Amazing Prep Science Day!

Prep School pupils enjoyed a Science Day on Friday thanks to the efforts of Mr Ainscough who brought Ernest Shackleton to life.

The school was transformed into an Arctic adventure. All the pupils took part in some fantastic science experiments and competed in a sledge race. The day began with an interactive assembly based on Ernest and his explorers.


Boys Hockey returns to Liverpool College

During the last couple of weeks, the Friday afternoon games period has seen twelve boys join the hockey group to form a boys team. They are learning the basics of hockey under the guidance of Miss Arnold and Miss McLindon. The aim is for there to be regular hockey practices and matches for this new team ready for the start of the new term. There have already been a number of positive comments from parents and carers of the participating pupils and it will be interesting to see how the boys progress.


All Aboard!

There was a great turn out for the inaugural journey of the Reception “Walking Bus” this morning. Keen pupils and parents assembled at 7.55am at Sefton Park, with their £1 donation for Children in Need and were joined by the Principal, Mr Broekman.

This initiative has been organised by our Reception parents as part of walk to school week but also in an attempt to help reduce traffic around the school entrance. They hope that other Reception pupils and parents will join the bus and we can build on this great initiative.

Thank you to the Bobby Colleran Trust, which campaigns for safer roads outside schools, for donating the high vis jackets for the pupils to use free of charge.


Pupils in Action in the House of Lords

Mr Barnicoat reports from the visit of some of our Y10 pupils to the House of Lords:

As a result of increasing strength in debating over recent years, Liverpool College was one of only nine UK schools to be selected by the English Speaking Union to debate in the annual House of Lords Chamber Event this year.

It is one thing to be selected, it is quite another to grasp the opportunity with the confidence, enthusiasm, and eloquence displayed by Liverpool College pupils on the day. Our group of Year 10s so impressed the trainers in advance of the debate that we were awarded three coveted pre-prepared Responsive Speaker slots. Esther M, Hajra K and Mercedes K-B commanded the House, and, with no visible sign of nerves, all delivered faultless and insightful speeches.

As the debate progressed, all eighteen Liverpool College pupils were fully engaged in the proceedings and furiously making notes. Every time calls went out for impromptu speeches from the floor, it was Liverpool College hands that went up first and with most purpose. As a result, we were called on four additional times and contributed more voices to the debate than any other school. Sama I, Molly M, Simone S, and Jan M all managed to create forceful, charismatic, and apposite speeches on the spot.

It is testament to the scouse spirit and the confidence of Liverpool College pupils that it was impossible to effectively round the group up at the end of lunch: every one of our pupils was engaged in discussion with a Lord or other dignitary.

Our pupils entered one of the most ancient and intimidating debating chambers in the world and they stood up with effortless conviction, wit, and intelligence. In addition, they charmed everybody they met.


Brook’s House Charity Fundraising

Brook’s House have spent a busy week fundraising for their nominated charity, Children in Need, as Ms McCone (Assistant Head of House) reports:

Monday: 15 teachers submitted their baby photos that were made into a worksheet which was then distributed to staff and pupils to "guess the teacher" from the baby photo. In addition to generating a few laughs, it also raised £55!

Wednesday: Mr Ridley, Mr Brady, Mrs Lines, Mr Heeley, Mrs Diamond, Mr Lowes and I took on the Sixth Form team in a netball match arranged by Olivia M and Andrew L. The match umpire, Kate B summed up the game well with the following quote: ‘Miss, if I had umpired properly the whole game would have had to stop in the first 5 minutes as the teachers were cheating’. Regardless of this the staff won 7-2 and raised £65 during the event.

Throughout the whole week, Brook’s pupils have been doing sponsored silences, having colouring competitions, guessing the names of teddy bears and many other activities which has raised in excess of £500 so far.

Well done to Brook’s House!


Applications now open for Sixth Form 2019

We welcomed a record number of visitors on Wednesday at the first of our Sixth Form Open Evenings. It was great to see our own Year 11 pupils and many from other schools touring our campus and speaking to students and staff to find out more about life in our SIxth Form. We are holding another Open Evening on 9th January 2019 (details here) by which time we hope to be able to show visitors our new Sixth Form Centre.  For further information please go to the Sixth Form Admissions page. Applications are now open and you can apply on line here

If you have any questions please contact Sally Loveridge by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 0151 724 1611


Prep Art Festival 2018

A huge congratulations to all pupils for the absolutely superb art work produced on the theme of Dreams for the House Art Competition this year.

It was such a pleasure to see the effort and detail in the work submitted. The ideas were so creative and original and the work was a very high standard. Purpose, passion and challenge was in full display!

All pupils have earned points for their houses and the following pupils received prizes for particularly outstanding work: Leilani B, Mikey R, Daniyal O’N, Hannah W, Jamie B, Katy W, Isla M, Shanzay J, James C, Finn S, Elyn S, Lucas B, Tilly A, Holly W & Lena A.
