Boarders Breakout!

Late on Friday night, a minibus full of our boarding students tested their wits at Breakout, a real life escape room game where up to 5 people are locked in a theme based room for 60 minutes with a set of clues to see if they can make their escape within the allotted time.

Theme rooms included ‘Wanted’, ‘Shipwrecked’ and ‘Detective Inspector Plan B’. It goes without saying that they successfully worked in teams to break the codes, utilising their Lerpoolian characteristics of purpose, passion and challenge, and were returned safely to boarding for bedtime.

Next....look out for a report on their London Trip, coming up end of January.


Moving Day

After months of roof works, masonry works and refurbishments, the Sixth Form moved into Godwyn House today. They began to settle into their various study rooms, classrooms, lounges, and seminar rooms. Many commented on the sheer scale of the facility while others enjoyed their first day in a facility “just for them.”

When all phases of the refurbishment are completed, Godwyn House will contain the Rushworth Music Centre, the Peach Centre for Economics and Business and the Sixth Form. Blue Monday has never been livelier or more sanguine.


Countdown to The Wedding Singer

The anticipation and excitement is building for our Secondary Phase production of The Wedding Singer.

Hours of rehearsal have already taken place, and we will all gather under the lights in the MV Hall on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 January at 7pm to see this extravaganza. Our school musical is always a treat for the dark evenings of the winter!

Tickets are on sale now from the College's main reception (£6 adult, £4 children).


Taekwondo Champion Visit

We welcomed double Taekwondo world champion Bianca Walkden to school this week to give a group of Middle School pupils an introduction to martial arts.

You can watch the report about the visit on the BBC News website here - the footage contains the disturbing images of Mr Muscatelli being attacked by a GB Taekwondo specialist!


1st Team Hockey Success

Charlotte L B-B (Selwyn's) reports on the 1st Team’s successful visit to Birkenhead School:

On Wednesday, the senior girls hockey team travelled to Birkenhead Independent school for the first match of the New Year. With little preparation especially after the Christmas holidays we weren't expecting much.

In the first half of the game it quickly became apparent that we had the upper hand with our quick pace, great interceptions and tackles. By the end of the first half we were winning 2-0 with two amazing goals scored by Libby H. Even though we were winning there were still pointers to discuss at half time such as the organisation of our short corners and not messing around in the D and just going for a straight strike.

In the second half, despite a little slip in defence allowing Birkenhead to score a goal we took on what was said at half time and scored a further 3 goals. Two of these goals were scored by Gabriella E and seemed to be done with ease just going straight into the left hand corner each time. The other goal was scored by Libby H giving her a well-deserved hat trick and us a well-deserved 5-1 win.

Well done girls!

Opportunities for pupils to participate in competitive sports matches is an important part of the Games and Competition strand of our LCA+ curriculum and helps pupils develop their resilience, teamwork skills and good sportsmanship.


Mr Roy V Haygarth

We have been contacted by the family of Mr Haygarth to inform us of the sad news that he passed away shortly after Christmas.

Mr Haygarth was a long-serving Headmaster of Liverpool College. He became Headmaster in 1979 and remained at the College until his retirement in 1992. He then moved to Devon where he enjoyed a happy retirement.

Funeral Arrangements

There is a Service of Thanksgiving at Peter Tavy Church (near Tavistock, Devon) on Monday 14 January 2019 at 2.30pm, followed by tea and cakes in the village hall.

It is family flowers only, with donations to Dartmoor Search & Rescue Tavistock via the Funeral Directors: Morris Bros (Tavistock) Ltd, The Old Bedford Foundry, Lakeside, Tavistock PL19 0AZ.


Boarders’ Help the Homeless Hamper

As well as opening their own Advent Calendars each day, our Boarders pledged to donate one item daily for our Help the Homeless Hamper. Head Girl of Boarding, Ruslana F and Year 12 Nikita A are pictured with the hamper which was delivered on Thursday to Merseyside Youth Association’s Young Person’s Foodbank.

Charity and service is an important part of our curriculum at Liverpool College.
