Boarders' Founders' Day Dinner

Last Tuesday evening, our boarding students celebrated the 178th anniversary of the College's founding along with senior prefects, Boarding Governor, Ms Case and staff with a sumptuous dinner in the College Dining Hall.

In his welcome address the Principal told them that international students at the College go back as far as the 1880s, but he suspected that the food they dined on was not as delicious or nutritious as the stunning dinner prepared by the dining room staff led by Mr Coombs. One of the new boarders, Andrei M, said the evening was a great opportunity to get to know something about the school's history as well as meet the senior prefects. He couldn't choose between the dinner or getting out of study time as the highlight of the evening. It was certainly an elegant close to their first half-term at Liverpool College.


College Column Published

The latest edition of the Middle School magazine, the College Column, has just been published. The magazine is jam-packed with puzzles, interviews and reviews.

You can download your copy here.

Thank you to Mr Farnan and the pupils of 8 Butler’s for all their hard work and creativity in putting this edition together.


Peace Boat Hibakusha Project

On Tuesday lunchtime, we hosted representatives of the Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World, who spoke to Sixth Form historians about the lessons from the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ms Tsukamoto, an 84 year old survivor of the Hiroshima bomb, gave a moving testimony about her memories of the bomb and its aftermath, and the impact it had on her family, her life, and her country. As a ‘Hibakusha’ (a survivor of the atomic bomb), she is travelling the world on a 3 month voyage, spreading a message of peace.

We are very grateful that they chose to stop at Liverpool College on their way.


Great Opportunity for CCF NCOs

On Tuesday, the Y12 NCOs had the opportunity to start their BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Teamwork and Personal Development in the Community. This is an internationally-recognised qualification that has been proven to help with applications for entry to higher and further education as well as in gaining employment. It hones vital life-skills skills in leadership, teamwork, communications, problem-solving, and fitness; skills demonstrated by our NCOs on a weekly basis. In essence, the award is a qualification that officially recognises the personal development cadets gained through the CCF.

The organisation that facilitates the award, CVQO, sent two delegates to assist with completion of the first workbook. Cadets were guided in providing evidence of how they have worked as part of a team and demonstrated leadership, completing the first stage in no time at all. As if a free qualification couldn’t get any better, CVQO have said they will fund a day of adventurous training after Easter on which pupils will also receive support to complete their second workbook, in time for it to be added to their UCAS applications.


Art Competition Success

Congratulations to Year 10 pupils Connor J (School) and Jude PC (Brook’s) who have both been awarded the runner-up prize in the Liverpool Women’s Hospital Back to the Future Generations art competition. The competition, which was open to participants across Merseyside, asked entrants to design their vision for the future and what they think the hospital will look like in another 25 years in 2043.

The Chair who judged the competition said of Connor's drawing: "the quality of artwork from this artist really stands out" and of Jude’s work:"This artist gave a strong portrayal of concept, with open homely spaces".


Meeting the Giants!

Some of our very lucky Prep school pupils and staff got up and close with the Giants during their visit to Liverpool.

A special thank you to Miss Beed for organising and Mrs Cassidy for driving the mini bus!


178th Founders’ Day

Pupils, parents, staff, OLs, governors, foundation members, joined the High Sheriff of Merseyside and the Deputy Lord Mayor to celebrate and commemorate the 178th Founders' Day in Liverpool Cathedral. The preacher was the Rev Dr Leyden who urged us to take inspiration from our Founders in using our talents and resources to serve others and the greater good. To be like Zacchaeus, after he met Jesus.

An orchestra and combined choir of 230 pupils provided stirring music, and the College community across the five schools was represented in the procession of the houses.

A big thank you to all our pupils who make the day worthy of our Founders and Benefactors.
