CCF Promotion

Congratulations to Mrs Rigby who has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander (RN). This is in recognition of her appointment to Assistant Contingent Commander of our ever growing Combined Cadet Force. Lt Cdr Rigby brings her years of experience leading a strong Navy section to the wider body of cadets and will continue to promote the opportunities offered by the Navy Section and coordinate the Duke of Edinburgh Award. S/Lt McCone will be stepping into her role as OC Navy Section and we look forward to seeing what her enthusiasm brings to the cadet experience.


Year 7 House Run

Our new Year 7s got off to a flying start with the annual House Run around Sefton Park on Monday afternoon. In addition to raising money for charity, there were also house points to be claimed. All pupils who participated picked up 10 points for their house and pupils who finished in the top six collected additional points.

The results were as follows:

Boys’ Division

1. George W (School) – 100 points
2. Jamie N (Butler’s) – 90 points
3. Felix H (Howard’s) – 80 points
4. Francis L (Howson’s) – 70 points
5. Harry H (Butler’s) – 60 points
6. Jacob W (Selwyn’s) – 50 points

Girls’ Division

1. Anna R (Butler’s) – 100 points
2. Hannah S (Butler’s) – 90 points
3. Lucia M-S (Howson’s) – 80 points
4. Christina W (Brook’s) – 70 points
5. Chiara S (Howson’s) – 60 points
6. Cerys E (School) – 50 points


GCSE Results 2018

Our Year 11 pupils are celebrating their GCSE results.

Despite the policy to increase the difficulty of the examinations and the need for a new dictionary to explain the new measures, there were some stupendous performances. Laila W is one of 732 pupils across the country to achieve straight 9s across 9 subjects. Hannah B achieved 8 grade 9s and Liam M 7. There were 39 pupils who achieved better than 6 grade 7s and A grades.  50% of all grades in Physics were a 9.The pass rate in English and Maths was above 90% and the “old” EBacc score was 61%. It is difficult to compare year groups because of the changes to examinations but overall the achievement of the cohort was very similar to last year’s.

Amelia S, Shaun O, and Sahil D were progress champions and achieved fantastic results.

Well done to pupils and staff for all their hard work.


A Level Results

Our Year 13 leavers are celebrating their results today. There are many who deserve special congratulation. At least 3 pupils will take up their places at Oxbridge: Isobel W, 3A*, Natural Sciences, Cambridge, Sam R, History, Oxford and Jack C, Law at Oxford.

There was also good news for the future medics and dentists, with 4 pupils gaining the grades needed for their first choice university to study medicine or dentistry.

Some faculties and subjects were particularly impressive in adding value and in achievement at the top grades; History, English Literature, Physics, Further Maths and Art especially.

Other impressive performances were: James P who will fulfil his dream of studying Chinese Studies at Durham, and Mustafa F, 4A* and off to Imperial College to read Chemical Engineering.

Overall the average grade was a B- and well over 80 percent of grades were in the A*-C range.

Congratulations to all students and staff.


SATs Success

We have received the SATS results of our Year 6 pupils. The cohort did fantastically well, improving on last year in both progress and achievement. An outstanding 91% of pupils reached the expected standard in Maths.  With nearly 50% achieving greater depth. Overall the so called RWM, or combination score was 83% almost 30% higher than last year and 20% higher than the national average. We are proud of our pupils and their teachers for doing their best and doing so well. 


Top 5 Schools in Merseyside

The Real Schools Guide published in Liverpool Echo has given our secondary phase it's highest rating ever.  5 star across the board and top 5 in Merseyside.  We are apparently the 174th ranked school out of more than 3100 in the country. Exactly how these rankings are made remains a little bit of a secret recipe, but we are delighted to see the efforts of pupils and staff recognised in this way.


Royal Wedding

On Friday 18th May Pre-Prep Children and Staff had a lovely day celebrating the Royal Wedding.
