Prep and the Giants!

Well done to all of the Prep School pupils who took part in the Radio Merseyside recording today. We look forward to hearing from them over the Giants weekend on the Sean Styles show.

Our next task is to sew our giants blanket ready for the giants picnic!


Record Turnout for Year 7 Football Trials

Mr Cook (Sports Coordinator) was delighted with the turnout after school today for the Y7 girls football squad trials.

40 girls took part in the session and the standard of football on display was extremely high. The squad will be announced next week before the first match of the season on Thursday against St Barlow’s.


Pupil Commendation

Two pupils received a Principal’s Award at the secondary phase assembly today for their service to the community.

The school was contacted by an impressed member of the public during the week to report the actions of two pupils who she had witnessed assisting someone who had fallen over on the pavement. Our pupils, Lennon W (Selwyn’s) and Alhusain (Butler’s), helped up the person who had fallen and carried her bags into a nearby shop to make sure she got the care she needed.

The actions of these pupils epitomised the first Lerpoolian Standard: A Lerpoolian is respectful, polite and courteous at all times and in all places.


Prep Apple Trees

As part of a school council project – set up (as far back as 2002) by the then Head of Prep, Mrs Nelson to help improve the aesthetic qualities of the school site, numerous plants, including 100 daffodil bulbs, were distributed around the grounds by the pupils then in attendance. These plants – rising to the surface with the seasons – have since brought pleasure to pupils and staff every spring.

Each Form Class was also given a young tree, a sapling – either plum, apple or pear – to dig into the ground, with those grouped together at the side of the tennis courts forming an orchard of sorts. Of the three remaining apples trees, one has come into a bumper crop this year!

Year 6 pupils have had fun this week, picking and collecting apples that have yet to be gobbled up by birds, worms or squirrels!


Celebrating the Arts

The MV Hall was filled with pupils and parents last night, celebrating exceptional achievement and commitment to the arts.

The audience were treated to musical performances and a viewing of assembled art works.

Ms McWatt and Mrs Hall thanked the pupils and parents for their unstinting support and gave tantalising details about plans for the arts in 2018-2019.


Employer Masterclass - Careers in Fashion

As part of the LCA+ curriculum (Careers and STEM strand), on Thursday 13 September, all pupils in the Senior School were given an opportunity to attend a careers talk with two experts in the industry of fashion: designers Diane Line and Lyn Hayes. The talk: 'Fashion: Concept to Customer’, explained the differences of the two main sections within the fashion industry – mass produced and bespoke.

The fashion designers explained to the pupils various aspects related to a careers in fashion including suggested routes into careers, subject specialisms required, a realistic portrayal of the industry and the technologies utilised in the industry – including the importance of CAD. They discussed key concepts such as developing a design concept through research, creating sketches & inspirational mood boards, fabric choice, pattern drafting, costings, production and presentation to clients. They also brought examples of their own clothing designs to show the students and allowed them to look through their personal design portfolios which they take to professional interviews.

Mrs Hayes obtained a degree in fashion clothing technology and after specializing in bridal design, is now teaching the technical aspects of fashion design and Garment technology. Mrs Lines specialised in exhibition design but now works as a freelance designer. She has worked for companies including Matalan, Joe Bloggs, Mothercare, Primark, Top Shop and Umbro. She was involved in designing the new kits for numerous first division football clubs.

Mrs Lines and Mrs Hayes now run a successful company teaching fashion technology and design called Sew Arty. They already run a club for Prep School pupils at Liverpool College but are now planning to run another enrichment club next half term, for pupils specifically interested in careers in fashion, where they will be guided through the process of creating their own portfolio.

We would like to thank Mrs Hayes and Mrs Lines for giving their time so generously. The pupils gained a great deal from their expertise and found the talk incredibly informative and inspirational.

To read more about the careers programme at Liverpool College, please click here


First weeks of Teacher Training

One of our School Direct trainees, Ms Kennedy, provides a glimpse into life as a trainee teacher at Liverpool College:

The School Direct programme is already proving to be a rewarding, engaging and challenging route to the teaching profession. From our involvement in the whole school INSET activities to being paired with a House Form and joining in with extra-curricular activities, we have been fully immersed in the learning with character culture of Liverpool College from the off. The subject mentoring system ensures we have support throughout from an experienced authority, providing not only formal guidance but an understanding forum for discussion when challenges arise. Initial observations have served to inspire and inform our progress, underpinned by study conducted at Hope University; introducing us to key theoretical thought and learning practices. Any beginner's nerves are assuaged by a personalised approach to your teaching, working at your own pace and building momentum as you feel comfortable.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my first few weeks on the programme and feel that the immersive nature, supportive framework and self-motivated learning central to the program are helping me to develop a key skill set for future success as a teacher.

To find out more about training to be a teacher at Liverpool College through the School Direct programme, please click here or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
