Clean sweep for Liverpool College Football Teams at Westholme

Last Saturday, Liverpool College football teams produced three fantastic performances to beat Westholme on the own ground.

Firstly, the U12 team produced their best performance of the academic year by coming from behind to win 6-2. The College’s passing and movement was a joy to watch as they eventually tired down their opponents by switching the ball from left to right and producing that inch perfect cross for the attacking player to score.

The U13s match was a much closer affair with the College being one goal down for much of the game. Spurred on at the back by centre half Jude C, the College gathered momentum and that dominance eventually paid dividends with five minutes to go when sticker Jacob B bundled the ball home. There was still time for a winner, with the College full of confidence it was Jacob B who scored again to the delight of acting coach on the day Mr Fox.

Whilst the U13’s match was a close call, the U14s ran away with proceedings in the first half, and they never looked back producing their best performance of the academic year to win 4-0.

Whilst the boys shook hands and walked back into the changing rooms, the day did not finish there, as all the boys and staff got together to have lunch at Westholme and talk about three wonderful wins.


Mr Harry Alty

It is with much sadness that we advise of the death recently of Mr Harry Alty.

Mr Alty was a former Chairman of the Governors of Liverpool College, a parent and a great supporter of the College, the Foundation and the OL Society.

Mr Alty had a distinguished career in Dentistry and as Chairman of the Broadgreen Hospital Trust.

The funeral service will be at St Peter's Church, Woolton L25 5JF at 11.00am on Friday 22 March.


Chinese New Year Workshop

At the end of last half term, we had some visitors from Edge Hill University who delivered a workshop to a group of Y7 pupils about Chinese New Year.

Pupils learnt basic greetings and introductions in Chinese Mandarin during the workshop and were taught how to make lanterns out of paper.


Celebrating Global Scouse Day with Artist Paul Curtis

On Thursday, we went to the Palm House in Sefton Park and spent the day with Liverpool artist Paul Curtis to celebrate Global Scouse Day. We (pupils from Year 10,11,12 and 13) and 40 pupils from Belvedere Prep school worked together with Paul Curtis to create a large mural of Sefton Park Palm house, each painting a leaf or flower.

Paul talked to us about his career and taught us lots of techniques on how to paint and showed us his work which features murals such as the Baltic Wings, Abbey Road, and the Edge Lane City scape. We taught the younger children these same skills. We all really enjoyed it.

Annabelle H, Jamie S and Emily J


Forensic Science Workshop

On Wednesday, Y7 Wilton Scholars participated in a Forensic Science workshop to challenge their analytic skills and learn about possible Science based careers in crime prevention and forensics.

The pupils were met as they arrived with crime scene tape. A crime had been committed - someone had broken into the school safe and stolen the cake sale money!

Working collaboratively, clues and evidence were identified, collected, interpreted and analysed. These include fingerprints, impressions, hairs, fibres, 'blood' and DNA.

All of our young scientists were able to successfully analyse the crime scene, eliminate innocent suspects from their enquiries and identify the guilty individual based solely on evidence collected.

The workshop inspired many pupils to find out more about possible careers in STEM fields. The important role of good grades in both maths and science to flourish in these careers was also discussed.

Well done to all our budding scientists.

Mrs Doran


Prep Ski Trip

Half term has been action packed for 27 children in the Prep School as we travelled to Lungau in Austria to ski the slopes.

After a long 27 hours on the coach and some fish and chips on the ferry we arrived in the sun baked mountains of Lungau topped with snow, slopes and adventure.

Not shy of a challenge our young skiers hiked up hills carrying skis, boots, poles and helmets to get themselves ready for the week ahead.

We enjoyed four hours of skiing each day, lunch on the mountain and jam packed evening entertainment which included everything from curling to a fancy dress disco. Crispin the Camel enjoyed entertaining other guests in the hotel and we even learnt that Romanian for camel is Camilla!

The pupils were a credit to the College and we received some excellent comments from the hotel and ski instructors about their behaviour, manners and attitude.

A huge amount of purpose, passion and challenge shown by all.

Miss Clark, Mr Bishop and Mrs Doran


Debating Success – Heading to ICYD Finals Day

Eight Year 9s and 10s travelled to the International Competition for Young Debaters hosted by Cambridge University at Grange School, Northwich on Saturday.

It was a fabulous day for all four teams, with Jan M and Lehtu M leading the charge. After the first three rounds in which they won two debates and came second in the other, they broke into the Regional Final in second place (out of 29 competing teams).

In the Regional Final they again came second, losing out to the host school, but securing a Finals place at Cambridge University in April. Lehtu came joint second for overall speaker points over the day.

Other successes of the day were secured by Year 9’s Amelia Y and Amelia R, who after coming fourth in their first debate bounced back with two successive wins. Sama I and Hajra K had a torrid start but managed to secure a win in their final debate.

A great day was had by all, and kudos must go to Ms Diamond for the work she has done with these younger debate groups in Activities sessions.

Mr Barnicoat
