Technical Theatre Careers Visit

Yesterday, the pupils who worked on the lighting, sound and backstage elements of the recent production of ‘The Wedding Singer’ visited Adlib’s new headquarters for their housewarming event. It was a fascinating insight into the world of technical theatre and the pupils enjoyed operating various technology, talking to staff and suppliers and learning about careers in AV, sound and lighting.


OL Hunting for Dark Energy

Jack Lindon OL left the College in 2012 and has taken his education to some interesting places. Jack remembers his A level physics studies with Mr Hall and Mr Gunawardena fondly and is completing his PhD this year. He wrote to us from CERN where he is investigating the mystery of dark matter:

As well as this I'm the only member of the monojet group that works on a very new analysis, which is a dark energy analysis. There's never been a collider based search for dark energy before, however a new model of dark energy (called horndeski theory) postulates a new scalar field that interacts with both gravitational fields and matter fields in such a way as to produce a small cosmological constant and accelerate the expansion of the universe. This scalar field can be excited to produce a particle which I'm searching for with monojets, which are very sensitive to this model as the interaction with the scalar field is enhanced at high momentum transfers (which are involved in the production of a high energy jet).

Along with this, interactions can also be enhanced by high mass particles, so I work alongside the top-antitop group with this. We recently put out a paper (please click here to read) and we were featured on the 7th page of the CERN courier this month (The one titled 'Colliders Join the Hunt For Dark Energy') and I've been to a fair few conferences around the world to give talks about it which has been great (a particularly good one was in Venice). I find it very exciting to be strongly involved with a brand new era of collider based searches. We're particularly sensitive compared to other experiments, for high mass dark energy scalar particles and high couplings, our results compared to other experiments.


Saturday Sport

On Saturday, over seventy pupils boarded two coaches to make the long journey to play Oswestry School.

Two Football teams (U13, U15), two Hockey teams (U13, U14) and two Netball teams (U13, U15) put on their Liverpool College sports kit ready to challenge Oswestry School. It was a day when the College pupils played sport, made new friends and also enjoyed the lovely scenic views of Oswestry.

The outcome saw the College record victories in the U15 Football, U13 and U14 Hockey and U15 Netball, and draw 15-15 in the U13 Netball match.

Many congratulations to the pupils for their effort and behaviour throughout the day and thank you to the staff of Liverpool College for their support on a Saturday morning.

Mr Cook
(Sports Coordinator)


Careers in Business Masterclass

Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils were invited to a Careers in Business Masterclass on Thursday when the Deputy Chief Executive of St Helens Chambers came into school to deliver a talk. Ms Tracy Mawson has enjoyed a varied career working in Publishing, Internet Retail, Inward Investment, Development and Business Support & Training. Ms Mawson shared with the pupils the benefits of each career and requirements of each of these area. She then educated the pupils about the vast array of career opportunities available within the Business field including Marketing, Hospitality, Construction, Project Management, Digital Content Writer, Consumer Dynamics Analyst, Public Relations Coordinator, Product Development and Social Media.

Ms Mawson introduced the pupils to two superb websites:
Go Construct -
Hospitality Guild -

These extremely useful websites allows pupils to explore the various careers paths that can lead to managerial positions.

Our thanks to Ms Mawson for her time and superb advice.

Mrs Doran


Sixth Former Leads Chapel

There has been a pensive silence in Chapel this week as Y13 student Will R (School) gave an account of his trip to Auschwitz and the lessons he had learned.

He gave a powerful testimony of the ways his visit had shaped his understanding of the Holocaust. His ability to help pupils imagine the horrors of the place was as impressive as it was moving.

Will concluded by saying that he had learned that he should under no circumstances give in to hate, or allow others to vent their hate.

Powerful stuff in Chapel.


College Celebrates Ofsted Inspection Findings

We are celebrating receiving the findings from our recent short Ofsted Inspection.

Inspectors commended the College for its improvement and awarded a so-called “outcome 2” indicating that the school may be judged outstanding if it received a longer inspection. This is the best possible outcome after a short inspection.

Particularly pleasing were the inspector’s comments about improvements in provision for disadvantaged pupils, improved teaching and improved subject leadership.

Congratulations to all pupils, staff, governors, and parents on this great result. We are now all invited to work together to improve the quality of the education we offer still further.

You can read the inspection letter here


U12 Football Team in Six Goal Thriller

The U12s football team travelled to QEGS Blackburn on Saturday morning and were the victors in a six goal thriller.

The hosts had played a number of football matches since the start of the academic year and in the early part of the match, their match experience showed as QEGS took an early lead and dominated the early stages of the game. The College were struggling to get to grips with the QEGS striker whose pace and physical presence was causing the College's three man defence a real problem. Slowly, the College gained momentum towards the middle of the first half and started to play the better football. The College defence became a lot stronger thanks to player of the match Saadillah P whose calmness on the ball enthused the watching crowd, and just before half time the College got their reward with a brilliant equaliser from Harry H who thundered the ball into the net 1-1, game on.

The second half saw a flurry of goals and entertainment galore for the watching crowd. Firstly a mistake from the College goalkeeper saw QEGS retake the lead 2-1, this was followed by chances for both teams until a deceive moment in the game. QEGS were awarded a penalty in which the ball thundered against the crossbar and was eventually cleared. That clearance saw a through ball from George W, and Daniel C hammered home the equaliser 2-2. As both teams gave their all to find a winner it was the College this time who were awarded a penalty and up from the back stepped Saadillah P who calmly slotted into the net and the College took the lead for the first time. Could QEGS find their way back into the game or could the College hold on? Thankfully, it was the latter and the College finished off a flowing move which enabled Jake W to slot home and make it 4-2 and spark jubilant scenes on the pitch and also off the pitch from travelling College parents.

What a game and what a morning of sport from both teams.
