Golf versus Old Lerpoolians

On a warm October afternoon yesterday the Old Lerpoolians played the College at Childwall Golf Club for the annual Andrew Barr Trophy which was retained by the OLs. The College team experienced an enjoyable afternoon and evening dinner. OLGS President, Mark Horton congratulated the boys – Max B (13 Howard’s), Jack B (13 School), Danny M (13 Butler’s) & Stevie T (13 Selwyn’s), who all received their OL golf society ties, whilst Jack had the best score for the College. Ric Thompson


Fantastic Senior Netball Team

The senior netball team was superb at Wednesday’s city tournament at Archbishop Blanch.

The team captained by Emily C lost the first match 10-6 to Blue Coat - despite a brave second half fight back. The second match versus Archbishop Blanch turned out to be one of the matches of the tournament with both teams cancelling each other out until Emily C secured a vital 4-3 win for the College. The final match was equally impressive with Liverpool College twice coming back to draw 2-2 with St Edwards College, thanks largely to the impressive Yasmin G. The students produced three passionate performances and represented the College superbly portraying the Lerpoolian standard with their excellent attitude. 

Outstanding Performances: Emily C (Howson’s) and Yasmin G (Brook’s).


Welcome to the New PTA Committee

At the AGM of the PTA, a new committee was elected for this year:

  • Chair - Helen Young
  • Deputy - Dina Sarsam
  • Secretary - Julie Byrne
  • Treasurer - Tim Nichol

The committee can be contacted on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and they are looking forward to working with as many parents as possible.

In addition to the committee, parent reps were also elected for the different parts of the school:

  • Pre Prep - Muhammad Awais
  • Prep School - Fiona and Stephen Dutton, Alison Lowe
  • Year 7-9 - Lindsey Walsh, Catherine McNeil
  • Year 10-13 - Alison Wilson, Rachel Johnson

The PTA plays a vital role in the school community and all parents and carers are automatically members. The PTA is primarily about raising funds to provide facilities and equipment which support the school and advance the education of all pupils, but through our fundraising activities we develop good relationships, and friendships, between parents and staff, and also have a lot of fun!


Should Lewis Hamilton Be Afraid?

A group of Year 12 and Year 13 Boarders took to the race track on Sunday to try out their driving skills at Team Sport’s Go-Karting track in Liverpool. They raced each other in time trials and felt the adrenaline rush as they powered around the track. All kitted out in balaclavas and racing helmets they really looked the part and can’t wait to go again - after Farmageddon next week, that is!


120 Pupils Involved in Saturday Sport

On Saturday, over 120 secondary phase pupils were involved in sport at Liverpool College.

Firstly over thirty girls were involved in a rugby training session with ALLcoaching. As the girls were finishing both the U13 and U15 boys rugby teams put Scarisbrick Hall to the sword with two convincing wins. Then it was over to the girls hockey and despite the U12-U14-U15 teams losing out to Westholme, the U13 produced a brilliant performance to win 2-0. Finally, the senior rugby team saw a busy sporting Saturday come to an end with an entertaining 26-22 win over visitors from the Isle of Man - King William's College.

Purpose, Passion and Challenge, all in glorious sunshine!


Talk for Teaching

Teachers at Liverpool College continually share the love of their subject and inspire their pupils to be the best they can be. Last year across the school, we taught nearly 70,000 lessons. Classroom teachers clocked up on average a thousand hours in front of pupils. We share all of this good work with all of our pupils every day, but only very rarely do we share it with each other.

This year is different. Each day a teacher invites three of their colleagues into their classroom. We get to see how our fellow teachers organise their classroom, engage the students and impart their knowledge. We then talk. We share what we have learnt.

For the first time, great teaching can inspire not only great learning, but also more great teaching.


Foodbank House Shop

Senior School pupils supported a local foodbank this year in a slightly different way. A pupil from each house was nominated to attend the local ASDA superstore. The pupils were given £28 each (money raised through the Y7 House Run) to spend on tinned foods, biscuits and toiletries. The pupils paid for each item at the checkout before bagging the bought items and delivering them to the ASDA foodbank drop point. Each pupil who was representing their house was also awarded 5 house points.

Charity and service is a key component of the LCA+ curriculum
