CCF Field Days

The past few weeks have been busy times for the CCF with our Field Days being a prominent feature. These days out are a vital opportunity to enhance the personal development that we deliver on a weekly basis and are always worth the effort they take to run. On Field Days, cadets have the opportunity to experience training on a much larger scale and to put into practice their learning thus far.

The feedback from them is always overwhelmingly positive and this year was no exception. Whether they were building and flying drones, sailing dingys, or getting hands-on with first aid casualty simulations, cadets were stretched and challenged.   As Major Ridley (CCF Contingent Commander) shared at the recent information evening, the benefits of pupils engaging with these experiences go far beyond the lessons of that day. Rather than share his own perspective, Major Ridley felt it worthwhile to allow the pupils to present their own experiences:

Navy Section

“My first time doing a field day with the Navy was absolutely amazing. It was a brand new experience that I wouldn’t have thought I would be able to do. It was a great chance for me to build friendships with new people and even teachers. Firstly we did motor boating with an instructor called Claire. She was so encouraging and really tried when trying to teach us all about driving the boat, after this we actually got a chance to drive the boat, this was a brand new experience and something I, Charlotte and Hannah really enjoyed. We learnt many new things like different knots and all about the gear system and cut cord in a boat. After lunch we moved onto sailing - it was me and Charlotte and we got off to a great start learning new things we were so excited to start and to my surprise we were really good! We only capsized once and I doubt it was my fault but even though we fell off it was really funny and made the whole sailing part of the day even better. I absolutely loved the Navy field day and cannot wait to go on the next one. I am so glad I joined the navy it really was amazing and a great opportunity.” - Francesca K (10 Howson's)

RAF Section

“The trip began with an hour long drive to the Altcar training camp for the North West’s Reserve Forces and Cadet’s association in Hightown. The group was split in half in order to do two different activities for specific periods of times. One group began going over their knowledge of camouflaging and how to effectively blend into an area’s surroundings. This then expanded into how to successfully ambush a group of people, to block off any escape routes as well as working on teamwork while doing so. This section then ended with a number of games which required covertness and the skills learnt during the ambushing, to play games such as ‘Capture The Flag’, and ‘Infected’. The other group began using paper airplane like drones, which required folding a piece of paper into an airplane specifically then adding the actual propeller controller mechanism, which was controlled using an app called “PowerUp”. Eventually the two groups then switched so that everyone covered both activities. The day overall provided a very exciting and adventurous outlook onto the RAF section, and I would look forward to other opportunities” - Eric D (10 Selwyn's)

Army Section

Yesterday, was a great experience as we had the chance not only to shoot at further distances and more rounds than we can in school, but we were able to get better at the principles of marksmanship which therefore made our shooting better. We had the chance to watch our peers shoot as well as some of the teachers and NCO’s and while doing that we learned about the technology used to detect where the rounds where going which a lot of us found interesting. I really enjoyed the day as I found the shooting really fun and exciting because I was able to see what I was doing wrong and the improvement as the day progressed. When we weren’t shooting it was enjoyable and just as fun as we socialised with everyone else in the room. It was a day I, and I am sure others, are looking forward to experience again. Erin L (11 Howson's)


National Recognition of Art Work

Congratulations to our art and design teachers, Miss McWatt and Mrs Hardisty, whose exam work has been requested by their exam board to go “on tour” around the UK as an example of best practice to inform the professional development of other teachers nationwide.


Future Authors in 2Q

Well done to class 2Q in the Pre Prep who have been working really hard in writing their own version of ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers. The pupils are really keen for Mr Jeffers to read their efforts!

Miss Russell-Moore has reported on how well the class have worked on this project.


Gardening Club in Action!

Following on from the great progress our pupils made with our secret garden project behind the biology labs, we appealed for help with sourcing topsoil for the area via the Principal's newsletter. We had an extremely generous offer from a parent. The parent’s company offered to donate the topsoil we needed and also supply the manpower to help us finish clearing the site. The company have also committed to helping us with the design for our planting scheme for the area and continuing to help us with the heavy work. The Gardening Club led by Miss Miller and Miss Shaw are currently working on these plans for phase two. The brick wall at the end they are hoping to cover with a mural designed by the pupils and then plant fruit trees up against it. They envision a multi-use space that sixth form students could use to revise in, teachers can lead practical investigations in and could also be an area for relaxation.

This term the Gardening Club have also made some great progress in the Steve Doran Memorial Garden. The bed had become overgrown so the pupils spent some time learning what weeds were and how to get rid of them. They then planted daffodil and muscari bulbs for some spring time colour and planted pansies and violas around the bed. It looks a lot more cheerful now.


Career Change into Teaching

One of our School Direct trainees, Mr O’Connell, shares his experience of the teacher training programme at Liverpool College and why he decided to change careers and become a teacher:

After 3 years as an accountant I decided to change career paths and go down the teaching route as I wasn’t getting a lot out of the work I was doing. I want to benefit people with the work I do and there is nothing more beneficial than helping pupils achieve their dreams.

The School Direct programme at Liverpool College is proving to be everything I was hoping it to be. I have had my first experiences of teaching a full class and being able to stand in front of them and get across my love of maths and motivate pupils to enjoy maths which gave me great pleasure and satisfaction. I have already learned so much from the first couple of weeks through observations of classes and the independent professional development classes. Learning and understanding everything that goes into becoming a teacher. The past week we have learned about SEN and the best ways we can help encourage, motivate and teach SEN pupils which is exciting.

I have hugely enjoyed my first few weeks on the programme which is helping me to develop my key skills in preparation for my future success as a teacher.

To find out more about training to be a teacher at Liverpool College through the School Direct programme and training places for 2019-20, please click here or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Before our boarders fly off to their international destinations at half-term, we treated them to a night out at Farmageddon Haunted House Themed Attraction, based appropriately in Flatman’s Lane, Ormskirk, where a series of haunted houses have to be negotiated with several, scary chain-saw surprises along the way! Our Sixth Form boarders gave their lungs a good airing, screamed heartily throughout their 3 hour ordeal, deafened the actors and got themselves locked up with an axe wielding butcher. All good, harmless Hallowe’en fun!


Y9 Hockey Team in Devastating Form at Wyncote

On Monday afternoon, the Year 9 Hockey team displayed some outstanding performances against Greenbank and Merchant Taylors in order to retain their title as Year 9 Tournament winners.

Playing 40 minute matches, Liverpool College convincingly beat Greenbank 4-0 with some fine performances from Ciara P, Georgia B, Isabella H and Alex S . They then went on to play Merchant Taylors who had earlier beat Greenbank 5-0. This was a crucial match and one in which they knew would be challenging from the start. With strong leadership from Libby H, they were up 2-0 by half time. The committed squad also allowed the College to continuously keep pressure on their opposition and with the College defence, led by the experienced Abi A, Merchants were unable to keep the ball in their own half for most of the game. This led to a further 3 goals being scored through sheer determination, speed and skill both on and off the ball. Superb performances from Fern P-C, Jessica A, Evie H and Sadie T enabled Liverpool College to convincingly win 5-0.

Many thanks must also go to their coaches Miss McLindon and Miss Arnold.
