Prep School Trainee Palaeontologists!

Prep School pupils studying evolution and fossils in Science participated in a superb event this week when a palaeontologist visited the school with boxes of fossils for the pupils to study. Following a detailed talk by the expert on how fossils are formed, the pupils became trainee palaeontologists and careful excavated the mystery fossils using brushes. They then needed to identify and classify the fossils, analysing any unusual features using reference texts provided.

Our thanks to the Wilton Trust for making such a wonderful learning experience for the pupils possible. 

Mrs Doran


Saturday Sport at Oswestry School

Last Saturday, over 80 Liverpool College pupils boarded a 7.30am coach to travel to the borders of North Wales to participate in seven Football and Hockey fixtures versus Oswestry School. The pupils embraced the picturesque town of Oswestry and were keen to knuckle down and display their sporting talents to many watching families of Oswestry School. The pupils didn't disappoint and were rewarded for their effort and determination with wins for the Y7 and Y10 Football teams and Y8 and Y10 Hockey teams. Having enjoyed afternoon brunch at Oswestry, the pupils boarded the return bus back to Liverpool.

Mr Cook (Sports Coordinator)


Support our Recycling Challenges!

This term, 7 Selwyn’s would like the whole College (including families of children in Pre Prep, Prep School and Secondary Phase) to support and join them and Miss Whittell's Eco Club in two recycling challenges:

Challenge 1

The first by donating clean plastic bottle tops. We are collecting them on behalf of the Liverpool College Imagineering Centre. With the help of Mr Cartwright the bottle tops will be recycled by melting and shredding them down to form new plastic materials that students can use when manufacturing their design work. Plastic bottle tops from milk bottles, pop bottles and juice bottles can all be donated. 

Please ask your child to drop them in the recycling boxes in the reception area of Pre Prep and Prep School and also in MV13 and C5 where they will be collated. There will also be a collection point in Godwyn House for the 6th Form. This project will go until Easter and we have set ourselves a target of collecting 2500 bottle tops.

Challenge 2

The second recycling challenge is for families to make Eco Bottles. Eco bottles are a way of collecting plastic which cannot be recycled (sweet wrappers, crisp packets, clean food packaging etc.). To create an Eco Bottle you need to:

  • Use an empty 2 litre fizzy drinks bottle and wash it out. Keep the lid.
  • Cut plastic wrappers into smaller pieces so that bottles can be filled with lots of unrecyclable plastic
  • Once full (plastic can be pushed down to create more room) bring the bottle to your recycle collection point in either Pre Prep, Prep, Middle, Upper School or 6th Form.

Lots of bottles will be needed to create recycled waste bins for Miss Shackell's Forest School and garden planters in Upper School.

Mrs Webb (7 Selwyn’s House Mentor)


7 Selwyn’s Christmas Gifts for Whitechapel Centre

During the last few weeks of the Michaelmas Term, 7 Selwyn’s donated, filled and delivered over 20 Christmas gift bags to Liverpool's Whitechapel Centre. The centre which supports the homeless and more vulnerable people in Liverpool were overwhelmed with the kindness shown to them by the pupils from Liverpool College. The Christmas bags full of toiletries, hats, socks and gloves were being handed out to people over Christmas. There were also bags full of dog biscuits and treats for those who owned dogs too.

Mrs Webb (7 Selywn's House Mentor)


Sister Act Tickets Now on Sale!

Tickets for the next school musical, Sister Act, are now on sale. Tickets cost £5 and can be purchased from the main school Reception.

Performances take place on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 January at 7pm in the Mossley Vale Theatre.


Musical Visitor!

On Tuesday, after a busy period of carol services, concerts, a visit from Ofsted and a schedule of internal exams, our musicians were delighted to welcome John Suchet from Classic FM to their new music department.  They treated their guest to a variety of musical performances and a tour of the new facilities.  We are extremely grateful to John for taking time out of his busy schedule to pay us a visit and wish him well for the remaining 'Spirit of Christmas' concerts he is presenting at the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall this week.

Mr D Bishop (Director of Music)


U12 Football Team in exciting 3-3 draw in first match

The U12 Football team played their first match of the academic year on Saturday visiting Kings School Chester.

On a wet and very cold morning the boys were put through their paces with a few drills in preparation for a tough match. The match kicked off and it was the visitors who dominated early proceedings missing a host of chances, but perhaps the biggest chance fell to the Kings forward who raced clear before going around the keeper and striking the post. Just before half time with the scores level Kings were awarded a penalty after a push in the area and the resulting penalty meant Liverpool College were 1-0 down at half time.

The start of the second half saw the hosts take a 2-0 lead as Liverpool College failed to deal with the pace of the Kings striker who went around the keeper and slotted home. Within a minute Liverpool College cut the deficit to 2-1 with a brilliant solo effort from Elvis S (Butlers) who hammered home from underneath the crossbar. Kings Chester were then pushed into a defensive shape as Liverpool College piled on the pressure in search of an equalizer and that pressure finally paid off as Joshua B (Butlers) turned and swivelled in the penalty area to find the bottom corner of the net 2-2. Minutes later and Kings were back in front as a defensive mix up enabled the attacking midfielder to round the keeper a drive home 3-2. It was not even 30 seconds later and Liverpool College were back on level terms as Yusef A fired into the top corner of the net from just inside the penalty area 3-3.

Both teams had great opportunities to win the game but in the end a draw was a fair result and a fantastic start to the Football season for the U12 Football team.

Liverpool College U12s Captain: George W
Player of the Match: Maleek A

Mr Cook (Sports Coordinator)
