Chapter 7 Hockey Team win at Birkenhead School

Jurgen Klopp and Pep LiJnders are well known for turning Liverpool FC good players into world beaters and Miss Evans and Miss Pye are doing a very similar job with the chapter seven hockey team. Many of the pupils involved in the hockey squad had either never played hockey before or had only played some hockey at other grounds and locations. What Miss Evans and Miss Pye have done is build the character of the team by creating a team ethos of togetherness and resilience. Alongside this the basics of hockey have been taught in stages so the pupils have a clear understanding of how hockey is played. Although, results haven't produced wins in the first term, there were signs a real promise from individuals and team play. Last Saturday was the turning point as the team made the trip to Birkenhead School. Miss Evans and Miss Pye was purring on the sidelines as the team put all their previous training  ground moves together and put on a scintillating display of real character. The team won and staff and pupils were delighted as hands and sticks were triumphantly held aloft. Many congratulations to the team and coaches.
Mr Cook (Director of Sport)  


Chapter 7 Enrichment Day with Sale Sharks Player Daisy Hibbert Jones

On Tuesday, Daisy Hibbert Jones from Sale Sharks women's team visited the school for a Rugby Enrichment Day with Chapter 7. Both boys and girls engaged in several rugby related activities delivered by our visitor. This is the third time Daisy has visited our school and her enthusiasm to promote rugby to both boys and girls has been well received. 
Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


Admissions Policy Consultation

Liverpool College is proposing making changes to its admissions arrangements from September 2023 and is undertaking a consultation with stakeholders on these proposed changes.

Further details about the proposed changes to the admissions arrangements and consultation process can be found here

We are undertaking the consultation in the period 20 December 2021 to 31 January 2022. Comments can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you can send them in writing to Miss S Bamber, Principal’s PA, Liverpool College, Queens Drive, Liverpool L18 8BG. All comments must be received by 31 January 2022.


Chapter 7 Rugby Team visit Stockton on Tees for Triangular Fixture

On Saturday, the Chapter 7 rugby team made the long-distance trip to Stockton on Tees where they played a triangular fixture versus Yarm School and Hymers College. The rugby was incredibly competitive throughout and the team performed admirably, and they were rewarded with a 4-2 win versus a good Yarm School side. Captain Ethan B and Sean F were outstanding performers throughout the fixtures,
The U12 team represented the school brilliantly and were praised by parents from both schools for their good manners and impeccable dress and appearance. A stop off a Burger King on the journey home ensured the boys came home very happy!
Mr Cook (Director of Sport)


Ice Skating

The beginning of the boarders' Christmas celebrations started with Ice Skating. For many this was their first time on on ice and they were really brave. Others were wizzing around the ice. I was rather proud of myself for not falling over too!

Mrs Latham (Head of Boarding)


Dogs Trust

Many of the boarding students have pets at home which they miss greatly. Therefore, they decided that for their Christmas charity they would like to collect for the Dogs Trust. We filled a box full of toys, snacks and treats for the dogs to enjoy on Christmas day. 

Mrs Latham (Head of Boarding)


Day Boarding Sign Up

Sign up for the Day Boarding programme for January - February is now live!  

The programme is open to Years 7-10 and takes place after school 4pm – 6/6:30pm on a Monday – Thursday. £8 per night.

To register your interest please click here.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Mrs Latham (Head of Boarding)
