Y6 Book Illustration Arts Workshop

Our Arts ambassadors were active again, sharing their knowledge, skills and enthusiasm with our younger pupils.

Sean W (Y11), having recently completed his GCSEs, returned to school to conduct an art and illustration workshop with our Year 6 pupils. He gave a presentation on his own practice; including work from recent commissions, his series of illustrated published books and private commissions. His art company is quite an impressive achievement and this provided both inspiration and aspiration. His love and passion for Art was evident throughout the morning.

Pupils began by exploring the work of illustrators they may recognise, from the popular Gruffalo and numerous characters brought to life by Axel Scheffler for Julia Donaldson through to the expressive drawings of Quentin Blake for Roald Dahl. Pupils discussed how illustrators could literally bring books to life through their magical expressive powers. Pupils then set to work on a group illustration inspired by the jungle animal theme of Scheffler and the logo sloth design produced by Sean for his illustration company. This culminated in a lively jungle composition entitled ‘The Jungle Sloth’ which will be exhibited in school from next week.

Mrs S Hardisty


Gladstone Scholars Induction at the Gladstone Library

On Thursday, 40 Year 12s, who had the deserved honour of being selected as Gladstone Scholars (the school´s prefects), ventured to the private library of William Ewart Gladstone, a founding father of the College and arguably Britain’s most important and influential prime minister. Gladstone´s library is a fantastic example of late-Victorian architecture, with the library itself housing around 100,000 rare and one of a kind books of which 44,000 belonged to Gladstone’s private collection. The beautiful white washed chapel with views across the garden and the rolling expanses of the Flintshire countryside, provided the location for the first of several team building and leadership tasks we would carry out that day. We began with a course led by Mr Leeder where we learnt the attributes of a leader, the ideal leaders and culminating in a test which ranked what type of leader we were. This was then followed by a series of situational tests whereby we were given hypothetical situations that we would face as scholars and had to solve the predicaments in groups. We took a small break and enjoyed a delicious two course lunch in the elegantly wood panelled dining room.

The afternoon session commenced with the practical element course which involved a series of problem-solving activities. For example, we had to guide a blindfolded partner across a field littered with cones which they could not step on, therefore they were reliant upon the commands of their partners, it meant we had to utilise key leadership, communication and commanding skills to complete the task.
Throughout the day some of us were lucky enough to go on a tour of Gladstone´s private collections of books on the humanity subjects, where there were books ranging from the subject of the French revolution to cabinet dispatches.

The day culminated in the awarding of the prefect badges under the fanfare of applause we were entrusted with the power, responsibility and authority of a Gladstone Scholar. Thank you to Mr Brady, Mr Leeder, Dr McNamara and Miss Miller for organising a very enjoyable and informative trip. We would also like to express our gratitude to the Liverpool College Foundation who sponsored and financed the trip.

Brendan R


U12 Girls Football Team win at Cheadle Hulme

Last Saturday, the U12 girls football team travelled on a sunny morning to Cheadle Hulme School. The team had already convincingly beaten Cheadle Hulme at the start of the term, but this time they faced much stronger opposition in a combined U12-U13 team.

The College played much of the first half at a slower than normal pace with many passes going astray in the midfield. The forward line of Anna R and the ever running Mischa O'C playing in the Bobby Firmino role were starved of any real service, and it was only towards the end of the first half that the College showed anything like their normal passing game.

After a much needed half time team talk, the College came bursting out of the blocks at the start of the second half, and produced some superb passing with the ball. The opening goal was nothing like a pass and move situation as this time the College went direct and a goal kick from Lily N played in Anna R who made no mistake blasting the ball past the Cheadle Hulme goalkeeper and into the net. The second came soon after involving Liverpool College's very own front three similar to Liverpool FC's Salah, Mane and Firmino. This time it was Mischa O'C and Anna R who combined for Giselle R to bundle the ball into the net.

The latter stages saw the College drop their energy levels and nearly pay the price apart from a stunning double save from goalkeeper Lily N which was similar to the Banks versus Pele save all those years ago. The final whistle blew and the College team raised their hands in the air to celebrate a triumphant morning of Football.

Well done to all the team!

Mr Cook


MCC Fixture

On Tuesday, we welcomed the MCC to Liverpool College, for our prestigious annual cricket fixture. This year, the team included young talented cricketers from various schools in the area, including three of our own Liverpool College pupils (Adam S, Michael P and Leo B).

A fine bowling performance from the College representative team, reduced the MCC team to 105 all out. Struggling at 34-4, a strong middle order partnership had the College team on the bring of victory at 84-5 at tea but what followed can only be described as a monumental collapse. Nervousness and uncertainty ensued and the College team could only muster another 16 runs, for the loss of the remaining 5 wickets giving the MCC team a five run victory.

Many thanks go to our catering and grounds staff, for their continued support of this fixture. The MCC, as they do every year, highlighted how well they are looked after when they attend Liverpool College.

Mr Heeley


CCF Introduction to Sailing

Some Year 9 pupils enjoyed a trip to the Liverpool Watersports Centre yesterday for an introduction to sailing organised by the CCF. Pupils reported back on their experience:

On Wednesday 19 June, a few pupils from Year 9 went to Liverpool Watersport Centre to do an introduction to sailing. When we got there we had a small group chat with a member of the water sports centre but he also worked for INEOS (who sponsor the sailing training).

INEOS are a British sailing team who compete all over the world. Their team principle is Sir Jim Ratcliffe, who is the 3rd richest man in the UK. He paid 51 million pounds for the American boat they use in competitions. The most famous crew member in Sir Ratcliffe’s team is Sir Ben Ainslie. He is their skipper who has won 4 gold medals at the Olympics. The skipper is responsible for the boat and is known as the heart of the vessel. Sir Ainslie got into sailing at the age of eight and entered his first competition at ten years old. By the age of nineteen he was chosen for his very first Olympic games. Since then he has become the most successful Olympic sailor ever to exist.

After we got shown what we would do and got told about INEOS we went to get changed into our gear. We wore a wet suit, a buoyancy aid, a helmet and an INEOS Rebel Crew bib. We were taken down to the water edge and were told to set up our sailing boats. We had to put the mast in position and lock it in; we put the boom on and opened up the sail. After we pushed the boat in the water we got in and we were sailing two minutes later. We got shown how the boat works and what to do. At this point everyone was really nervous but even more excited. We got used to the boat with only half a sail and once we were confident we opened it up to a full sail.

The weather couldn’t have been better. The sun was shining, the wind was strong but not to strong and the day was perfect. When you caught the wind in your sail you sped through the water really quickly. The feeling of the water splashing on you and the wind blowing in your face is one of the best feelings. Sailing requires a lot of concentration however it is really fun. One of the trickiest bits is when the boom moves to the other side and you and your partner have to change sides in the boat. The boat rocks and it feels like it is going to capsize any minute but you have to be confident and move to the other side while holding onto the rope. I think the best bit is when you finally pick up wind and you have control of the rudder and turn around in a circle.

Water sports is an experience which most people don’t really think of as an experience. It is really fun and you learn really good skills from it. Water sports improves your concentration skills, your listening skills and most importantly your team work skills. If you don’t like the idea of sailing, you can do wind surfing or learn how to drive a power boat. There is such a wide range of things to do in water sports and I would love to come back to do my stage one sailing certificate. Five months ago if you told me I would really enjoy water sports I would have laughed but now I can’t stay away from the water. Liverpool Watersports Centre offers so many opportunities and I would love to go back to do other water sport activities.

Thank you Liverpool Watersport Centre and INEOS for the amazing day the Year 9 group had!

Éva-Stefania M (Y9 Butler’s)


My trip to the docks was very delightful, first we were told about the equipment we were going to use, got into our kit (wetsuit, buoyancy, bib and helmet) and set up our sailing boat. We were given head overs/snoods to wear and take home as a souvenir. The company was INEOS and we were sponsored by Jim Ratcliffe – the 3rd richest man in the U.K. I also learnt that you can do work experience there and get a part time job, which seems more exciting than working in an office all day.

The weather was perfect for sailing as it wasn’t too windy but there was a breeze and it was quite warm as well. At first, I was nervous and excited but getting on and sailing was fun. As I was sailing me and my friend took turns to steer and because we were doing so well we chose to go full sail; considering it was our first time. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would go back again.

India-Skye A (Y9 Butler’s)

The manager of the Watersports centre reported that it was a pleasure to have our pupils and they have been invited back in September so they can continue with their sailing experience.


Latest Edition of the College Column

The latest edition of the College Column has now been published and it is bursting with quizzes and reviews as well as motivational quotes, articles on Ramadan and plastic pollution and the latest house competition results and league table.

Download your copy here


Impromptu Lunchtime Concert!

In a brief spell of dry and sunny weather last week, one of our Year 7 pupils decided to entertains his peers with an impromptu lunchtime concert!
