Prep Science Week

Our school has been filled with gasps, whoops, wows, screams, thuds, fizzes, sparks and bangs all week.

On Monday, we began our 3 day adventure into the three strands of science - Biology, Physics and Chemistry. We started with Biology, looking at 'Our Amazing Bodies' and we jumped straight into the gory and fascinating details that come with such a topic. We learnt about Marie Curie, a scientist who invested so much of her life into the discovery of new elements and processes that still have a huge impact on the way we treat illnesses and broken bones in our bodies to this day. The pupils then ventured off back to their classrooms where they dissected hearts, created blood, built rib cages, mapped out their bodies, printed their finger prints and built skeletons down in the Forest School.

Day 2 arrived and zapped us awake after such a busy first day. We met once again for an assembly where we learnt all about 'The Power of Electricity'. We looked at Thomas Edison and the resilience this man showed when creating the first successful light bulb for the world to use. We then got out our Van De Graff generator and hooked Miss Tomkins up to it so that we could charge her up to 100,000 volts. Fortunately for her, this was completely safe as we made sure she wasn't part of a complete circuit so that the charge merely built up inside her body rather than running through her. We watched then in amazement as her hair stood on end because she was so full of negative charge. Once we had safely discharged her we explored what other materials could build up static electricity. Did you know you can make Rice Crispies act like a firework? Once again, after this assembly the children shot like lightning back to their classrooms to charge up their own experiments. Here they explored the same static electricity that they had seen in assembly and tried to bend water, lift salt without touching it, stick balloons to the wall and create flying rings. They created circuits, baked electrical dough, and tried their best to receive no shocks.

If day 2 didn't shock them though, we made sure that day 3 would. Day 3 arrived with a bang, you might have heard it or at least heard about it. Our theme for this day was 'Chemical Reactions' and we definitely had a few of these up our sleeves. We started by looking at the famous scientist Alfred Nobel and looked at how his work of inventing dynamite had truly changed the world, but had it been a change for good or for bad? Eventually, we saw how this man left a legacy of peace and discovery in the form of the Nobel Prizes which also took us back to our first day of science week and our scientist Marie Curie who in-fact won 2 Nobel Prizes in her life. Not long after that, the environment became a little heated. We watched multiple endothermic reactions that wowed and amazed us. We created elephant toothpaste, lit up the room with glow sticks, created a fireball from the Great fire of London and sent a rocket flying across the room (the first attempt was extremely loud). From this the children were fired up to go out and create their own lava lamps and of course a huge variety of rockets.

What a week it's been. Bring on next year.

Mr Ainscough


Employee of the Year

Congratulations to Mr Mike Coombs, our busy catering manager. Mr Coombs' employer P and A Catering have selected him from among their more than 400 employees as Employee of the Year.

Mike has been recognized for his cheerfulness, enthusiasm for innovation, ability to grow and expand catering (in the past decade he opened three additional kitchens in the College and built an excellent catering service for our boarders as well). Even today he met with our Prep School pupils to announce what he would be doing to improve recycling and reduce the environmental footprint of our service.

Well done to Mike and to all his great team for this honour.


Prep Charity Champions

A massive thank you to everyone who brought in sponsorship for our Race for Life. Together, we raised an unbelievable and staggering amount of £6109.22

All donations were greatly appreciated and it was incredibly inspirational to see pupils work together in form teams to make sure they raised as much money as possible for Cancer Research UK, a charity dedicated to saving lives. Your generosity has been overwhelming. It was clear talking to the students that this is a charity very close to their hearts.

The form Charity Champions prize went to 5P, narrowly winning thanks to a last minute envelope, aptly labelled ‘To help the ones who need it most.’ As a thank you, they were rewarded with a CRUK collection bucket - literally filled to the top with sweets!

Form champions were:
3P Isaac, 3Q Alexa, 3R Evelyn, 4P Bailie, 4Q Ava, 5P Aimee & Finn, 5Q Rose, 6P Alexander Y and Luke, 6Q Mary.

My sincere thanks to every single person who brought in donations. Every penny raised will make a difference. You are all my heroes.

Mrs Doran


Open Events for Year 7 2020

We are holding two open events for families considering Liverpool College as one of their preferences for Year 7 in September 2020.

The first one of these is Wednesday 19th June from 4pm - 6pm and the second one will be Saturday 14th September 2019 (9.30am - 12 noon). Please Click here for further details. There is no need to book a place but if you have any questions please contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

At each of the open events you will have the chance to hear a presentation from the Principal and to look round the various departments. It is a large campus so you should allow at least an hour. We look forward to meeting you on one of these dates. 


Madrid Football Development Tour

A week before the Champions League Final in Madrid, 67 pupils from Liverpool College travelled to the Spanish capital on a Football Development Tour. This exciting trip enabled many pupils to fulfil their childhood dreams by spending four training sessions at the first team training ground of Real Madrid. These four ninety minute training sessions in glorious sunshine consisted of the pupils being given a number of high intensity drills from the academy coaches of Real Madrid.

Whilst in Madrid, the pupils played a number of matches versus local opposition, in which the College won two and drew two matches. The pupils also visited the stadiums of giants Real Madrid and 2019 Champions League Final hosts Atletico Madrid.

The trip will certainly live long in the memory of the young people of Liverpool College.

Mr Cook


British Physics Olympiad Year 10 Challenge

Congratulations to the following pupils who have won awards in the recent national Physics Olympiad Year 10 Challenge:

Gold Award – Yat Hong W
Silver Award – Melissa C, Jan M, Alexander R, Nicolaas S
Bronze Award – Eric D, Ross F, Zara W, Jonny L, Kate B, Matthew G, Samia H

This is a great achievement and demonstrates their commitment at school, as well as their broader knowledge of physics beyond the GCSE curriculum.



Fundraising Triumph!

Congratulations to Mr Farnan whose inspiring Chapel talks and running fundraising this term has raised a fantastic £1347 for the Alzheimer’s Society.

In loving memory of his grandfather, Bud, who battled with Vascular Dementia, Mr Farnan decided to sign up for the Liverpool Rock and Roll Half Marathon raising over £670 in sponsorship for the Alzheimer’s Society. He also recruited the help and support of pupils by raising money through this half term’s house competition “Guess the sweets to win the jar of treats”. Mr Farnan also raised awareness of Alzheimer’s and the work of the Alzheimer’s Society through a series of Chapel talks.

Congratulations to Jack J in Year 9 Selwyn’s who won the sweets competition with his guess of 335 sweets and a special thank you to Emily (Y9 Selwyn’s) for her remarkably generous donation and to all the pupils who helped raise a further £679 for the Alzheimer’s Society over the past few weeks.

If you would like to support Mr Farnan and the work of the Alzheimer’s Society, you can make a donation here:

You can also read more about Mr Farnan’s fundraising efforts in the latest edition of the College Column here.
