew

Pupils in Y10 and Y11 were treated to a masterclass in preparing for their GCSE English masterclass creative writing exam this week. Jon Mayhew is the author of the inspiring and practical book 'Storycraft: How to teach narrative writing' , a resource written to support secondary school teachers in developing their pupils' creative writing.

The workshop was filled with activities and expert guidance relating to idea generation, providing off-the-peg writing prompts that students can use when faced with a creative writing exam. The workshop broke down the simple components that must be in place for a narrative to work including the crafting of character, setting, shape and structure. Jon also spent time giving helpful advice dedicated to the process of editing, in which he provided activities designed to help students diagnose and improve misfiring narratives. The pupils gained a great deal from his invaluable tips for GCSE exam preparation.

Jon is an accomplished author within his own right. Jon Mayhew is the author of the multi-award winning Mortlock and Monster Odyssey series published by Bloomsbury. His books have won the Warwick, Sefton, Wirral, Leeds and Calderdale Prizes as well as being shortlisted for the Waterstones Children’s Book of the Year. Our thanks to the Wilton Trust for financing the event and to Mrs Doran for organising it. Jon will return to Liverpool College in three weeks to continue to work with out Y10 and Y11 pupils.


Astronaut Talk was Out of This World

Liverpool College was thrilled to welcome Jaclyn Bell to Liverpool College this week to talk about STEM and careers in Space travel and Space Tourism. Jaclyn’s life-long ambition to be the first scouser in Space. Jaclyn was chosen to train as an astronaut on the BBC programme: ‘Astronauts: Do you have what it takes?’ Jaclyn spoke to students about her journey from an ordinary school in Walton, to studying Mathematical sciences at University, to achieving her PhD as a particle physicist – to being hand selected for an astronaut training programme by the former Commander of the International Space Station, Chris Hadfield.

Jaclyn showed the students videos of her astronaut training, including flying a helicopter, underwater survival skills, battling claustrophobia tasks, self-medicating, multitasking memory challenges, centrifuge acclimatization experiences and working under pressure. The pupils were even given the opportunity to test their own problem solving skills.

Jaclyn explained to the pupils that they are never too young to start preparing for their ambitions and to recognise the core skills they need to be able to achieve their dreams. Her underlining message was that they have one life – so why not aim for the stars.

Mrs Doran


Y4 Science Experiments!

On Monday, all of Year 4 descended on science to learn more about states of matter. Each class had 3 short lessons with Miss McCone, Mrs Worrall and Mrs Diamond, and pupils had the opportunity to see demonstrations and use practical equipment that they would otherwise not see until senior school. One of the best things about being an all-through school is that we can collaborate between phases and pupils benefit earlier from subject specialists to extend their learning.

Pupil voice was enthusiastic- "using the bunsen burners with Miss McCone was the best!" "Mrs Worrall has the coolest classroom ever" "Mrs Diamond showed us how solid can actually turn straight into gas!".

Thank you to Mrs Ormrod and Mr Ainscough for organising the day, and to the Year 4 teachers for letting us borrow their keen young scientists....

Mrs Diamond (Science Faculty)


Recycling Projects Update

Bottle Tops

After only two weeks of 7 Selwyn’s and the Eco Committee promoting the Liverpool College Recycling Project, our Bottle Top collection has reached over 1700 already. The target is easily going to be surpassed at this rate and it is hoped that this can be achieved by half term. The project is going to be run until Easter so it gives everyone an opportunity to continue collecting them. A target of 5000 is what we would ideally like to aim for.

The bottle tops will be recycled by melting and shredding them down to form new plastic materials that pupils can use when manufacturing their design work. Plastic bottle tops from milk bottles, pop bottles and juice bottles can all be donated.

Please ask your child to drop them in the recycling boxes in the reception area of Pre Prep and Prep School and also in MV13 and C5 where they will be collated. There will also be a collection point in Godwyn House for the 6th Form.


Eco Bottles

Eco Bottles should be filled at home before being brought into the school drop off points. These take a while to fill, and pieces of plastic wrapping must be cut into small pieces before being put in the 2 litre bottles. In a small space of time we have reached double figures but we will need a lot more if our Forest School is going to make use of them. Please remember that plastic wrapping should be clean.

Eco bottles are a way of collecting plastic which cannot be recycled (sweet wrappers, crisp packets, clean food packaging etc.).

Mrs Webb (7 Selwyn’s House Mentor)


KPMG Work Ready Workshop

On Tuesday, 60 Year 12 Business and Economics students took part in a KPMG Work Ready Hackathon. The all day event was delivered by the Transformation Trust and KPMG mentors. The students worked in groups and took part in activities that covered:

• Understanding key emerging technologies
• What does a KPMG consultant do?
• Coding and mixed reality
• Responding to real life business briefs/ client scenario
• Learning about the different careers at KPMG and what role would best suit them.
• Networking with KMPG volunteers offering insight into what it’s like to work at the company
• Pitching to an audience

They finished the day pitching to Coca Cola about a way of recycling their products and improving sustainability. The students all engaged and really enjoyed the day. Students also had the opportunity to speak to the KPMG mentors about securing apprenticeships and employment.

Mrs Drew (Assistant Careers Leader)


Y8 football team return to form with win versus Gateacre School.

On Tuesday evening, Mr Heeley passed on the startling news that the Y8 football team had been soundly beaten on their travels, their first loss since the team formed in Y7. On Thursday, the Y8s had a quick opportunity to put things right versus local rivals Gateacre School and they didn't disappoint.

The match started evenly balanced as both teams tried to gain the upper hand in a congested midfield. As the match drifted towards half time with no real chances Harry H burst onto a loose ball and powered through to place the ball into the corner of the net. The second half started with the College full of confidence and Harry H doubled the lead to score his second of the match. Some fine saves from both goalkeepers and a penalty save from the Gateacre goalkeeper meant the game ended 2-0 to Liverpool College. This was a fine battling display from the home team.

Player of the Match Harry H - Two goals capped off a fine performance

Mr Cook (Sports Coordinator)
