Awards in Sport

On Wednesday afternoon, the following pupils were presented with certificates by the Principal, Mr Broekman, for their superb efforts in games and fixtures throughout the term:

  • Year 7 - Giselle R (Hockey) and Marcus F (Rugby)
  • Year 8 - Lili L (Netball) and Malik S (Rugby)
  • Year 9 - Abigail A (Hockey and Netball) and Mitchell C (Rugby)
  • Year 10 - Kate B (Hockey and Netball) and Lio F (Rugby)

Many congratulations to these pupils and all the others who have competed in Saturday Sport fixtures throughout the first term of the academic year.

Opportunities for pupils to participate in competitive sports matches is an important part of the Games and Competition strand of our LCA+ curriculum and helps pupils develop their resilience, teamwork skills and good sportsmanship.


Boarders’ Christmas Dinner

Our Year 12 boarders experienced their first Christmas Dinner at Liverpool College, where the dress code was Christmas jumpers as the Head Boy, Rhys H demonstrated admirably with his illuminated version with LED Christmas trees and baubles.

The students showed their appreciation to the catering staff for their hard work in preparing a scrumptious dinner with a flaming Christmas pudding by presenting each of the team with a festive gift.


End of Term Awards

Pupils in School House were celebrating today as they topped the House Leader Board for this half term. The overall ranking of the houses, after behaviour points, house competition results and Prep School Awards were taken into account, are:

  1. School
  2. Howson’s
  3. Brook’s 
  4. Butler's
  5. Howard’s
  6. Selwyn’s

The following pupils received a cinema voucher for gaining the most number of achievement points in their year group:

  • Alhusain E (Butler’s)
  • Neve W (Selwyn’s)
  • Libby H (Howson’s)
  • Connor S (Brook’s)
  • Sophie C (Howson’s)

Pupils who have had 100% attendance this term in the Senior School will also be receiving a candy cane.


Carolling for Cancer Research UK

Charity and Service are an important strand of our curriculum - LCA+. As part of their Archbishop of York Award, some Year 9 pupils went carolling across the campus. Their goal was to raise spirits, eyebrows, and monies for their chosen charity, Cancer Research UK. They were warmly welcomed wherever they went, and their peers rewarded their Purpose and Passion with generous donations to their cause.


Service of Lessons and Carols

The Senior School and Sixth Form, along with governors, Foundation members, parents and families, gathered at Liverpool Cathedral for the annual Service of Lessons and Carols, led by our Chaplain, Mr Hammersley.

The entire evening was filled with music, reflection and the hope of Christmas. The music was led by our choir and orchestra, under the direction of Mr Bishop (Director of Music) and Miss Clark. The school was contacted by parents after the event to ask us to pass on their thanks to the pupils and staff for making this such a special service and perfect preparation for the Christmas season. As one Old Lerpoolian said of the choir: I could listen to a lot more of that!


Prep Christingle Service

Prep School pupils, staff, parents and grandparents enjoyed a wonderful celebration of Advent and Christmas at Mossley Hill Church at their Christingle Service. The service brought together two important strands of our LCA+ curriculum – spiritual formation and charity and service.

There were many compliments about the service and particularly the quality of the pupils’ performances. One grandparent reported that they were “blown away by the musical talents of the Prep School children particularly the diction and clarity of the singing”. Is there any primary school in the area which would do its nativity in Spanish? We are not sure, but we were all extremely proud of the music, the readings, the performances, and the excellent parental support for this event in a new venue.

A special word of thanks to our music team of Miss Clark and Mr Bishop, to our Chaplain, Mr Hammersley, and also to the PTA for providing the refreshments before the service. There was also some Senior School support at the event with Mr Hammersley’s Year 9 helpers volunteering as part of their Archbishop of York Youth Trust Young Leaders Award.


U10 & U11 Hockey v Rydal

Last Friday, our U10 and U11 girls played hockey against Rydal. Despite a sudden downpour during our warm up, the teams were eager and enthusiastic to start playing. Year 5 made a confident start to the match, despite having played only one match before they showed good knowledge of the game and their spacing. Despite a strong opposing side, the team kept their heads up and continued to improve their match play throughout the game. Despite losing the match, the girls were proud of Esme W their goal keeper who was made girl of the match for some fantastic saves. Orla C must also be commended for her drive and determination on the pitch.

The U11 also played a challenging game against their Rydal opponents. The Year 6s continue to show enthusiasm for the match and supported each other throughout the game. The girls showed resilience to the opposition’s strong attack and continued to show 100% effort throughout despite the score line. A particular mention must go to Holly W for some powerful goalkeeping and general enthusiasm for the game. My player of the match was Anya C for her continued effort and initiative to gain possession of the ball.

A final mixed U10 and U11 match saw Year 5 and 6 girls play with their teammates for the first time. The girls worked well to build the gaps in their match play and ensure they supported each other. A well done in particular to those Year 6 girls who helped lead the Year 5s in one of their first competitive matches. The match was a tense back and forth of possession and we defended well throughout. Unfortunately one ball did creep into our net leaving our final score at 1-0. There should be a special well done to the captain and player of the match Riya N who led by example throughout all aspects of the game.

Well done to all girls who took part, I was very proud of their attitudes to defeat and their determination to improve moving forward. Our focus in the coming weeks is scoring some goals!

Many thanks to Miss Arnold and Miss McLindon for their continued work with the girls in coaching and umpiring!

Miss Brooke

Opportunities for pupils to participate in competitive sports matches against other schools is an important part of the Games and Competition strand of our LCA+ curriculum and helps pupils develop their resilience, teamwork skills and good sportsmanship. 
