Marketing and Corporate Videography Workshop

This week Wilton Scholars from Year 7 and 8 participated in a superb business enterprise workshop.

Pupils were asked to team up and create a company name, logo and strap line. They explored the psychology of shopping habits and used these to enhance their creativity when pitching to an audience. Groups were then asked to create an advertising campaign for an everyday product such a rolling pin or ball of string.

Once each team received feedback to hone their presentation skills, they were then given the task of creating a corporate video to promote the school Library. Working directly with a professional videographer, pupils were given advice about lighting, framing and sound management and acoustics. The finished video, which advertises and promotes the different opportunities and resources available within the school library, will be available for viewing on the website shortly.

Well done to all the pupils involved and thank you to Mrs Doran and the Wilton Trust for creating this opportunity for our pupils to put their Lerpoolian learner traits of purpose, passion and challenge into action.


Insight into ‘Upcoming Future Trends in the World of Work’

As part of our extensive careers and STEM programme within the LCA+ curriculum, Year 12 students gained an insight into ‘Upcoming Future Trends in the World of Work’ this week.

Liverpool College was delighted to welcome Prof Atkinson, the Dean of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science at Liverpool University, who delivered a presentation about possible careers involving Computing and emerging technologies.

Prof Atkinson specialises in Artificial Intelligence and Law Tech. She spent time explaining to students the various reasons why they should consider a career involving computing, including sharing facts such as 99% of computing graduates were able to secure a job after leaving university and that computing related jobs was the fourth highest paid sector for graduates in 2018.

We would like to thank Prof Atkinson for giving up her valuable time to share her experiences with the students.


Prep Rudolph Run

Charity and service form a central part of our LCA+ curriculum and pupils in the Prep School are leading by example as they prepare for their fun run on Tuesday 4 December.

Pupils will be able to run or walk the course and are busy filling up their sponsorship forms with promises of support from friends and family. Rumours are that Santa himself will be making a special appearance to start the race!

The Rudolph Run will help raise funds to support St Luke’s Hospice in Cheshire that provides palliative care.


Head Choristers’ Report

At the weekend, on Sunday 25 November, the Prep School had an amazing opportunity to perform in St George’s Hall Concert Room. It was really fun! We took part so we could help raise money for the North West Cancer Research Charity. The charity gave us a pencil, pen and key-ring for taking part. Our favourite part was singing The Christmas Song.

We would like to thank Miss Clark and Mr Bishop for organising this fantastic opportunity for us and are looking forward to visiting their lab soon to see the amazing job the research team does.

Amelia B and James H (Head Choristers 2018-19)

Our pupils certainly displayed the characteristics of the Lerpoolian learner: purpose, passion and challenge and the concert raised an amazing £4000 to support the work of the charity.


Journey to the Land of Fire and Ice

During the October half term, 56 pupils across Year 10-13 took part in a Geography trip to Iceland as part of our broad LCA+ curriculum that advances our mission of Learning with Character.  Miss McCartney reports on their adventure:

We visited glaciers, geothermal springs, waterfalls and walked between the Eurasian and North American plate. Pupils developed a deeper understanding of the geological forces that shape our planet with a trip to the lava museum and they certainly enjoyed themselves swimming in the healing waters of the Blue Lagoon. Once of the most exciting parts of the trip, was trekking up to the top of Vatnajokull glacier only to travel far beneath the glacier to look at the internal mechanisms of this giant ice cap.

Thank you to all staff and pupils for making this trip one to remember.


Lerpoolians on Tour

In early November, two of our pupils, demonstrating the Lerpoolian characteristics of purpose, passion and challenge, took part in two performances of Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem, one performance in Hannover and one in Liverpool. Here is their experience.

Trip to Hannover

In November I went on a trip with the Liverpool Cathedral Choir to Hannover to sing in a concert of Britten’s War Requiem.

The concert was to commemorate 100 years since the end of the 1st World War. In the spirit of reconciliation a concert was arranged with musicians from both Liverpool and Hannover. The concert was performed in both cities. The concerts were huge with the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir, an orchestra and choir from Hannover, soloists and the boys of the Liverpool Cathedral Choir and Knabenchor (Hannover Boys Choir). It was an intense 4 days in Germany with lots of rehearsals and 2 concerts. There was time, though, for sightseeing, meeting the mayor and football! I made some good friends in the Hannover Boys Choir. Fortunately their English was better than my German so we could communicate!

Despite the hard work it was an amazing experience to be part of the commemoration of 100 years since the end of the 1st World War and to be part of a celebration of peace.

W McQuade (Y7 Brook’s)


Jujitsu Introduced to Liverpool College

The first term of the academic year has seen a number of new sports introduced to Liverpool College such as Gaelic Football, Girls Rugby and Futsal. Last Friday saw another sport being introduced to the College - Jujitsu.

Sixteen Senior School pupils entered the Sports Hall after school in engage in an hour of fun, learning the basics of Jujitsu. The pupils took off their shoes and socks to stand on the mat to learn the fine art of Jujutsu with an experienced teacher. The laughter from the pupils could be heard out in the corridor as the pupils made new friends, had lots of fun, whilst also demonstrating incredible discipline to complete a number of exercises.
